However, Ryuichi Ida didn't greet them. He walked over quickly with a gloomy expression and came under the camphor tree.

Here they saw a low grave.On the tombstone, which has been blown in the wind and rain for several years, there are some traces of time.

And the dazzling epitaph made Takashi Ida feel cold all over.

-The tomb of Shibi Gu Qing Juro.

The moment he saw this tomb, Takashi Ida swallowed.

Said, "Have you tested

"Well, it has been tested. The tombstone was erected for no more than five years. As for the situation in the tomb, we don't know who the person lying inside is because we dare not open the coffin for an autopsy.

"But from what we've seen of the cabin, it has been unoccupied for a long time.

"Judging from the visits to the nearest town, this Ms. Biguqing+Lang used to go to Shenshang to buy wine and hang out, but since three years ago, she has never been to the town again.

"Because the place is remote, no one knows that she lives here. Everyone in the town thinks she just moved away, and no one is there...

Zhanxia seriously reported all the detection results.

Takashi Ida finished listening to these reports with a gloomy face, and stood in front of the tombstone carved in bluestone, after a long silence.murmured.

"Give me the phone, I want to talk to the head of the house in person...

"Huh? Ida wants to talk to me directly? Kyoto, Tsuchimikado. Tsuchimikado was a little surprised when he heard the assistant's words,

He took the call from his assistant, and was a little curious, "Ida, are you moving quickly...have you met Master Bigu?"

...On the other end of the phone, Ryuichi Ida was silent for a few seconds.

Then, he said a word slowly.In an instant, the smile on Toshizo Tsuchimikado's face froze.The teacup in his hand exploded instantly.

Tea splashes.


Lin Yuanfei in the back seat slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

His eyes were strangely cold.

The corners of the eyes seemed a little wet.

But the co-pilot suspected that it might just be an illusion seen under the lights.

He said with some surprise, "Leader, you just arrived in Kyoto...'s okay, I just woke up, and it's time to wake up.Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky outside the window and rubbed his eyelids. It seemed that his face was very stiff.

Seeing his strange appearance, the subordinates on the co-pilot felt a chill down their spines for no reason, and felt strangely uneasy.

"Group...what happened?"

"It's nothing," Lin Yuanfei said coldly, looking at Ruo's rapidly receding scenery outside the window, "After sleeping, I seem to remember some things in the past

"Then, I learned something.

Lin Yuanfei said coldly,

Chapter 683

Under the dark night sky, the city is brightly lit.In the chaotic and bustling city of Kyoto, not many people know that a car is driving Wakabayashihara into the city block at this time.

Sitting alone in the back seat, Lin Yuan looked indifferently at the scenery outside the car window.

The dim light shone on his face, making his expression gloomy and uncertain, inexplicably a little cold and terrifying.

He stared gloomyly at the night scene outside the window.

However, what 6-speed flashed in his mind was everything he saw in his dream.

The original owner of the body is really a guy who the more he understands, the more frightening he becomes.Although the successors of Feitian Yujianliu have to have a life-and-death duel with the master, and they can only leave the teacher after winning.However, the reason for the confrontation between the original owner of the body and the master is not because of this.In other words, this is not the main reason.

Obviously, Master didn't think that Lin Yuan at that time already had the strength to defeat her.Even everyone, including Tuyumen Suizan, didn't think that Lin Yuanfei could beat his master to become a teacher.So when he saw Hayashi Yuan Lu, Tsuchimikado Suizan wondered why he didn't meet Master Higu because the original owner of his body had been learning swords with his master for too short a period of two or three years.

At least, five years ago, when the original owner of the body met Asakami Fujino, he was still very weak.It is an impossible task to be strong enough to defeat one's master head-on within two years.But the original owner of the body did it. The reason why he was driven so crazy was because of his obsession.

A so-called obsession to save the world.

"...Lin Yuanfei subconsciously stroked the hilt of the platycodon celery at his waist, as if he felt some kind of heavy pressure. He had never been so in awe of this knife. Because of this knife Originally belonged to the master. Only after the original owner of the body defeated the master and became a teacher can he be qualified to wear it.

This knife bears the pain and obsession of the original owner of Ruo's body.

Lin Yuan was silent, feeling the touch of the wooden handle, took a deep breath. His face was very dull.

he feels the pressure

He who has inherited everything from the original owner of his body, can he really get out of this situation? Finally, when the car stopped only two streets away from Shimada's house, Hayashi Yuan Lu took a deep breath, Opened the door and got out of the car.

"You guys hurry back to Chiba overnight. Lin Yuan said to Xia Zhan in the car and the men behind him, "Don't wait in Kyoto, go back to Chiba directly. Do you understand?" Lin Yuan's expression, Seriously. This is not a tone of discussion.

After a few exhibitions, they nodded again and again, expressing their understanding.

Then, Lin Yuanfei stood on the side of the road and watched Ruo the two cars traveling together turned around and left in the direction they came. Then he let out a soft breath.

Then, he looked in the direction behind him.There. Two distances away. Of course, there seems to be no other way to walk this distance.It's impossible... Lin Yuanfei laughed at himself, he didn't want to become a devil anymore.For some reason, every time he transformed into a demon, he felt some kind of urgent pressure on his heart.It seems that every time I become a demon, I am one step closer to a certain limit.

He didn't like that sense of crisis and urgency.

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