It is guessed that when he reaches that limit, it is probably the time when this body is corroded by the power of demons, and the life force is completely sucked up and dies.So in order to live a few more years, Lin Yuanfei planned to use knives as much as possible in the future.Anyway, now his strength can basically handle most situations.Lin Yuanfei stood in front of the gate of Shimada's house, looked at the guards at the gate of the alley, and said.

"Tell that old man in the Shimada family that I, Lin Yuanfei, have come to look for him." Lin Yuanfei's tone was very calm, and he didn't shout too excitedly.He just stood in front of the group of people and finished the sentence very calmly.Then he picked up the knife in his hand.

In the dark, cold light flashes.

The huge boulder beside Lin Yuan Lu was cut open in an instant. The incision was as smooth as a mirror.This huge black stone stands outside the gate of Shimada's house, with the words [Shimada] engraved in red paint on it.It has always been a striking landmark of the Shimada family.The three-meter-high boulder turned into two pieces of broken stones, like a grapefruit that was easily cut off.This horror scene beyond the limits of physics frightened the few people at the door all backed up a few steps, with terrified faces.There are also many ordinary people in the Shimada family who have never seen the world.Not everyone is a powerful onmyoji.

In other words, even among magicians and onmyojis, knowledgeable and capable people like Orihime and Tsuchimikado Toshizo will always be a minority.

Most magicians are just three-legged cats who can do a little tricks

The ability of this kind of knife to cut through a three-meter boulder was enough to scare everyone present.

What's more, the old man Shimada had already conveyed his order. The moment he heard Lin Yuanfei's name, the group of people didn't have any courage to provoke at all, and they all retreated to the two sides in horror. Cherishing courage, when Lin Yuanfei turned his head to look at him, Lin Yuanfei caught the other party's embarrassed eyes. He didn't say anything. He just walked straight into the door of Shimada's house.He is not worried about any plots or traps.

He knew that the old man of Shimada's family must have wanted something else from him by taking Zhi Ji as a hostage.

If it is just to design against him, there is no need to launch such a big battle.

In any case, the old man would definitely want to meet him and express his intentions.

As for Lin Yuanfei, what he was waiting for was this meeting. He narrowed his eyes, followed the servant who led the way with a gloomy expression, and quickly disappeared at the gate of Shimada's house.In the darkness of the Shimada family, with the disappearance of Lin Yuan, the door was quickly closed.Looking at the tight gate from a distance, it seems a bit inexplicably...


leave today

My head hurts, I feel that something is wrong recently, my head is empty, and I can't write anything.

take a day off




………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 684

When Lin Yuanfei saw Shimada Liujuro, the old man was sitting opposite Orihime reading a book.In the banquet hall, all the guests have already got off their legs.

Even the others were driven away, leaving only Zhi Ji and the old man sitting there.Zhi Ji sat on her knees expressionlessly, maintaining the demeanor that a lady should have.

In comparison, the old man is much more casual.He sat on the tatami about five meters away from Orihime, looking at the book in his hand leisurely.When Lin Yuan flew over, the old man raised his head and looked at him.

"Is this Mr. Lin Yuanfei? I've heard of you for a long time." The old man stood up enthusiastically and greeted him.Lin Yuanfei frowned slightly at Shimada Ryujuro's enthusiastic emulation.

This Shimada Ryujuro....wouldn't be insane, would he?

According to his understanding and cognition, his meeting with Shimada Liujuro could not have been such a reaction.Lin Yuanfei frowned.He looked at Zhi Ji not far away,

...Well, this reaction is much more normal.Lin Yuan said that at least Zhi Ji is still normal.Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji.

"Hello!" Lin Yuanfei said, "Why don't you talk?"

Zhi Ji raised her head and glanced at him, with a cold face, "Are you talking to me?"

"Then who is it with?

"Oh, so my name is Hey," Zhi Ji nodded indifferently and said, "It's the first time I've heard this name.

"Well, Mr. Shimada, right?" After walking in for a long time, Lin Yuanfei spoke to the old man, very impolite and vulgar, "Thank you Zhiji for your hospitality, now I'm going to take her. You still have Anything to say?"

"... The old man froze for a moment,

Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Yuanfei to react like this.

According to common sense, shouldn't Lin Yuanfei 6 come in to scold the formation first, or invite the teacher to question the crime?

Why is the girlfriend just here as a guest? The old man looked at Lin Yuanfei and smiled.

.... Give something?" Lin Yuanfei asked directly, "What do you want? I don't have a dime on me.Lin Yuanfei said that he was very poor.The old man looked at the knife-eye on Lin Yuan's waist and said with a smile, "Although you have no money, the knife in your hand is hard to find...

"Oh, I see, you have taken a fancy to my knife."

Lin Yuan pulled out the broken knife from his waist and said, "It's a pity that this knife is broken. Although it has a bit of history, it is barely an antique. But broken antiques don't seem to be worth much, right?

"And this knife is still left by my master. Wan-she knows that I lost the knife, so she must come to me and claim her life."

"Heh... the old man smiled and shook his head, "Since Mr. Lin Yuan likes to play dumb, then I'll make the topic clear.

"You want to take Zhi Ji away tonight, you can, but you must meet our conditions.

"And my condition is not harsh, it is even very simple for you, one life for another. You go and help me kill the head of the Tsuchiyamen family, Tsuchiyamen Suisan, and bring his head over here, and I will How about returning Orihime...? This deal should be fair, right?"

The old man smiled kindly.

Orihime next to him suddenly said, "He's not Shimada Ryujuro.

Orihime reminded, "Maybe it's just a double or something like Kagebudo, even if you kill him, it won't help.

Zhi Ji was obviously worried that Lin Yuanfei would draw his sword immediately.

Then dumbfounded.

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