"Fuck?! Guangpin? He looked at the old man in front of him and said, "How dare you flaunt a fake in front of me?

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei directly drew out his sword.

"Since it is a quality product, it doesn't matter if it is hacked to death.

Lin Yuanfei rushed out instantly.

Bitter sword light exploded in the room.The old man's smile froze on his face, and his head flew out in an instant.In the blood splattered, Lin Yuan sheathed his knife and shook his head helplessly.

"I said how dare this old man stand alone in front of me. It turns out that he is a high-quality man... blah... Zhihime, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhi Ji, a little confused, "Is there anything wrong with what I did?"

Seeing the headless old man's body in the banquet hall, Zhi Ji twitched the corners of her mouth.

Deeply, she took a breath.As he spoke, Lin Yuan Lu flicked the blood from the blade. He said, "People were cut too. Can you go with me now? It's rare for me to come here. Don't tell me to let me go. Don't worry about you and other mentally retarded people." Lines. Zhi Ji looked indifferent, "You probably watch too many third-rate TV dramas. "

Said Ruo, Zhi Ji stood up and walked towards Ruobin Yuanfei.

"But if you kill the counterfeit, that old man may not give you a chance to negotiate peace," Zhi Ji said lightly.

Lin Yuan laughed straight, "Isn't the condition of his peace talks that I will kill your uncle? Could it be that it doesn't matter if your uncle is hacked to death?" Zhiji curled her lips and said nothing. The two turned and walked out. At the same time, Lin Yuanfei's heart skipped a beat, and at the moment he dodged with Zhiji - a black afterimage pierced through the afterimages left by the two of them. Lin Yuan turned around and looked behind him dumbfounded The old man. His eyeballs are about to fall off.

"Damn it? Didn't die?" Lin Yuanfei looked at the unscathed and smiling old man in front of him, wondering if he had misread, "The old man was not injured? Could it be that I didn't hit it just now? Or did I hit a mirror image? ?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the old man opposite, and said, "Hey! Old man, is your name Shimada Aizen?"

Zhi Ji looked indifferent, "Have you read too many comics?" The reader looked at the man and woman standing side by side, and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin Yuan is leaving soon, isn't it too rude?"

Chapter 685 Taking Harmony as Guilin Yuanfei

"Polite? Hmm... so how can I be polite?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the old man opposite, and asked

"Everyone is out to hang out. You are too much and I am not good at being a man, understand? You can accept it when you see it. This time, I owe you a favor. Next time, I can help you Shimada's family run away for free. do something.

"For example, if you are entangled by the enemy, or forced by a powerful enemy, you can come to me, and I can help you once.

"Do you have to pester me...do you really think I'm determined?" Lin Yuanfei expressed his utmost sincerity.In most cases, he still thinks peace is the most important thing.

There is an old saying in China that if you are poor, you will shelve disputes, but if you are rich, it has been around since ancient times.

Lin Yuanfei felt that as a pure-blooded Chinese, he still had to have this bit of wisdom and evil.

Just bow your head if you should bow your head.

When American aircraft carriers came to the South China Sea, didn't everyone shrink their heads and act like turtles?

But now you ask him to drive again? So, ah, - Wei's recklessness will not end well, if you have to admit it, you will admit it.Lin Yuanfei felt that he was still very cowardly, but it was a pity that the group of bosses he met before didn't give him a chance to admit cowardly.

After all, he used to play a group of ghosts and spirits who couldn't communicate.But now that we meet a big living person, we can always sit down and talk about it, right?

Lin Yuanfei tried to reconcile, "You see, I am very sincere, and I never go back on my promises to others.

Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, "I promised to run errands for your Shimada family in the future, and I will never regret it. My reputation, Lin Yuanfei, has been tested for a long time... Miss Tsuchimikado by my side can help you I vouch for it.

Lin Yuanfei looked very sincere, but Zhiji curled her lips and said nothing.

The old man Shimada looked at him with a smile, and said, "Mr. Hayashihara really doesn't know himself. Ming... But my request is actually not too much, you go and help me kill Tsuchimikado Toshizo. Then Your strength shouldn't be difficult, right?" Lin Yuanfei looked at the other side and narrowed his eyes.There was no wound on the old man's neck. Even the blood on the floor and ceiling was gone. It seemed that it was all just an illusion.

However, with Lin Yuanfei's keen observation ability, he still clearly saw the missing piece of collar near the old man's neck.

It was apparently broken and never restored.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei nodded and said, "Since you want to negotiate terms, then let the deity come out. Let the real Shimada Ryujuro come out, and I will talk to him, you ashamed puppet to talk about terms. ... How can I believe you?" Lin Yuanfei's request made the old man shake his head, "Mr. Lin Yuan's joke is not funny at all, I am the true deity of Shimada Liujuro. If you don't believe me, I can call people from the clan to testify .

As he said that, Elder Shimada took a look at Orihime and said, "Besides, Mr. Hayashi Yuan trusts your fiancée so much? Are you too easy to listen to women?"

"Bah! Who are you scolding?" Lin Yuanfei said, eyes widening, "A mere fake would dare to make Lu Lin Yuanfei explode in an instant, without any warning.

Flying Sword Flow! Double Dragon Flash! The icy sword light shines again in the banquet hall.However, this time, the old man seemed to have expected it, and avoided the moment the sword came to his body.

That every action was totally different from that of an old man, the sword in Lin Yuanfei's hand fell through the air.

But the moment the sword fell into the air, the scabbard in Lin Yuanfei's hand followed directly behind him, pushing it straight out.The hard scabbard hit the old man's head heavily.

With a muffled sound, the old man's head exploded instantly.

The red and white thing exploded directly, like a broken watermelon.Under the lights of the banquet hall, the smile on the old man's face froze.

He didn't know that the real killing move of this sword drawing technique was the second half of the scabbard.

Of course, except for the swordsman, no one knows whether the successor of the Feitian Yujian style is a normal swordsman, Shuanglongshan, or Tianxianglongshan.The situation of the battle was changing rapidly, even though he was prepared, the old man was still crushed in the head by Lin Yuanfei.In an instant, half of the head burst open like a watermelon, and the bloody corpse twitched, but did not fall down.

And Hayashi Yuan succeeded in the K-strike, and immediately retreated to Zhi Ji's side.But he didn't let his guard down.

He still stared at the corpse in the room, waiting for the subsequent changes.

Sure enough, the corpse did not fall silent after it fell.Under the watchful eyes of Lin Yuan and Zhi Ji, the minced meat and blood from the crushed corpse seemed to be alive, and quickly retracted towards the head of the corpse.

Then, all the pieces of meat that were shattered and flew out were retracted into the head, reconstituting an intact head.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of Lin Yuanfei and Zhiji, the corpse whose head had been smashed up slowly stood up.

Under the dim light, the old man squeezed his intact head and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"Young people are really impatient. The old man sighed and said, "Aside from reckless action, don't you have any other options in your brain?

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