"Is Mr. Lin Yuan coming over?" the old man asked.

Obviously, the old man had already guessed the content of the conversation.

Of course, this is the Shimada family, perhaps the phone has been monitored since the moment it was connected.Zhi Ji just looked at the other party coldly, and said, "Did you find Lin Yuan directly? Forced him to come over?" The old man shook his head and denied, "I didn't do that, I just simply recorded the words you used to threaten us just now. Just sent it to him to listen to.

"As for what he's going to do, what his reaction will be when he hears the recording, that's out of my control.

The old man said, "But I don't think Lin Yuan-jun's character would abandon you as a little girl, right? The old man smiled and said so. After he finished speaking, the girl looked at him with a gloomy expression, and was silent for a few seconds.

Then, the girl spoke.The girl's eyes became extremely sharp, "Who are you?" The girl's eyes were as sharp and frightening as a falcon.However, the old man laughed and said, "Little girl really knows how to joke. I am not Shimada Ryujuro, who else can be Shimada Ryujuro?" The old man smiled and said, "In this world, there is only A Shimada Ryujuro, it was like this in the past, and it’s like this now. Even if you call out the entire Shimada family, I still have the old man’s smiling expression, without the slightest hint of silliness or anger, and instead look very happy. The girl looked at the appearance of the old man, and after a few seconds of silence, said

"No wonder such a thing happened... the girl said slowly," the girl asked coldly, "what's your purpose in doing this? At the same time, you're recruiting the Shimada family and Tsuchimikado, plus E Feitian Yujianliu It is said that...you are the one who sent the heroic spirits under Ganye Lingmai to chase and kill us?" The first thing Zhiji thought of was that mysterious force that stood in the dark and never showed up.However, the person shook his head with a smile, "I don't understand what you are talking about." The old man looked at the sky outside and said, "Keep waiting, little girl."It won't be long before tonight's big show will really start.

The old man said, "Everyone's movements are very fast...

"Ha... everyone's movements are limited to fast.

The man named Ida laughed loudly, looked at the manpower gathered in front of him, and said, "I believe everyone knows the mission of our trip, yes, our mission this time is very difficult and time-consuming.

"But Mt. Fuji is not particularly big, and I have found a lot of relevant information before, now everyone just needs to work together to find the target very quickly!" Ida said loudly, "I won't talk too much nonsense That's it. Let's start acting according to the plan! Even if we turn the mountain upside down tonight, we will definitely find the boiling aura of that lord, which has attracted the attention of many passers-by from afar. Then, under the leadership of Ida, these people will Immediately dispersed according to the plan, and quickly disappeared at the foot of Gaoshang Mountain.

One after another, cars drove in all directions.The dazzling lights broke the tranquility of the mountains.Everyone has come up with the strongest working state.

Their goal is to find the legendary Biguqing+Lang! Kyoto, Tsuchimikado Clan within five hours.

In the small courtyard where Tsuchimikado Toshizo entertains guests, the chess game is going on every day.Nid Hogg put down the chess pieces in his hand and said

"The situation seems to be getting out of control now, right?" Ned Hogg smiled and said, "The Shimada family, Tsuchimikado, Hayashibara Hiroshi, how many people do you think will die in Kyoto tonight?" His movements paused slightly.

Then, he said calmly, "Many people in the Shimada family will probably die, but the problem is not very big.

"Lin Yuan and Zhi Ji are as long as they don't die. I have asked people in the family not to interfere in this matter."

"As long as there is no conflict between the two families for the time being, no matter how big the dispute is, it can be resolved quickly.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said, "This generation is different from the previous ones than the ancient Qingjuro. She will not sit back and watch her disciple have an accident in Beijing.

"As long as we find her and she makes a move in person...then the matter will be settled.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo was calmer than expected, "Even if the old man of the Shimada family is crazy, he will choose to back away from this swordsman who has two generations of master and apprentice at the same time.

"What's more, I can't really sit idly by."

Toshizo Tsuchimikado said coldly, "This time is also an excellent opportunity. The destruction of the Shimada family's arrogance is enough for them to retreat for a long time."

Tsuchimikado Tousan's fall made Ned Hogg laugh out loud.Nid Hogg said, "But you trust Bi Guqing+Lang so much... It seems that you know her strength very well?"

Tsuchimikado Suizan shook his head, "I don't know about it, I just witnessed her attack with my own eyes.

Tsuchimikado Tsuizo raised his head, looked at the stars in the night sky, and said slowly, "That level of strength can no longer be called a simple sword, but a miraculous sword skill."

"In the modern age where mystery is declining, it is not an exaggeration to call a human being with such strength... a monster." Ned Hogg laughed at Tsuchimikado Toszo's evaluation.

"When you say that... I am even more looking forward to seeing her. I hope this master swordsman who is so praised by you will not let me down.

"Oh...don't worry," Tsuchimikado Toizo said with a slight smile, "not only you won't be disappointed, but the Shimada family won't be disappointed either.

"Everyone, you will not be disappointed.

Chapter 681 Inheritance

The cold torrential rain washes over the world.In the dark sky, dark clouds covered the earth.The huge Toyama stands tallest on the land at the end of the field of vision.

The small lake, which was originally calm, is now crackling under the bombardment of rain.

The two people facing each other by the lake clenched the blades in each other's hands, and their faces were equally gloomy.

The woman who carried the bellflower fairy Dongyue looked at Ruolin Yuanfei and shook her head.

"You are really the master looked at Ruobayashi Yuanfei, and said," how many times have I said it. I will not let you go down the mountain until you defeat me.Your stupid and ridiculous delusion is completely worthless to practice.

"This world is far stronger than you think.

"Save the world? It's not your turn to do such a thing." The master's words did not mean any irony, she just explained the fact indifferently.

Lin Yuanfei, who was facing her, was a little surprised.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he realized something.

.. Is it a dream again?

This kind of dream flashback memory is not the first time.Not only was he unable to control this body, but he could only witness everything that happened from the perspective of the person involved. He was able to feel some kind of huge, irrepressible sadness.That kind of sad emotion almost crushed his spirit, leaving him extremely at a loss.Does this sadness.... come from the memory of the original owner of the body? Lin Yuanfei looked at the master opposite, waiting for the reaction of the original owner of the body.In his field of vision, Yuzhong's master flicked the blood off the blade, and said indifferently.

"Why? Don't you show your sword? Or do you have no courage to show your sword to me?"

Master's provocation made the original owner of the body silent.

He just clenched the knife in his hand and murmured, "Master...

Feeling the stinging pain from the subject's body, Lin Yuanfei closed his eyes in pain, "Master...why-you must stop me!"

"Because you are simply a stupid, incompetent, weak idiot!" the master roared, "do you think you are great? Save the world.... how many times do I have to tell you? Do you think you alone can change What? You can't change anything!"

"You are a three-legged cat. You can't even beat me, but you still want to go down the mountain? Do you still want to be hostile to that kind of guy? You are not looking for death like that, are you?"

The master said with an extremely bad attitude, "Since your tree has grown crookedly, you can simply cut it down and plant it again.

A cold murderous aura overflowed around Father Coin's body.

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