Chapter 672 The Stopped Platform

Sometimes, a momentary miss may be so close and far away.The moment Lin Yuanfei saw the girl's bright smile, he was slightly taken aback.

On his face, there was an expression of astonishment and bewilderment.He subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl's figure.

However, the girl had already rolled up the car window and disappeared from his sight.

The black Cadillac drove towards the distance, and the moment Lin Yuanfei subconsciously chased it out, he was stopped by the guards again.

Du Lan said with a serious expression in front of Lin Yuanfei.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, please go back.

Seeing the indifferent eyes of these people, Lin Yuanfei finally calmed down.

His hand subconsciously pressed on the handle of the knife.

In an instant, with him at the center, the four bodyguards retreated several meters away.

Although all the bodyguards tried to calm down, the fear and panic that could not be concealed were obvious at a glance.Lin Yuan looked at them, and after a few seconds of silence, he said.

"I see."

His hand dropped from the handle.

The frowning brows also eased.

"Let's go now," Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "I entrust Zhiji's safety to you.

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei took one last look at the direction in which the girl was leaving, watched Ruo those two black Cadillacs disappear from sight, and then turned around.

Leave without hesitation.There is no need for entanglement, and there is no position for entanglement.

Although at the moment of hearing the girl's words, Lin Yuanfei's heart was stabbed like a knife.But when he calmed down, he understood that he had no position to continue entanglement.

If he catches up now, yes, he can indeed catch up with the girl.

But what happens when he is stopped? What should he say? What can he do?

Indecision and disconnection will only hurt everyone.Lin Yuan already has an expectation in his heart, so he just needs to move towards that expectation.

As for the ups and downs on the way, or twists and turns, maybe the road ahead is difficult and dark, and the future cannot be seen.But just move forward.

Only those who worry too much will lose everything.

He took out his mobile phone. Lin Yuanfei contacted several cadres of Lin Yuan's group who accompanied him to Kyoto, and asked them to help him buy a ticket for the Shinkansen, and then the two parties agreed on a meeting place.

After that, Lin Yuan really planned to go back to Gan Ye directly.

When he met with the cadres of Lin Yuan's group, it hadn't been long since he and the girl parted.

But at this time, it was already four thirty in the afternoon.

One of the cadres asked politely, "Leader, do we need to have some dinner before returning to Chiba? If we wait for the bus now, it may be very late in Chiba.

Lin Yuanfei shook his head, "No, just go back to Chiba.

Now that you have decided to go, you should not stay.

Lin Yuanfei - once a decision is made, there will be absolutely no procrastination.

He went to the station with these men, bought a ticket, and prepared to return to Chiba.

When getting in the car, Lin Yuanfei dialed Yuki's phone.

Yuki's voice on the other end of the phone was full of worry.

"Lin Yuan-jun is finally coming back...

"Well, I'm already on the bus." Lin Yuanfei looked at the slowly retreating platform outside the window, and said, "Arrive in Chiba around [-]:[-] tonight, you don't have to wait for me to have dinner. I'll go find you, Lin Yuan, when I get there." Fei asked about the situation of Budao Yazi and Gui Yanye, and Yuki said that everything was as usual, and nothing happened during Lin Yuanfei's departure.

It seemed that the Shimada family did not bother them.

And Gao Jiang in the villa seemed to be having a good time.

After all, living in such a large manor, being served by ten maids, with a chef on call, all the food and clothing are luxurious and high-end items.Apart from not being able to go for a walk, this kind of life couldn't be more perfect for a flamboyant and vain gold digger like Fu Jiang.

The situation in Chiba City is as usual. The undercurrent in Kyoto has not affected Yuki and the others over there.After confirming the safety of each other, Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief.Hearing Yuki's voice on the other end of Ruo's phone, Lin Yuanfei rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"Yuki, I...

After thinking about it, Lin Yuanfei said again,....I feel a little tired.

"Yeah, I can hear it," Yuki's voice on the other end of the phone was still as gentle as water, like a cold spring soothing and nourishing Lin Yuanfei's tired spirit.

Even just hearing Yuki's voice, Lin Yuanfei felt much better.

"It seems that Lin Yuan-kun has encountered a lot of things in Kyoto. As expected of Lin Yuan-kun, he is the focus of attention wherever he goes. Yuki's serious words made Lin Yuanfei smile.

Although Yuki on the other end of the phone couldn't see his smile, Yuki's voice did relieve his tired spirit a little.

Lin Yuanfei sighed a long time, and said, "I'm a little sleepy. Let's sleep for a while. Let's have a good talk when I return to Chiba.

"Yeah, I also have a lot of things I want to say to Lin Yuanjun


Goodbye... The call between the two ended in such a farewell to each other.It's not very bloated dialogue, and it can even be said to be very short.But there seemed to be such a tacit understanding between the two. After Lin Yuanfei put down his phone, he breathed a sigh of relief.He sat on the seat, changed to a more comfortable position, and fell asleep slowly like this.

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