A strange white figure crawled out from the darkness.

One after another pale and weird hands protruded from under the floor, in the darkness, and in the bamboo forest, and frantically grabbed the four people in the bamboo forest path.

The moment Shimada Nobuhide activated the yin and yang spell, a white light spread out around him.Wherever it went, all the white ghost hands were shattered.

But at the same time he activated the electricity-dispelling spell, a figure descended from the dark sky.

With the piercing light of the saber and the crazy grin, the broken saber slashed out towards the four people who were looking down at him.

The dazzling cold light exploded in the darkness.

He could only watch helplessly as the terrifying broken knife fell from the sky.

With a terrifying bang, the three subordinates around Shimada Nobuhide shot at the same time.Trying to set up an invisible defensive barrier to block Lin Yuanfei's attack.

These three people are all onmyojis who are no less than forty years old. Experienced Taoists, and they cooperate with each other tacitly.

But obviously, the strength of these three people alone can't stop the mountains and forests from flying!

The moment the knife light fell, a terrifying explosion directly set off in the bamboo forest.The boiling shock wave spread in all directions like the end of the world.The three who were in charge of maintaining the defensive barrier were the first to bear the brunt, and those who screamed were sent flying, their bodies cracked and blood gushing wildly.The moment the invisible defense barrier was shattered, the three of them also suffered the same trauma, and the skin on the entire body surface burst.

In the splash of blood, the three of them flew out, fell heavily in the bamboo forest, and completely lost their voices.And Shimada Nobuhide, who was rescued by these three people at their own risk, endured the subsequent shock wave with difficulty, half kneeling on the bamboo forest trail, looking down, his body stiff.

With a sharp knife, the wine was on his shoulder, and a light cut could take his life away.And the man's aggressive laughter rang in his ears.It seems to be ridiculed endlessly.

"How is it? Uncle Shimada. How can we negotiate peace. Do you understand?" Shimada Nobuhide was stiff all over.


Chapter 690 I want to kill a hundred

The cold light falls from the gaps in the bamboo forest into the forest path.Nobuhide Shimada was half-kneeling there, with a sharp broken knife across his shoulder, and he could cut off his head with just a slight pull.

That's right, he is a very powerful onmyoji, who can launch onmyoji in an instant.But the person standing in front of him is a swordsman who can kill him ten times in an instant.

Facing Lin Yuanfei, no onmyoji would dare to move lightly within such a distance.

He was half-kneeling with his body twisted, as if he didn't even dare to breathe, he just lowered his head and said.

"Why don't you kill me?" Nobuhide Shimada asked in a low voice, "According to your theory, shouldn't you kill us all now?" There was a restless voice.

The group of branch families of the Shimada family and the great powers of the main family finally repelled the ghost tide of Kayako and chased them here.

Then everyone saw the picture of Patriarch Shimada Nobuhide kneeling in front of Lin Yuanfei.This group of menacing pursuers all froze and stopped.It was actually less than a minute before they separated from Shimada Nobuhide and his party.

They have already solved the ghost tide and caught up.

But they didn't expect that in the face of Hayashi Yuan's unexpected attack, Shimada Nobuhide and these outstanding and even powerful onmyojis would all kneel less.Everyone shouted loudly when they saw this scene.

"Let go of the Patriarch!"

Lin Yuanfei! If you dare to hurt the head of the family, our Shimada family will destroy you all!" Of course, whether their behavior of maliciously instructing and scolding the kidnappers is to put pressure on the kidnappers, or to stimulate the kidnappers to tear up the ticket, this is a matter of opinion. Lin Yuanfei slanted He glanced at the group of people and said.

"Actually, my requirements are not many, even very simple. Although a powerful onmyoji can cast spells even without his hands, losing his hands will have a great impact on him.

In this way, under the attention of the crowd, Lin Yuan stood behind Shimada Nobuhide and said with a smile.

"Didn't you say that I killed your old man? Then let's go back and see what kind of electric thing your old man's body is. Lin Yuanfei's words made Shimada Xinxiu slightly startled, as if Realized something. Before the group of people could speak, he nodded.

"Okay! Let's go back and look at my father's body now, and see if that body is real... You all back off and go to the house!"

Shimada Nobuhide said so, the group of people respect each other, but they can only retreat obediently.And Lin Yuanyuan held the sword with one hand, and the broken blade pressed against Shimada Nobuhide's back, just like this, he pushed Shimada Nobuhide forward slowly with the sword.

As he walked, he said with a smile. "Zhiji, come here first. And in the bamboo forest trail behind him, a turquoise bamboo trembled slightly, and then turned into a young girl. Zhiji appeared behind Lin Yuanfei, keeping pace with Lin Yuanfei With a safe, Lin Yuan's sword can take care of her range at any time.

She also scanned her surroundings vigilantly, guarding against possible attacks.And the elites of the Dasaoda family all looked at them solemnly, but they could only back away slowly.

Finally, a group of people returned to the house.

At this time, the room had completely mutated into a monster's stomach. The dark red flesh wall was squirming, and there were some tiny tentacles growing on it, as if to swallow all the hunters inside, but no one paid attention to this. The strangeness of the room made their sights all focus on the corner.

There, the old man's body should have been there, but it disappeared without a trace.

In the empty corner, the corpse of the old man could not be seen, as if he had never appeared before.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.Lin Yuanfei laughed even more.

"There are so many people present. Did anyone see where your old man went after he died and came back to life?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Some of them shouted angrily.

"You must have destroyed the old man's body! Lin Yuanfei, don't think we will be deceived by you! You must have destroyed the old man's body just now while we were not paying attention!"

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the angry man and laughed.

"What do you call this big brother? Seeing how excited you are. Facing Lin Yuan K's questioning with a smile, the middle-aged man who roared was startled, as if he didn't expect Lin Yuanfei to follow him. But he was still arrogant He gave a bah and said.

"Just because you deserve to know my name? You're just a country boy. If you have the ability to let go of the Patriarch, let you see the true strength of our Shimada family!"

The shout of the middle-aged man, Gu Jian aroused sympathy in the crowd.Others also shouted and cursed.

"That's right! Let go of the Patriarch! I'll let you know that the Shimada House is not something you can afford!"

"Quickly kneel down! Get caught! Maybe we can spare your family!" Seeing that the crowd became excited again, Lin Yuanfei shook his head with a smile.

"...Uncle Shimada, it seems that your people don't really care about your life. Are you really their patriarch?"

Shimada Nobuhide, who was being held hostage by Lin Yuanfei, turned pale and grunted, but did not speak.

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