However, Aoko Shimada spoke up.

"Even if you didn't kill the real old man, but just a substitute, isn't the life of the substitute not your life?"

Shimada Aoko said coldly, "Killing people in public, no matter what the reason, must be punished by law!

"What's more, we haven't heard that the old man has any substitutes at all.

"You'd better get caught now and cooperate with our investigation. At least the woman next to you will not die."

In Shimada Aoko's words, the threat was obvious.

"That's right! Let's get caught! Put down the knife! Accept our adjustment! The crowd was excited. They showed Zitong Shimada Aoko's words. The reaction of this group of idiots made Lin Yuanfei helpless.

"It doesn't look like a group of guys who can reason.

Lin Yuanfei, who had just hacked to death an elder in someone else's home, expressed his innocence helplessly.

"You guys forced me... Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Yuanfei slowly flicked the blood on the blade, and said, "You want me to catch you without a fight? Yes, you all go together and beat me to the ground. Just do it.Lin Yuan gave the simplest and rudest suggestion.Looking at Lin Yuanfei in the room, Shimada Nobuhide took a deep breath and said, "Lin Yuan... you have taken down the knife now, we still have room for discussion... this person is known for his good temper The good old man is still trying to redeem something.

However, Lin Yuan K, who was opposite him, smiled brightly, "There is room for negotiation...the truth is within the range of the cannon, do you understand this truth?" After the voice fell, Lin Yuan disappeared.Shimada Nobuhide's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly outside the door, and at the moment Lin Yuan disappeared, everyone in the Shimada family subconsciously released attacking spells.

In an instant, colorful lights burst out from the crowd.

There was a violent explosion in the air, and the pounding air waves spread in all directions, directly blowing away all the tableware, tables and chairs in the room.

In the mighty shock wave, Lin Yuan Feilang, who had just rushed out, flew back in embarrassment, and slammed heavily on the wall at the end of the banquet hall.The hand holding the knife trembled, Lin Yuan Lu looked at the group of onmyojis opposite him in disbelief, and was startled.

This group of middle-aged uncles and aunts who looked like sand sculptures were all so fierce? However, the firepower from the strafing directly blocked all the space for him to advance.The reaction speed of this group of middle-aged uncles and aunts was frightened, and they released an attacking spell the moment he disappeared.

Forcibly colliding with those spell trees, even with his strength, he felt a little overwhelmed, as if he had hit a high-speed locomotive head-on.

The huge shock force shocked him to the point of staring at him.Zhi Ji who was not far away glanced at him and said, "Do you know how powerful Yin Yang is? You are a frog in a well." While the two were talking, the group of people outside the door had already dispersed, and they all seemed to be on the verge of death. Staring at Lin Yuanfei in the room like an enemy.

Everyone's fingers are ready to form seals or talismans, and new yin and yang techniques will be released at any time.But out of awe of Lin Yuanfei... or the awe of the knife in Lin Yuan's hand, these people act recklessly.They just stared closely at Ruo Lin Yuanfei, waiting for Lin Yuanfei's next move.After Lin Yuan shook his head, he slowly stood up.

"Sure enough, there are too many ants to kill an elephant... let alone ants."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the group of middle-aged people in front of him, and sighed, "The Shimada family, it's not bad!" The surge of spells before were all offensive yin and yang spells, such as Pyroblade Wind Blade and the like of.But for an onmyoji, there are more outlandish and miscellaneous onmyoji that can be overwhelming.The moment Lin Yuanfei's voice fell, a black shadow enveloped his shadow.

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei felt some kind of huge pressure squeezing his body and restricting his actions.

The ghost of Li He stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed him.In the air, four or five wraiths with different shapes crawled out and rushed towards him.Surrounded in the middle, Lin Yuanfei's body shook violently, and he forcibly broke away from the invisible restraining force. The light of the knife in his hand flowed, and he roared angrily.

A sharp sword light shone in the room.There was a surging air current in the air, directly tearing up the black shadow behind that head.But those half-sighted wraiths seemed unable to be physically touched, and they rushed straight at Lin Yuanfei.

In an instant, Lin Yuan disappeared from the spot.

His speed reached the limit, and all those wraiths were caught.When Lin Yuanfei appeared next second, he appeared beside Zhiji.

With an arm around Zhi Ji's waist, Lin Yuanfei led Ruo Biaoqian's astonished girl to disappear instantly from the spot, and galloped in the direction behind Ruo Wu.

His speed, very fast.

But with a person, the speed inevitably slows down, so that people can see his afterimage.Then, an invisible wall appeared in the direction of Lin Yuanfei's escape, and the space was directly alienated, blocking Lin Yuan's retreat.

...with a blank expression on his face, Lin Yuanfei stopped in front of this invisible wall.

Sharp perception. Obviously aware of the invisible air wall ahead.

He let go of Zhi Ji, and slowly turned around to look at the group of onmyojis behind him, with a gloomy expression.

"It seems that you really want to die.

Chapter 688 Yo

"It seems that you really want to seek death... After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he released a few different yin and yang spells. These middle-aged people who appeared outside the banquet hall are all The older generation of the Shimada family, whether it is a branch family or a main family, has a certain status.

Similarly, there is also certain strength.Visible to the naked eye, the banquet hall where Lin Yuanfei was located was alienated.The original solid wood walls and floor began to squirm violently, like the inner wall of a stomach bag, and even the color turned into a disgusting dark red.And inside this banquet hall that has turned into a monster's stomach, the temperature seems to be getting lower and lower, and a kind of creepy cold atmosphere that Lin Yuanfei is very familiar with is in the air. There are many more things.

Leddy's voice rang in his ears.

"Hey... little samurai, you seem to have entered a haunted den."

At the same time Freddy's voice fell, Lin Yuanfei's left eye was dyed a dark red color.However, wherever he looked with his left eye, all the spiritual grudges in the room appeared.At least twenty resentful spirits of different shapes wandered around the room, and those ghostly faces and ferocious gazes all stared at Lin Yuanfei.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan C twitched recently and squeezed out a dry laugh.

"Miss Orihime, your diary can be used now.

The moment the human skin diary was taken out, the cold breath in the air became heavier again.In Lin Yuan's field of vision. When the human skin diary was pulled out, the group of wraiths who were slowly approaching all took half a step back.Obviously, these wraiths sensed some kind of powerful and similar terrifying aura.

The incarnation of the grievance, Gayako, has killed so many innocent people, coupled with the special nature of its grievance, its lethality and deterrent power are far more terrifying than ordinary ghosts.

Even the group of Shimada's family showed expressions of astonishment.Because the moment Orihime took out the diary, she directly opened the title page of the diary, and while reciting in a low voice, her hands quickly sealed.A cold gust of wind spread out around Orihime.

The diary wrapped in human skin was directly suspended in mid-air, emitting a cold light blue light.

Some kind of strange breath spread out in the room.

Then, there was some kind of scalp-tingling, weird sound in the air.

cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck a frightful sound like the human joint being twisted off, resounding densely in all directions.Then, under everyone's gaze, one after another pale figures slowly crawled out from the darkness in all directions.

That pale figure, the ferocious resentment... made one's scalp tingle.

The people present were all onmyojis, well-informed, but this level of ghosts still made them feel panicked.

The most frightening thing is the number of these ghosts! In the corners, in the bushes, under the roof, beams, walls... all the spaces in this small courtyard are almost filled with these strange and pale figures.And in that gloomy darkness, it seems that there are more ghosts crawling out.The scalp-numbing weird clucking sound continued to sound like a big ensemble, almost resounding through the entire night sky.A huge explosion sounded in the group of ghosts.

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