"Heh...Lin Yuanfei looked at this eerie old man, and said with a smile on his face, "If you are not reckless, can you find that the old man of Shimada's family is a non-human monster?

Lin Yuan Lu stared at the old man firmly and said, "Old man, you are not human at all, are you? This kind of method is not something that humans can do... Even an Onmyoji. It is impossible for me to crush your head later restored.

Orihime said coldly, "That's right, this is something that only non-humans can do. Not only are you not Shimada Ryujuro, you are not even human!" Lin Yuanfei looked at the deserted banquet hall in front of him , said with a long sigh.

"I finally know why there is no one around this banquet hall...I said how the old man of the Shimada family has the courage to meet me alone."

"The person who came to see me with feelings is not a real human being at all. Lin Yuanfei squinted his eyes and looked at the old man opposite, and said, "Are you the secret weapon prepared by the Shimada family? The shikigami they raised? Demons?"

"This is just a trap for me, right?" Hayashi Yuan asked, "And you are the trap? The Shimada family thinks that if you lure me into this room, you can kill me?"

Chapter 686 What is the situation

Lin Yuanfei made the most reasonable guess under the current situation.But facing his questioning and exposure, the old man just smiled and shook his head.

"Young people's imagination is really high. I'm not Shimada Yanagirou, who else would be Shimada Yanagiro?"

The old man looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and said, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan, are you really not going to consider my proposal? As long as you help me kill Tsuchimikado Toshizo, I will not pursue this matter any longer and let you F. Isn't it a good thing for a lot of money?

"With your strength and status, it shouldn't be too difficult to find an opportunity to get close to Tsuchimikado Toshizo, and then chop off his head?"

The old man glanced at Zhi Ji beside Lin Yuanfei, and said, "If you worry that Zhi Ji won't forgive you after you do this kind of thing, I can help you erase her relevant memories of this matter."

The path of Shura that will lead to tragic death. Do you think about it again?"

There seemed to be too much confidence in the old man's smile.Even if he witnessed Lin Yuanfei's strength with his own eyes, even if he faced Lin Yuanfei alone, even if Zhiji was already under Lin Yuanfei's protection, this old man who had lost an important hostage still won with confidence.

Generally, no signs of panic are seen.Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed.

He subconsciously took half a step back and clenched the handle of the knife.

"Listen to you, if I don't agree, you can still hack me to death here

Lin Yuanfei smiled meaningfully, "Old man, you can use whatever tricks you have. If you want to negotiate, you must first defeat your opponent. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"It's fine for me to agree to your condition. You beat me to the ground and vomit blood first, then I can consider your condition." Lin Yuan's request made the old man silent for a few seconds.Then, in the dim light of the banquet hall, the old man sighed and said.His head lowered slightly.Then, he slowly walked towards Lin Yuanfei.The smile on the old man's face looked a little sinister.The face of the old man with age spots looked terrifying like a ghost for no reason, and a cold and biting aura rushed towards him.

Under Lin Yuanfei's vigilant gaze, the old man's right hand grabbed at him like a ghost's claw.

In an instant, there was a flash of swords in the room.

The icy cold light, - flashed and disappeared.In the next second, his bloody head flew out and rolled into the corner with a grunt.And the headless corpse shook and fell heavily to the ground.Scarlet blood sprayed out from the cut of the corpse's neck and overflowed outward.The horrifying picture could not make Lin Yuan feel the slightest fear.He just watched the scene where the body fell coldly, without saying a word, waiting for the other party's follow-up reaction.

One however no response.

The silence in Xingzi lasted for ten seconds, and the headless corpse remained motionless.

The resurrection from the dead that appeared before did not appear now.Lin Yuanfei frowned.And just as he wanted to leave subconsciously, a roar full of anger and disbelief sounded outside the door.A middle-aged man named Nobuhide Shimada appeared outside the gate at some point and saw everything that happened in the house.The fallen corpse, the head rolled into the corner, and the knife dripping blood in Hayashi Yuan's hand... Seeing this scene, Nobuhide Shimada's eyes were cracked.The middle-aged man's eyes turned red instantly.

"Hayashi Yuanfei!" Shimada Nobuhide growled, yelling Wakabayashi Yuanfei's name angrily, ".....Ah!!!

Shimada Nobuhide howled in pain.

It can be seen that this middle-aged man has a deep affection for his father.

The old man got up and waited outside the small courtyard.Now the roar of Shimada Nobuhide made everyone waiting outside the small courtyard look shocked after seeing this scene in the room.They seemed unable to believe that the old man had just died.

But the headless corpse lay there quietly, and the rolling head appeared in the corner, and the eyes were staring at everyone outside, as if silently accusing the murderer.

In front of the corpse, the silent Lin Yuanfei stood indifferently, blood dripping from the butcher knife in his hand.

There is no need to confirm this clear picture.

Many people screamed in anger.

In other words, at this time, no matter how they feel when they see the old man's tragic death, they must show their anger in front of everyone.

"Ahhh! Uncle! We want to avenge you!" He looked at the group of people outside the door, and at the headless corpse beside Ruo Ruo, the corners of his mouth twitched, realizing that something was wrong.The reaction of the Shimada family bastards, at least the reaction of this group of guys, is not like acting at all.And that fellow Shimada Nobuhide's reaction was too real, as if his father had died.

Does the majestic head of the Shimada family need to act so miserably in order to frame the land?

Lin Yuanfei stared coldly at the group of people at the door, stood in front of Zhiji, and retreated slowly.The knife in his hand hangs down by his side.Because the situation is unknown, I am reluctant to speak easily for the time being.But from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the headless corpse not far from Ruo.The corpse was still lying there quietly, not resurrected from death, it seemed to be really dead.The corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched. He wondered if this old man really wanted to use death to frame him with nausea? This acting was too realistic. And the group of people outside the door had already roared.

"catch him!"

"Take him!"

revenge for uncle

"Lin Yuanfei! I want your life!"

The group roared angrily, looking like a group of filial sons and grandchildren.

Aoko Shimada beside him pouted and said.

"Patriarch, why don't you order someone to be arrested?"

Chapter 687 The Shimada family, not bad!

In a word, the current atmosphere is weird.

The main reason is that Lin Yuan felt very strange.

He found that he seemed to have stepped into a trap, but this old man used his own life to frame him... Isn't the price too high? Emmm... But now the situation is like this, Lin Yuanfei's situation can be described in one sentence Even if the yellow mud falls into the Kudang, it is either shit or shit.He looked at the group of people opposite, and said with a long sigh.

"To tell you something you might not believe... Well, I don't think this old man who died on the ground is from your Shimada family."

Lin Yuan said seriously, "He is either a fake, or he is the shadow warrior of Mr. Shimada. You can ask for proof first... What Lin Yuanfei said made Shimada Nobuhide's face turn gloomy from excitement But obviously, this sentence reminded everyone present.

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