"Let's have a mapo tofu rice bowl. After the waiter left, Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhi Ji who was opposite him speechlessly.

"You ran so far just to eat the Chinese food here?" Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "You will know later.

After finishing speaking, Zhi Ji stopped talking, but looked out the window with her chin resting on her hands, leaving Lin Yuanfei with only a beautiful side face.

To be honest, although Zhi Ji's figure is not hot, her facial features are really exquisite.

Not only does it look good from the side, but it also looks good from any angle, and it is true 360-degree omnidirectional without dead ends.

But what does that have to do with my cold and heartless straight man of steel? Lin Yuanfei didn't even look at it, and took out his mobile phone to play with it.However, after taking out the mobile phone, he realized that there are many generations in the era when mobile phones can be used to play games, but in 2003, when mobile phones can play Tetris, they are considered good mobile phones.

In the end, Lin Yuanfei struggled to open Tetris and started playing this old game that he hadn't played in almost twenty years.Soon, the dishes were served.Zhihime ordered three dishes and one soup.Well, if one person eats three-vegetable soup, God damn it.

If you don't make do with it, do you have to eat a whole table? Lin Yuanfei stared at the bowl of rice in his own bowl and felt deeply what the class gap is.

Poor people like him are petty bourgeoisie if they add an extra egg. However, if the eldest lady eats two vegetable soup alone, it is just enough.

Can't learn, can't learn.Lin Yuanfei silently ate the mapo tofu that was not spicy at all, but only sweet. He felt that the Japanese taste was really bland.However, it is this kind of mapo tofu that has no spicy taste, but it makes the Japanese awe. Then you are going to Sichuan to eat hot pot and not explode in an instant?

Lin Yuan Lu ate the rice in the bowl restlessly, not knowing what Zhi Ji was trying to trick.And just when his patience was about to run out, Zhi Ji finally spoke.

"You can look out the window," Orihime said, pointing to the kindergarten across the street.Lin Yuanfei was a little curious about this.Looking out the window? What are you doing looking out the window?

He curiously looked in the direction Orhime pointed, and saw a small kindergarten across the street.

From the window on the second floor, I can just see the small playground covered with soft cushions in the kindergarten.

Now it seems to be the activity time of a certain class. A teacher with long purple hair is surrounded by children, smiling and talking to the children.

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw that teacher, his eyeballs almost fell off.

"Fuck? Fujino Asakami?" Hayashi Yuan suspected that he was wrong.

That Asakami Fujino who is always bitter and inexplicable, even smiling makes people feel heartbroken. Surrounded by this group of children, he actually showed such a gentle smile at this time?

It's no different from a sunny, gentle and kind beautiful wife.If it wasn't for the same hair color, clothing, and looks, Hayashi Yuan couldn't believe that this gentle and amiable kindergarten teacher would be the gloomy and sad Asakami Fujino.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's shocked appearance, Zhiji said.

"According to the information I found, Asakami Fujino has been in this kindergarten for a long time.

"She appeared in Kyoto a few days after the murder of Liangyi's family, and then stayed here... She has been working as a teacher in this kindergarten and never left.

"Before that, she had been lost for a long time.

"She has been missing since the day when Qianshang's family murder case happened, and everyone thought she was also killed in the murder case.

"But afterwards, she appeared in the capital intact, and it happened to appear in the few days when the Liangyi family extermination case happened. Orihime looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and said, "Do you think, this Qianshen family's Is the bloodline related to the extermination case of the Liangyi family?"

mmmmm...this...I'm not a prophet, how do I know?" Lin Yuanfei tried to play dumb.

Zhi Ji didn't give him a chance to pretend to be stupid.

Stop pretending." Orihime said indifferently, "Don't tell me that you think Asakami Fujino has nothing to do with you in the past. "

"Even to be honest, I now suspect that you are the culprit in the extermination case of the Ryogi family and the Cangqi family! And Asakami Fujino, Emiya Kiritsugu, Shader, Ilya, these people are all accomplices you summoned

"You left Futu Mountain, gathered these dangerous elements alone, and then led them around to wipe out the magician family. In order to achieve a certain purpose of yours.

"But before that, in order to cut off your worries, you will suddenly come to Beijing and ask for divorce before you start. The lone magician Yagishita Hiraki who killed Raccoon City.

"But in Raccoon City, you encountered some accident, which caused you to lose your memory. You forgot what happened before, and you even forgot your martial art of swordsmanship. That's why you were torn apart by a few vengeful spirits.

"And at this time, your group of accomplices have already gone to Gunma County, and wiped out the Tong family of the magician Zongma located there."

"Now you have all completed your own tasks, so your group of accomplices came to join you, only to find that you have lost your memory. Forgot about the past.

"So they showed up last night, intending to take you away and help you retrieve your previous memories.

"But because of my blocking, their plan failed, and you didn't go with them...

Zhiji said Ruo, paused, squinted at Lin Yuanfei, "Now, Lin Yuan, tell me, if those companions of yours show up again next time, and there is no one around you to pester Ruoer again, what will you do?" Won't you leave with your companions?" Zhi Ji's expression was rarely serious.Lin Principle looked at her and hesitated for a few seconds.

Dui said, "...is it important to leave or not?"

"Of course it's important," Orihime said calmly, "If you want to leave with them, after the visit to Shimada's house tonight is over, I'll go back to the family immediately and don't bother with your affairs, and won't delay your future leg.

"But if you don't want to go back with them, then I might think of another way, so that they won't trip you up and take you away forcibly next time.

The girl's expression was very serious, "If I tried my best to help you, but you don't care about my help at all, wouldn't I be doing useless work?"

I have a cold, I will continue to ask for leave tonight

I caught a cold when I went to meet my relatives in the mountains. The low temperature below ten degrees at night made me feel very uncomfortable...

As a result, if you don't pay attention, you catch a cold.

It seems that people have been out of town for a long time, and sometimes they can't adapt to the temperature at home when they go home.

Come to catch a cold once, uncomfortable.

Please take a leave of absence tonight and update it tomorrow, don't wait.

...although it seems to be too late now

Chapter 668 Orihime's Deduction

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