"I wasted so much time on you, and it turned out to be crooked... Hehe... Our Feitian Yujianliu can really produce some self-righteous bastards. The master sneered without a smile, and put the blade Slowly aimed at Lin Yuanfei in front of him.

"This time, I really won't show mercy.

Master said coldly, "Because I don't have the patience to play with you anymore."

"Since you are going to die sooner or later, why don't you let me kill you now, lest you die in the hands of others and let the genre break the inheritance.

"This time, I am telling you very seriously that this is your last chance.

"I, Nine-headed Dragon Shining.

"You, Tianxiang Longshan.

"In the moment of life and death, if you can comprehend, then you will become a teacher. From now on, you will be Bigu Qingjuro. You can do whatever you want, and being a teacher can no longer control you."

"But if you can't take it at this juncture...then go die." The master said coldly, "I have a few years to live as a teacher and I will kill you so I can find a new apprentice." .Her killing intent was almost solidified.The powerful aura almost freezes the air, making people feel like they are about to be out of breath.Just being pointed at by her sword, Lin Yuanfei felt as if he was about to be torn apart.The sense of desperation that is approaching death is a panic that he has never experienced before.

He took a step back subconsciously, clenched the handle of the knife in his hand.


Feeling the almost condensed killing intent and icy sword intent in front of him, Lin Yuanfei's exposed skin had a fine layer of goose bumps, as if it had been scratched by the cold wind.

He put the saber back into its sheath slowly, and took another step back.Facing Master's sword, he knew that there was no room for reconciliation this time.In Lin Yuanfei's chest, great sadness rose.The emotion of grief almost tore his spirit apart.But the expression on his face became as cold and ruthless as his master.There is no longer any hesitation.

"This world is far more tenacious than we imagined, and I know this truth very well.

Lin Yuan murmured, "I know Master doesn't want me to leave, but I have to.

"Many times in the rainstorm, he squeezed out a bitter and stiff smile, and said, "What's more, if there must be one person to bear the pain of losing each other. Then this time. Let me come, Master, Feitian Yujian Liu's fate and inheritance, I will bear it on your behalf.I don't want you to kill your apprentice after you kill your master.

The words in the text seemed to resound in the dark.

The original owner of the body didn't say it, but [Lin Yuan k] was surprised to find that he heard it.

Then, under his astonished eyes... the master in the rainstorm smiled.

"Are you really a foolish apprentice like always? Master Laugher, he swung the knife in his hand. In an instant, the sword glowed like a blaze, and the dazzling white light covered everything in his field of vision.

Flying sword flow! Nine-headed dragon flash! The moment Xeon's profound art is activated, the whole world seems to have turned into white weaving for a moment.All the colors are gone in Lin Yuan's field of vision.The world became... no! It was his vision that turned pale!

The moment the sword light dazzled, his retina was robbed of all its brilliance by the sword light, and all vision was blocked by the cold and terrifying sword light.

The sword energy occupying all directions between the heaven and the earth is like the thunder in the myth.

In an instant. And the rainstorm broke out.Then appeared,

Flying sword flow one day Xianglong flash!

Chapter 682 I Think I Remembered Something

Under the dark night sky, Ryuichi Ida got the latest news.Sitting in the back seat of the pickup truck, he looked terrified.

"What? Are you sure?" Holding the mobile phone, his eyes seemed to pop out, "Are you sure you're looking for the right place?"

On the other end of the phone, Xia Zhan said something to him.

Then, Takashi Ida's complexion became gray.

..I see..

He seemed to be sucked out of all his strength in an instant, lost his previous vigor and drive, and became extremely depressed.The people around him looked at him in surprise, not knowing what happened.

But before asking the question, Ida Ryuichi had already reported a direction and address with a blank face, and then said.

"Go there, Sakuragi's team seems to have found something. The Sakuragi team is a team sent by Ida Takashi to search. There are only five people in the team, but this team is brought by Ida Ryuichi from Kyoto. In the past time, these five people have always been Ida Ryuichi's trusted subordinates, and they have done many things with Ida Ryuichi.

if their team finds anything

Seeing Ryuichi Ida's gloomy face, the other people in the car all shut up.

Even the driver who likes to hum while driving has shut up obediently.Everyone knows that when - -Takashi Ida- shows such a gloomy and gloomy face, he must not be disturbed.

They could only wait silently.

"Oh? Has it been discovered?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo, who heard the news, had finished playing chess with the guests, and was sitting alone in the hut drinking tea.When he heard that the searchers had found a clue, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Ida is very methodical in his work," Tsuchimikado Toshizo said to his assistant, "Let him find out the situation immediately, and then report the situation. If necessary, I can call Master Hiko immediately.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said, "At present, we are always paying attention to the situation at Ida. For the moment, Master Hiko is the most important.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo's order made the assistant retreat respectfully, and quickly conveyed the order.And at the foot of Mount Fuji in the dark night, by a lake not far from Gaoshang Mountain, a blue pickup truck parked on the mountain road.

This is the end of the road.Going further in, you have to walk along the mountain road by the lake for a while to reach your destination.

Ida Ryuichi quickly got out of the car with Shizhan in the car, abandoned the car and walked without any hesitation.They stepped onto the ridge by the road, and walked inward stepping on the trail paved with pieces of bluestone by the lake.

Soon, a Japanese-style wooden house appeared in their field of vision.

It was a wooden house at the foot of the mountain, just in a col.Next to it is the lake, and on the opposite side of the lake is the tall Gaoshi Mountain.Here, the view is wide and the breeze is gentle.Even at night, you can feel a kind of refreshing beauty, let alone during the day.It can be said that anyone living here is a rare enjoyment.But Neda Ryuichi is not in the mood to think about the elegant taste of the owner of the wooden house. He just took a look at the slightly dilapidated wooden house that seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time, and quickly walked around the wooden house behind the wooden house. There is a Lush meadow.

The flowers and grass here are lush and the grass is soft. It may not be as good as the artificial professional lawn, but it is very good that the wild grass can have such an aesthetic feeling.

A group of people stepped on these flowers and grass, and quickly walked to the only big tree in the middle of the grass.There. There is a huge camphor standing in the grass.This tree is the only tree in the vicinity, very tall, with a huge canopy like a giant big umbrella - like covering the sky.

And under the tree, there are lights on, and the members of the Sakuragi team are already waiting there.Seeing the arrival of Ida Ryuichi, the exhibitors moved closer to greet him.

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