"I agree with your evaluation. This is a rare girl smiling from the bottom of her heart.

At that moment, the smile of this always cold girl turned out to be as dazzling as the sun, which made Lin Yuanfei lose his mind for a moment.

...... A few seconds later, Lin Yuanfei came back to his senses, and hastily coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment.

Shame, shame, he has never been fooled by that woman in his life, but now he stares at Zhi Ji for four or five seconds like he has never seen a woman before? Lin Yuanfei looked around in embarrassment. , "Then I bet I'm leaving, do you have anything to say? Anyway, we are friends, right?" Lin Yuanfei casually sent a good person card, "As a friend, shouldn't you say something before parting? " Zhi Ji sneered, and said, "I'm not your friend. Lin Yuan, don't forget, we are an unmarried couple with a matchmaker's advice.

"You are leaving alone now, running away with other women, you know you are cheating? I didn't pour water on your face, you are already very restrained, and I even gave you a parting message...Hmph, you really think that I am not even angry

"I just know that I can't control you, so I have no choice but to give up. It doesn't mean I'm happy to see you leave. You'd better restrain yourself, understand?"

Zhi Ji's words made Lin Yuan dumbfounded.

Then he smiled helplessly, "God cheated... But since this is the case. Well then, I will accompany you for the last ride, and after I send you into the gate of Shimada's house, I should leave. Lin Yuanfei said, "If your phone number remains the same, I might call you later when I'm free.Lin Yuan felt a little reluctant to part with the girl in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with the disgust when they first met, Lin Yuanfei now finds that he no longer has any disgust for the girl in front of him.Even when recalling the indifference and dominance of the other party when they first met the girl, there is no feeling of disgust, but a little relaxed wanting to smile.This girl named Tsuchimikado Orihime is indeed a very sincere person who does not lie to anyone.

In such a society full of hypocrisy, such a girl is like an elf who has strayed into the world. It makes people feel no bad feelings.Lin Yuanfei looked at her and said, "You also know that you may have been targeted by Emiya Kiritsugu and the others. If you don't want me to accompany you, then it is very kind to contact someone in the family to protect Lin Yuanfei." She expressed the fact that she could not be an eyesore in an empathetic manner. However, Zhi Ji smiled lightly and said, why did I send you back to Chiba so early to find those vixens? Zhi Ji looked at Wakabayashi Harabi,- He said with a smile on his face, "If you stay by my side longer, won't those vixens see you less? What do you think, I have no reason to rush you away, right?

Orihime smiled happily.I don't know if it's Lin Yuan's illusion, but he always feels that Zhi Ji today is very different from usual.

In other words, as the two get in touch more and more, it seems that both sides have some changes in their perception of each other. Lin Yuanfei laughed dryly and said, "I suddenly remembered that I have urgent matters to go back to Chiba, and I don't have time I'm delayed here. You should hurry up and contact your family members, and I will leave when they arrive. Lin Yuanfei's words made Zhiji shake her head.

"Since you are in such a hurry, then you can go. Zhi Ji's expression returned to indifference, "The twisted melon is not sweet, and this melon is a bit hard, so you can't twist it off, so just go if you want."Don't mind me, I'm here alone and I have nothing to ask

Zhi Ji took a sip of the soup calmly, then slowly wiped her mouth with a tissue, and said, "I'm fine by myself.

Chapter 671 The Pride of a Maiden

Orihime seemed to have finished her lunch.And Lin Yuanfei had already finished eating with one sentence.

The two sat by the window on the second floor of the Chinese restaurant, looking at each other.

At this time, the meal time has long been missed. The restaurant is very quiet.

Once they get out of the crisis of life and death, the embarrassment of the lonely man and widow case fermented.Lin Yuan felt that there was probably no place more uncomfortable than here.But after Zhi Ji's words were finished, he couldn't get up and left directly.The girl's self-defeating words made Lin Yuanfei a little tangled.However, Zhi Ji raised her head, glanced at him, and said, "Do you think I'm losing my temper with you? Say Ruo, the girl pointed behind Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Look back at the guests in this restaurant. It's the guard and bodyguard of the Tsuchimikado clan, waiting for you and me here in advance, responsible for my safety

"They are the most professional security personnel, even you, it is very difficult to kill me under their protection.

"So you can leave now with peace of mind, and I can be fine by myself. Zhiji's indifferent narration made Lin Yuanfei subconsciously turn around. Indeed, at this time when it is no longer meal time, in this restaurant The number of guests seems to be a little bit too much. And all the guests are Lianjiazi who are thick and agile at first glance. When those guests saw Zhiji looking at them, they all nodded.

Obviously, what Orihime said is right. These people are bodyguards sent by Tsuchimikado to protect Orihime.So. Lin Yuanfei turned his head around a bit, and looked at the girl behind him.

"Almost," Zhi Ji said calmly, "Although I don't really agree with your choice of running away, I think it's unmanly.

"But I have to say, this is indeed the safest option at the moment."

"If you leave, I will be much safer.

"So I asked someone to wait for me here in advance, so that after you are ready to run away, we can part ways cleanly.

"I know those few companions of yours will not let me go easily, and will definitely carry out some kind of plan to attack me.

"But I'm more experienced than you think in dealing with conspiracy and backstabbing. In the same situation, if you are calculated to lose everything, I can still win."

"Instead of worrying about me. You might as well worry about yourself.

Zhi Ji said indifferently, "Except for your sword, you are just a reckless man who only knows recklessness."People like you are easily scammed by some good showman.

"Now, I just hope that you will use your brain more when you do things in the future, and don't always be blindly reckless.

The world is far darker than you imagined. 'He didn't know what kind of state of mind the young girl said, but he clearly felt the intrigues experienced by a young lady from a wealthy family.However, even with such a background, she is still able to maintain such a calm and composed attitude, as well as a candid and straightforward character.

Probably, in the heart of the girl named Tsuchimikado Orihime, she also has her own Qiao Ao,

Raising his head, looking at the girl opposite, Lin Yuanfei twitched his mouth, revealing a helpless wry smile.

"You thought that after I heard your analysis, I would want to run away?

"Almost," Zhi Ji said indifferently, "After all, for amnesia patients like you, you have forgotten all the previous entanglements. The most important thing for you is probably the experience you experienced within half a month after losing your memory. everything.

"The experience of this half month is your whole life to you.

"The people you met within half a month are the most important people in your life.

"After all, things have to be told on a first-come, first-served basis." The girl smiled when she said this.

That smile seemed a bit bitter to Lin Yuanfei.

But he wasn't sure if it was an illusion.After all, if the girl smiled bitterly, it would seem a little pretentious. Lin Yuan opened his mouth, trying to say something.However, he didn't think about what to say. The girl shook her head.

"Shut up if you don't know what to say. You force yourself even though you don't know what to say. This kind of behavior of forcing yourself will not make the person you cater to feel any happiness.

Zhi Ji looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and said, "But you have been silent, and it seems a little bit like I am singing a solo... Well, let me ask you one last question.

Zhi Ji looked at Lin Yuanfei seriously, and said, "Lin Yuan, you must answer me honestly and seriously.

....What?" Lin Yuanfei was a little uneasy about his real name. The girl didn't seem to notice his uneasiness, and asked herself, "Do you really like that my wife Yuki?" Zhiji's expression was incomparable. The seriousness. That serious attitude even made Lin Yuanfei feel that she was a little too serious. The moment the two looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei was inexplicably flustered. He hurriedly looked away, not thinking about how to answer this question. The girl looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "In that case, I wish you good luck.In Zhi Ji's eyes, there seemed to be too much to say, but she didn't say anything.She just looked at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Before the final parting, let me tell you a person's name. About your life expectancy. There is a Chinese named Tang Yifu in Hokkaido. If you can find him, he may be able to help you." .

"It's a pity that this grinder from China has been missing for many years. You will eventually be able to find him Zhi Ji's words, which made Lin Yuanzheng startled. Didn't you agree to let him fend for himself? However, Lin Yuan didn't wait for his reaction , Orihime has stood up.

She nodded to Ruo's group of bodyguards and walked downstairs.

The bodyguards and guards who had been waiting in the hall for a long time immediately surrounded the girl and dutifully guarded the girl.However, when he went downstairs, he could only see the back of the girl sitting in the car that had been prepared.When Lin Yuan was stopped by the group of guards and could only watch from a distance as he got into the car, the girl seemed to hear the commotion behind her.

She turned her head and glanced at Lin Yuanfei.The moment their eyes met, the girl smiled slightly.

"Go back, Lin Yuan," the girl said, "I don't like you anymore."

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