
"What is the reason that supported you to risk your life to risk your life?" Zhi Ji said with a blank expression.

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei was silent, Zhiji said again, "A fanatic is willing to die for the Lord because he believes that his Lord can fulfill his belief and prayer.

"And you four don't look like a religious group by any means, what kind of [prayer] do you have to come together and do this series of horrible things?"

"You...or you, what exactly do you want to do?" Zhi Ji's sharp gaze seemed to want to pierce Lin Yuanfei's brain and see his previous memories clearly.It's a pity that the current Lin Yuanfei is unable to provide Zhiji with any information she needs.The two looked at each other for a few seconds, Zhi Ji sighed softly and said.

"But no matter what you want to do, the only thing I can be sure of now is that it is definitely not a small thing, it must be a big thing."- A big thing that can easily change a country, a continent, or even a world !"

Whether it succeeds or fails, the world is bound to change something.

"Because in this logical chain, there is a [third party] that has always existed but never appeared. Orihime said," Cangqi's family in Sanlian City, Du Ryogi's family, and Matou in Gunma County... ..These three families all have a spirit vein managed by each of them, and traces of large-scale ritual destruction were found after the Miemen case.

"As for Raccoon City's Yagi Shitahira Kiyoshi, although he is a magician who lives alone, the spirit veins in Huanzhao City are undoubtedly under his management.

"The same spiritual vein manager, the same large-scale ceremony was destroyed, and the same extermination case. Zhi Ji looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and said, opposite to you, there is an organization that you and I don't know about yet.

"It was they who contacted and coordinated the four families, and let these four spiritual vein managers with different backgrounds, different identities, and no connection perform some kind of large-scale ceremony on the spiritual vein.

"And you and your companions are acting to destroy the large-scale ceremony that these families are carrying out.

"So on the opposite side of yours, there is another organization hidden in the dark.

"They coordinated different spiritual managers to carry out some kind of large-scale ceremony, and they were also the behind-the-scenes masters behind the Li heroic spirits sent by the Tosaka family's spiritual veins in Qianye City to hunt down you and me.

"However, judging from the reactions of those two heroic spirits, that organization doesn't know that you are the one who has been sabotaging their plans. They don't know that the descendants of the Flying Swordsman are sabotaging their plans everywhere.

"That is to say, you and your companions have carefully concealed your identities and prevented the enemy from knowing your specific information, and you have done so successfully.

"Of course, the enemy that you can deal with so cautiously is far superior to yours on paper, so you can only act in secret and be on guard against everyone.

"However, if there are such powerful organizations in Japan, if you count them carefully, there are only a few of them.

Orihime looked at Wakabayashi Harabi, and said with a blank expression, "The Shimada family, the Tsuchimikado family, the Iwasaki family, the Holy Church, and..."

Having said that, the girl paused, as if she didn't want to continue.

Lin Yuanfei asked curiously, "Who else?"

.. The girl was silent for a few seconds, then said, "The Emperor."

...When Lin Yuanfei heard this title, he was stunned for a moment, "The Emperor of Japan?"

Is it possible that this is actually a big drama where princes and generals have a good relationship? Looking at Ruobayashi Yuanfei's astonished expression, Zhi Ji said, "Theoretically speaking, these forces are the most suspicious. But in these major Under the influence, there are also some sub-family chaebols who are capable of doing similar things.

"But no matter what, what you were doing before amnesia can almost be said to be secretly hostile to some of the top forces in Japan. Orihime said blankly, "If I put these things of yours now If you poke it out, you will be hung up with a street lamp, believe it or not?" Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly, "Are you threatening me, Miss... Could it be that you are planning to play some coercive drama? Sure enough, the Japanese taste is Heavy.Lin Yuan talked about him from left to right.

MMP, after Orihime's analysis, Japan is indeed not a good place.On the surface, the folk customs seem simple and honest, but there are undercurrents surging in the dark.

Sure enough, Japan can't stay any longer, and I don't know if it will be cold if we stay any longer.

Although he thought that there might be a third power behind the scenes, he didn't think as far-reachingly as Zhi Ji.

If it is true what Orihime said, the original owner of the body has provoked the top forces in Japan, and may even be the Emperor of Japan... Could it be that I have traveled to 03, and the protagonists of the Internet articles in 03 have to read The achievement? Burning the Yasukuni Shrine? Now Lin Yuanfei just wants to run away.

He didn't even want to visit Shimada's house tonight.

In case the Shimada family is actually the third-party force, and Shimada Ryujuro is the guy who sent the liquor hero to kill him three times in a row, wouldn't he deliver the goods to the door now?

Although the other party may not know that he is the guy who has been uncovering the chaos, but what if he knows?

Lin Yuanfei felt that, to be on the safe side, it would be better for him not to go to Shimada's house for the time being.So he looked at Orihime with a serious face, and said, "I have already decided, I will go back to Chiba tonight. I will leave Japan tomorrow. Do you have any other suggestions? I will slip away if there is nothing else.

Chapter 670

Seeing Lin Yuanfei preparing to rub the soles of his feet with oil, Zhiji was speechless for a while.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei in silence for a while, and finally shook her head.


"-When you see danger, your first reaction is to run away with your tail between your legs... Lin Yuan, you really have backbone.

"What if the Wan-Shimada family is behind the scenes? I don't have any trust in these big families in Japan now.

Lin Yuanfei said plausibly.

"Anyway, in my opinion, whether it's the group of Kiritsugu in the P palace, or the mysterious organization that can control the heroic spirits. In my eyes, they are all Muggles. I am stupid to have anything to do with them.'

Lin Yuanfei curled his lips and said, "As for the family members of the guard Kiritsugu... I used to think that someone was my most trustworthy partner before I lost my memory, but... Lin Yuanfei grew up sighed, with an expression on his face that he couldn't bear to look back on the past. Zhi Ji looked at him curiously, and asked, "What's the result?"

"Of course it exploded in an instant!" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Don't mention this matter, I feel heartbroken when I think about it. Anyway, I have decided to leave, what else do you have to say? I have nothing to say If I say so, I will return to Chiba.

Ryo obviously, Orihime's provocative method didn't work.Seeing him like this, Orihime shook his head, "It's very impolite for you to leave like this... and if the Shimada family is really your enemy and they know about you, then you ran away tonight and I ran into it as a pawn Isn't it very unfair to take the place of the dead ghost?" After Zhi Ji finished speaking, Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly.

However, before Lin Yuanfei could say anything, Zhiji sighed.

"Just kidding...you can go if you want to go." Zhi Ji said very dullly, "But if you go, you can find a way to continue your life yourself.I'm not going to help you.

Orihime's reply was heartless.Lin Yuanfei was very surprised, "Eh? You didn't keep me? Didn't you always want to tie me back to get married? Now I just run away, don't you Tuyumen-clan want to lose face?" Zhi Ji Looking at him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, forcing out an indifferent smile.

"Even if I force you to stay, can you stay? You are all focused on my wife Yuki, so you go and have a desperate relationship with him.

"Anyway, even if she can get you, she can only have you for four years at most. After four years, she will become a widow.

As long as I think of this, my mood will be inexplicably happy.Orihime's smile was a rare joy.Lin Yuanfei sweated coldly, "You really are.

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