The onmyojis of the Shimada family released their spells one after another, aiming at the group of ghosts outside.Their yin and yang skills are almost certain to kill ghosts and spirits.But there are too many of these ghosts.

Even though it seems that all the massacres are one-sided, the continuous number makes people's scalp tingle every day.

Aoko Shimada who was standing at the front shouted angrily.

"Don't let Lin Yuanfei run away!' Lin Yuanfei in the house didn't even look at her, and directly smashed the nearest wall with a knife, and rushed out with Ruozhiji. It had turned into a monster's stomach The wall squirmed, as if strangling Lin Yuanfei, but Lin Lie's blade directly cut a huge hole.

In the black blood splatter, Lin Yuan rushed out with Zhi Ji.

Instantly disappeared from Shimada Aoko's sight.

Seeing this scene, Shimada Aoko's face darkened.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Her shout was heard far away in the yard.But at this time, everyone in the small courtyard was entangled by the group of ghosts, and no one chased her out together.

In other words, no one dared to catch up with her.

Facing the contemporary successor of Feitian Yujian style, who would dare to chase? When there are many people, you can still rely on the advantage of numbers to protect yourself.

Now that everyone is "overwhelmed", is chasing them out looking for death? In the end, only five people including Aoko Shimada and Nobuhide Shimada chased them out.They quickly passed through the banquet hall where the walls were still wriggling, passed through the big hole that Lin Yuan Eyong had opened, and rushed into the back of the banquet hall.

Here, is a dark bamboo forest.

In the darkness, one after another pale shadows stretched out their pale claws from the shadows and grabbed at them.Obviously, Na Yang is here, just like Lin Yuan and the others left behind by the evil spirits.Shimada Nobuhide's face was gloomy.

"What kind of shikigami are these? Why are there so many?" As onmyojis, they could tell at a glance that the human skin diary was the carrier of a shikigami.

But in any case, the number of such evil spirit-like shikigami is too many? Is it completely endless?

Qingzi Shimada snorted coldly, and said, "Those two people can't get out! Now that Shimada's house is under martial law, all the magic workshops are in operation immediately, and even the space of the sewer is broken. They want to escape quietly. Impossible! Gu Jian finished this sentence.

Scarlet blood exploded from Shimada Aoko's chest.

Her body that was walking forward was in vain-stiffness, her whole body froze.

A sharp broken knife appeared silently from the darkness and pierced her chest.And the man who was supposed to escape was standing in the bamboo forest in front of her

"...Aoko Shimada, right?" Hayashi Yuan K sneered and said, "You seem to have a big temper."

Chapter 689

This is a dimly lit bamboo forest path.The ground paved with bluestone forms a meter-wide path in the bamboo forest.

The breeze blows, the bamboo leaves fall, and there is a certain quiet and elegant artistic conception.

But at this time, this quiet and elegant artistic conception was destroyed.The white-haired man appeared there at some point and stopped in front of the road.

The knife in his hand pierced the chest of Aoko Shimada who was walking in the front.

Scarlet blood dripped down slowly in the dim light.Shimada Aoko was stiff all over, and the expression on her face became ferocious with disbelief and anger.

"!" Shimada Qingzi growled the name angrily in his throat.Even though her chest was pierced, her hands were already angrily grabbing at the man in front of her.

Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised by the fierce and fierce appearance of the middle-aged woman.

"Aren't you afraid of death? Lin Yuanfei suddenly withdrew the knife in his hand, and the knife flashed.

In the air, the scarlet blood flashed again.Silently, Shimada Aoko's two arms flew out, disconnecting from her body.And the broken knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand was still stuck in Qingzi Shimada's chest, as if it had never left.

The four people behind Shimada Aoko didn't even see the flicker of the saber light clearly, they only felt the flicker for a moment, and Shimada Aoko's arms flew out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Shimada Nobuhide stopped the people behind him, showing a dignified expression.

...." Shimada Nobuhide took a deep breath and said, "If you really killed Aoko here, then everything is really irreversible.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him and grinned, "Uncle Shimada, at this time, don't you think there is still room for peace talks?"

Shimada Nobuhide looked at him seriously and said, "At least, we can prevent the situation from deteriorating to an uncontrollable level!

After Shimada Nobuhide said this, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Let the situation not deteriorate to an uncontrollable level? After bombing Pearl Harbor, you still want peace talks? How come the thinking of you Japanese aristocrats has not improved after decades?!"

In the darkness, the knife flashed.The knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand directly split Shimada Qingzi's body, the blade passed through the body obliquely, and pulled out from the middle-aged woman's shoulder.Amid the splashing blood, Shimada Aoko, whose half of his body had been sliced ​​open, twitched in pain and fell heavily backwards.And Lin Yuanfei's figure disappeared again

Just like when they appeared quietly, they also left silently, making the defense and attack techniques of the remaining four people all in vain.

Seeing this scene, Shimada Nobuhide took a deep breath and understood what was going on.

"It's Tsuchimikado] Orihime helping him..."

This kind of disappearing speed comparable to invisibility is definitely not something that can be achieved simply by being fast.

The Onmyoji girl who fled with Lin Yuanfei definitely helped.

When Yin Yang is combined with a powerful swordsman, the lethality produced is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Seeing this scene, Shimada Nobuhide stepped back. "Walk!

He whispered, 'Go back!'

At this moment, he realized the recklessness of his group.After seeing the back of Lin Yuanfei being forced to flee, he subconsciously chased after him, wanting to find out the truth about his father's death.But he did not expect that Lin Yuanfei was not frightened at all, nor did he want to run away.It's just trying to lure them into pursuit.In other words, the tragic death of his father affected Shimada Nobuhide's judgment! When he saw the tragic situation of Shimada Aoko's collapse, his brain immediately woke up and realized that he was in a desperate situation.With the three entourages behind him, Shimada Shinyin was not far behind them, less than [-] meters away, which was the banquet hall.And in that small courtyard, there are almost all onmyojis from the older generation of the Shimada family.Whether it is a branch family or a main family, it can be said that more than [-]% of the Shimada family's combat power has gathered here.No individual can face this amount of Onmyoji at the same time, even Lin Yuanfei has to retreat.

So as long as he fled back to the small courtyard, he would be safe again.

But obviously, he is not the only one who knows this, Shimada Nobuhide.

The moment the four of them turned around, the bamboo forest path behind them changed.A cold wind blows from the end of the tunnel.

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