His eyes became gloomy.

"Is that old man from the Shimada family... finally unable to bear it?" "How long?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo thought about the possible outcome.And the assistant who sent the message said, "Also, according to the information given by Nei Ying, the Shimada family seems to want to use Ms. Zhi Ji to encourage Lin Yuanfei.

This sentence made Tu Mi Toshizo's movement of knocking on the chessboard froze.

He raised his head, eyes cold.

"The Shimada family has also set their sights on Lin Yuanfei..

The guest opposite Tsuchimikado Toshizo laughed.

"It seems that you are not the only one who is eyeing this knife... Sui San, what do you think will happen after knowing that Zhi Ji is arrested by the Shimada family with the temperament of the little brother Lin Yuan? What about it? Ned Hogg looked at Wakato Mimon Tousan, smiled and said, "If you still don't act... Prime Minister, do you really want to sit back and watch all this happen?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's eyes were unusually gloomy.

He looked at the assistant beside him and asked, "Where is Ida? Is he still in Gaotu Mountain?"

"Well, Ida hasn't come back yet."

"Then let him continue the previous task and invite Master Bi Gu back." "Alright"

Chapter 679 I'm very irritable

Under the night, a man named Ida was on the phone with his family.His previous trip was abruptly stopped, and he was granted permission to go home on leave.

Now, he is chatting with his wife at home about things at home.

But the emergency phone rang suddenly, causing him to hang up his family and connect to another cell phone.Then, he received an order from a higher level.This task, which was originally suspended, has now been released again.And it was so urgent. This made Koda sigh.

It seems that if this task cannot be completed quickly, it is estimated that they will not even think about taking a vacation in the future.

He immediately got up from the bed, contacted those subordinates who had already gone to the town to have fun, and thought about how to connect the previous clues.

Fortunately, this time.The above used more available resources for him.Moreover, the clan urgently dispatched more manpower to support him, and those manpower were also dispatched urgently from nearby areas, and they would arrive soon.In this way, the manpower and material resources he can use instantly expanded several levels.

But even so, finding the target in five hours on a pitch-black night like this... it's a needle in a haystack.

Unless the other party stays obediently and waits for him to find it, that's about the same... Under the night, the out-of-service train stops among the mountains, like a hulk anchored.The carriage of the train has been opened.Some people who couldn't wait got out of their cars, went to a nearby town to find a car and left.This time the train was out of service for a little longer.Lin Yuan stood on a boulder not far away, overlooking the forest at Ruo's feet, with a blank expression.

The starlight all over the sky fell on him, but the dim moonlight made his face look a little gloomy and uncertain. It made it impossible to understand his inner thoughts.In the train below, the accompanying subordinates were running towards here in a panic.He walked over to Ruo those exhibitions.Thirty seconds later, Lin Yuan received a call from Kyoto.

The content of the call is very simple, just playing a recording.

A recording related to Orihime.It was the words that Orihime said when there were many people in the banquet hall.

...I can't be your hostage, you can't even get my dead body.At most, I can only get the fragments of my body.After hearing the last sentence, Lin Yuan fell silent.After the recording on the other end of the phone finished playing, it was convenient to hang up the phone.

With a blank face, Lin Yuanfei crushed the phone in his hand.

Finally, he looked at the terrified subordinate beside him and said, Help me find a car.Lin Yuanfei said with a cold face, "I want to go back to the capital." Lin Yuanfei's sudden decision filled the audience with astonishment.After all, they didn't know what happened. But they went to prepare quickly.Luckily, one of them had a friend nearby who contacted him and drove over immediately.At this time, the train not far from Linyuan seems to have started to run, and the driver is calling the passengers walking nearby to go back.

Soon, the train restarted and continued towards its original destination.

However, Lin Yuanjiao walked in the opposite direction to the train indifferently.

He left the railway, accompanied by several exhibitors, to a nearby small road.Frightened by the black night, this ordinary family car drove a man with a gloomy face towards Kyoto.

And in the back seat, this man is ending the call with Chiba.

"...some minor incident happened, and I have to go back to Kyoto again."

Lin Yuan said calmly, "You don't have to wait for me, I can only wait until tomorrow to come back." 9620

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking this sentence calmly, he thought about it and dialed Xintian's cell phone again.Lin Yuanfei sat on the back seat, watching the mountains receding rapidly behind him under the night curtain, and said with a cold face, "You book Yuki, Yanye and the others the earliest air tickets tomorrow morning, and then send someone to pay attention to the next day in Beijing."

"If... if there is any accident, you can let Yuki and the others go for a walk abroad first. Hayashi Yuan's face is a little gloomy.

I might do something big tonight.

Lin Yuan didn't tell Xintian what he was going to do. But his cautious attitude made Xintian realize something was wrong.After talking on the phone with Xintian, Lin Yuanfei looked at the phone in Ruo's hand, thought about it, and dialed Zhiji's number.The phone rang for a long time, and just when Lin Yuan E was about to hang up, the call was connected.On the phone, Zhi Ji's voice rang.

"Lin Yuan?" Zhi Ji's voice was as cold as ever, "What's the matter with you calling and harassing me in the middle of the night? At this point, you should have reached Gan Ye, right?"

Hearing the girl's voice, Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "Not yet, something happened to Lu E, maybe we won't be able to reach Chiba.

"Huh?!" Zhi Ji's voice sounded a little unhappy, "What do you mean?"

Oh...not interesting," Lin Yuanfei smiled and said Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "If you leave early, I will be bored there alone.After all, I don't know anyone in the Shimada family. " Zhi Ji on the other end of the phone said coldly after being silent for a few seconds.

"You'd better go find my uncle," Zhi Ji said, "It's useless for you to come here at a time like this."

Lin Yuanfei's smile remained undiminished, "That's not right. Didn't the old man from Shimada's family want to look for me? It's not your uncle he's looking for, and it's useless for me to look for your uncle."

"If I arrive at the place, but there is no place for me to sit or a meal... I have a very irritable temper! After saying this, Lin Yuanfei disconnected the phone and turned off the phone.

He sat there expressionless, thought for a while, and slowly closed his eyes

"Call me again when you arrive in Kyoto. After Lin Yuanfei left such a cold ding, he fell asleep in the back seat. He fell asleep very deeply.

Chapter 680 Master Lin Yuan

And at the same time Lin Yuanfei hung up the phone, on the other end of the phone - Shimada's house in Kyoto.

The girl named Tsuchimikado Orihime silently put down her cell phone, looked at the message that the communication was suspended, and raised her head in silence.

He looked coldly at the person on the opposite side. After everyone had exited the banquet hall, only the old man was left.He sat a few meters away, looked at Ruozhi Ji, and smiled kindly.

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