"It seems that even if there are hostages, I can't reason with you guys... But forget it, I don't intend to reason with you."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the group of people in front of him with a smile, and said

"Your people are...are you?"

"Killing people is a very simple matter. Killing more people is nothing more than repeating the process.

"So, in a broad sense, killing one person is no different from killing ten people.

Lin Yuan looked at the group of people in front of him and smiled brightly.

"And today, I want to kill a hundred!"

Chapter 691 Lack of Awe

Under the night, the Shimada family's manor seemed to be very lively.

The noise and light that occurred under the night had already attracted the attention of many people.On the rooftop of a building very close to Shimada's house, Emiya Kiritsugu put down the telescope in his hand, feeling a little dazed.

*Shimada...does something happen?"

Hearing this sentence, the black Shader, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and playing flying 6 xingqi with Ilya, froze for a moment.

"Ah? What could have happened? Could it be that Shimada Aoko's plan to take away Tsuchimikado Orihime has been exposed?"

Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head, "It's not like... If it was just Aoko Shimada, it would be impossible to make such a big commotion. From the telescope, it looks like many magicians are releasing magic at the same time. The light was very mixed, definitely not something two magicians could do. Illya also raised her head and smiled.

"Could it be that the fact that Aoko Shimada wanted to take away Orihime Tsuchimikado was exposed, and now the Shimada family is going to arrest and kill Aoko Shimada?" The guard Kiritsugu shook his head again.

"If that's the case, it will be a little troublesome, Shader sighed a long time, "It would be great if Ms. Fujino was here, her clairvoyance can clearly see what happened in the Shimada manor.Ilya stood up with a smile and said, "Do you want me to project it in and see?"

Emiya Kiritsugu pondered for a few seconds before rejecting the proposal.

"No, the Shimada family is heavily guarded now, and you will definitely be discovered if you project it into it. We can't be exposed to these Japanese families yet.

"Then what should we do?" Ilya spread her hands unhappily, do you want to stand here and watch?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent.

Under the dark night sky, he stared in the direction of Ruoshima Tian's manor, and after a long silence, he spoke slowly.

"Wait- let's see what the Shimada family is like Under the same night, while Emiya Kiritsugu was waiting, in the manor of the Tsuchimiya J-clan.

In the quiet hut, there are only three people.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo, his guest Ned Hogg, and one of Tsuchimikado Toshizo's assistants.

The young assistant stood respectfully by the side, waiting for the Patriarch's order.And Toshizo Tsuchimikado, who was sitting opposite Nid Hogg, was silent and looked at the teacup in front of him quietly, as if all his mind was attracted by this cup of clear and elegant tea.

"-Does Mr. Prime Minister Xiang Decisive sometimes hesitate?..

Nid Hogg put down the teacup in his hand, and said, or is that Lin Yuanfei really so attractive to you?"

Suisan Tuyumen sighed softly, and said, "To be able to defeat Master Bigu's successor of Feitian Yujian... Lin Yuanfei's strength is even more terrifying than I imagined.

"What's even more frightening is his talent.

, is still weak.Inheritance of Tianyu Sword Style... This kind of strength and talent is so disturbingly strong.

"Lin Yuanfei is still very young now, and his future has infinite possibilities. When he is forty, fifty, or even sixty or seventy, what level of his sword practice can reach? It's just too frustrating to think about.

"And such an excellent swordsman can become the sharpest sword in our hands

Tsuchimikado Toshizo said, "But if we want to protect him and Orihime now, the peace with the Shimada family that has been stable for less than 3 years will be broken again, and the two families will return to their former hostility." Hehe ... Sure enough, changes in the situation can never be measured by manpower.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo sighed long, and said, "I can foresee all the possibilities and figure out the thoughts of all the parties involved, but the development of the matter cannot be as I expected. The actions of the Shimada family tonight , is too weird.

"Obviously, in that high gate compound, something happened tonight that we don't know, which led to other changes.

"Sending people to pick them up... just test the reaction of the Shimada family.

This order from Tsuchimikado Toshizo was quickly conveyed.

After the incident of the Shimada family, the entire manor has been blocked.

Not only are people not allowed to enter and leave at will, but even electronic signals are blocked, so that no one can contact the outside world. . oml Today's Shimada's house is an isolated city island under the night, even though it is located on the edge of the bustling Tokyo city, it cannot have any contact with the outside world.And in the center of this isolated island, the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand was resting on Shimada Nobuhide's neck.

He looked at the group of people in front of him, laughed loudly, and said.

"You guys, would you believe me if I said you were all going to die tonight?"

A group of middle-aged people all looked at each other coldly, as if they were looking at a fool who was talking nonsense.

After all, although Lin Yuan is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to deal with so many onmyojis at the same time.

Seeing the indifferent attitude of these people, Lin Yuanfei sighed and said.

"Seeing your indifferent attitude makes me feel very sad... I feel sad for the head of your Shimada family." Hayashi Yuan T said Ruo, patted Shimada Nobuhide's face with the back of his knife and said, "Uncle Shimada, what are you doing?" See? It seems that your clansmen don't like you very much. You were held hostage by me. Nobuhide Shimada looked at the group opposite him coldly, snorted, and didn't speak.

But obviously. Shimada Nobuhide also understands this.

That's right, these people present are the elites of the main family and branch families, as well as the leaders of their respective small forces.Needless to say, the group of guys who separated the family didn't obey him at all.Not many people even obeyed him.In the eyes of most people in the Shimada family, Nobuhide Shimada, the younger brother who was lucky enough to be in power because of his elder brother's sudden death, is not a qualified head of the family at all.Not only did he make peace with the Tuyumen clan, who have been enemies for many years, he has repeatedly vetoed and abolished the ancient traditions handed down by his ancestors, saying that he must find the rules of survival in the new era.This series of reforms has already aroused heavy resentment within the family.

This is also the reason why when Shimada Nobuhide chased after him, except for a few of Shimada Nobuhide's most confidantes, no one else followed up immediately.They didn't have much respect for the head of the Shimada family!

Chapter 692

In the eyes of many people in the Shimada family, Nobuhide Shimada is a clown who has no qualifications and abilities, but just got lucky under various chances and coincidences.

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