Zhi Ji's inquiry instantly left Lin Yuanfei speechless.

The main reason is that Zhi Ji's machine gun-like series of words made Lin Yuanfei have no power to retort.Are you turning on the full perspective?

In this series of words, there is almost no nonsense.All the words pointed directly to the core of the matter, so that Lin Yuanfei couldn't pick any thorns at all.

This level is indeed formidable. Hiroshi Lin Yuan surrendered.

"Amazing, you deserve to be Miss Shangyumen," Lin Yuanfei Lu bowed down, "Compared to you, the young masters of Shimada's family are just fancy chickens and tile dogs, and Er Linyuan who eats and waits to die. Fei's flattery made the corner of Zhi Ji's mouth curl up in a sarcastic arc.


Zhi Ji stared at Ruo Lin Yuanfei, as if she wanted to keep a close eye on Lin Yuanfei's every move, and then infer Lin Yuanfei's psychological reaction based on this every move.

If it was someone else, Lin Yuan wouldn't feel this way.

But sitting opposite Zhi Ji at this time, Lin Yuanfei inexplicably had an illusion, as if he raised his hand and the other party knew what he was going to do.

This feeling of being seen clearly is a little bit... emmmmm..

Lin Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed helplessly.

"For the time being, I don't want to go back with those guys. Lin Yuanfei decided to imitate the frankness of a girl.

He finally knew why Zhi Ji never lied and always only told the truth.For this kind of king consciousness who can guess the overall situation by relying on subtle information, people in the whole world are probably the most "true and honest" in front of her.

So for the girl, it doesn't seem to matter whether she lies or not.Lin Yuanfei sighed and said, "Just like you said, those guys are obviously a group of dangerous elements, and they tried to tie me back to continue doing dangerous things.

"But I don't have any memory of what happened before, I don't know what they are going to do, and I don't know what they want to do.

"In this case, if they continue to ask me to go with them to kill people and wipe out people, what's the deal?". 6

"Destroy people all over the house... that's from top to bottom, from old to young... Even the baby in Zhu's baby will not be spared.

"I don't have the idea of ​​going to destroy the population for the time being", nor do I have this kind of psychological preparation, so if I am taken away by those guys, they will let me pick up my old business with them and do some dangerous and terrifying things things, and if I am not willing to do it, then wouldn’t I be in conflict with them?”

"Wouldn't it be dangerous for me if they want to silence me by the way?" Lin Yuanfei said, "What's more, these are only possible conjectures. Wan-they were not my companions before, but my enemies. What should I do now to seek revenge? Wouldn’t it be better if I went to find them and deliver food to their door?”

"So for the sake of safety, I don't want to provoke those guys for the time being, and even plan to stay away from them." Lin Yuanfei said, "Anyway, I'm too lazy to make up a post in front of you."

"I don't plan to stay in Japan any longer. Lin Yuanfei said frankly, "After this matter is over, I will go back to Chiba and pass on the swordsmanship of Feitian Yujianliu. Then I will leave Japan and travel around the world , By the way, see if there is any way to save my life.

"So if this matter is over, you can all act as if there is no such person as Lin Yuanfei in the world.

"It is not certain that I will not set foot on the mainland of Japan in the future, and the disturbance here will have nothing to do with me.

"Before then, please help me set up a cover.

Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, "I know those guys are dangerous, but with their strength, they can't do anything big in a short time.

"When I leave Japan, I don't care how you deal with them. But at least in the meantime, I hope you can help me keep it a secret, and don't let more people know about those three people. Lin Yuanfei looked towards the kindergarten outside the window.

There, under the afternoon sun, Asakami Fujino, surrounded by children, showed a gentle smile on his face.

Seeing the loving and gentle smiling face, Lin Yuanfei sighed a long time and said, "... I hope her affairs will never be known by more people.

Noticing Lin Yuanfei's gaze, Zhiji glanced out the window and then at him.

Zhi Ji said, "If you leave now, then this woman may not even have this last peace.

"Huh?" Lin Yuanfei frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, you are the most important cornerstone of the original team of those three people. Without you, the strongest combat power, the team of three people can no longer make waves like before.

"But they've gotten to this point ... there's no way to stop there, they're definitely going to continue with what they had planned.

"However, due to lack of ability, it is easy to miss. Once you miss, you will lose everything.

"When the enemy comes to the door following the clues, this woman surrounded by young children will also lose her last peace.

Zhi Ji looked at Xiang Lin Yuanfei seriously, and said, "I think, even if you want to leave, you have to figure out what you are going to do before you leave.

"You before amnesia, the contemporary descendant of the Flying Swordsman. Emiya Kiritsugu, the magic genius designated by the seal of the Magic Association, Ilya von Einzbern, the last and closest to perfect artificial man of the Einzbern family People, and Shad, who was once famous in the Middle East for generations... The reason why these four people can get together and go through life and death is absolutely extraordinary.

"It is quite possible that some serious conspiracy is involved.

Orihime said, "What interests do you think can drive these four people to gather together at the same time and kill people everywhere without hesitation?"

"Especially there is Cang, a Sanlian city... Orihime said with a blank expression," although Cang Qi's family is not obvious, it is far outside the circle of magicians of the Japanese.But this family is without a doubt the most powerful magician in Japan

"They are one of the few land managers in Japan with crooked spiritual veins. Each generation of patriarchs is still a magician who has mastered powerful secrets. Their combat effectiveness can be regarded as second to none in the whole world.

"However, it is such a hard bone that you gnaw it down...Of course, the most important point is that you dare to gnaw it!"

"Don't you think it's weird that this kind of behavior is completely disproportionate to the rewards?"

Chapter 669 Orihime's Deduction

"Every behavior in the world has traces to follow.

"All actions of normal people will be driven by their related interests or desires.

"Frogs prey on mosquitoes to feed themselves, cats tease their prey for pleasure, and even the lowest single-celled organisms have their own set of behavioral logic to control their movements."

"Then Hayashibara, what kind of reason do you think would allow you and your companions, who lost millions of years ago, to take the risk of annihilation to provoke the most unattractive family in Japan and the most unattractive woman in the world? "

"Predation to feed your hunger? Your consumption level doesn't seem to be able to reach that level.

"Playing with prey? Do you think anyone in this world is qualified to play with a [magic user]?" Orihime looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and asked very seriously, "If you think carefully about this question, Maybe you will be able to find a thing that is terribly frightening to think about.

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