He doesn't have the courage and skill of his elder brother, the powerful dominance and deterrence of his father, and he doesn't have the posture and prestige that a qualified heir should have.In order to force the tribe to stop fighting with the Tuyumen clan, who have been enemies for hundreds of years, they even used the power of the patriarch to execute and punish several elders in the clan.

This kind of cruel behavior inside and outside has already caused resentment among the members of the Shimada family.But no one dared to object to anything.Because the old man is still there.

Before the old man gave up Shimada Nobuhide, any opposition within the family would only bring him a fatal disaster.In the past twenty years, Nobuhide Shimada has done many things and achieved some results, but it also brought disgust and resentment from many people.

At the very least, the middle-aged people present and the leaders of various forces, big and small, respect him as the patriarch on the surface, but it's hard to say how much respect they have in their hearts.This is no secret.In other words, it is a "secret" that everyone knows

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan's smile became even brighter.

"You guys really plan to let your Patriarch die here...

Lin Yuanfei said hypocritically, "Why don't I give you a chance? As long as you let me go, I will return your Patriarch to Zhao completely?"

When this remark came out, the crowd was excited.

"Don't even think about it! You want to leave after killing someone at Shimada's house?"

"That's right! Lin Yuanfei, you are dead tonight!"

"Bet on the glory of the Shimada family, even if the Shimada family dies to the last person, we will never give in to villains like you!" The roar of the crowd made Nobuhide Shimada's eyes even colder.

But Lin Yuanfei saw all this and laughed.

Said Ruo, Lin Yuan rolled his eyes, looked at the middle-aged uncle who danced the most happily before, and said.

"Uncle, you just refused to tell me your name, saying that I... um... Since you have such self-esteem, you must be a great warrior with self-respect and self-love, right? If I give you Lin Yuanfei's inquiry, let The middle-aged uncle's expression froze slightly, then he frowned.

"What chance?" the uncle asked.

Lin Yuanfei grinned, "It's very simple, exchange people. Ah... isn't it a good deal for you?"

"In this way, even if there is an accident, it will be you who died, not your patriarch. You did your best and died. I believe that with the Shimada family's behavior, you will definitely not be treated badly.

"Or is it that uncle, you are timid and afraid of death, and you don't want to come and exchange?"

Lin Yuan smiled and blocked the middle-aged uncle's retreat.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the expression on the middle-aged uncle's face was a little stiff.He looked at Lin Yuanfei, his face twitched. Then he squeezed out a dry smile,... Are you kidding me?"

The middle-aged uncle tried to regain his position, "A vicious villain like you, would you trust us? You must have other conspiracies and schemes to implement!" The middle-aged Daquan tried to bring the rhythm back, but no one responded to him up.

The whole room was dead-quiet, and no one spoke, as if Lin Yuan K would change the exchange target to them as soon as they spoke.

"Hey! Say something! Do you believe what this bastard said? Do you really believe that he will let the Patriarch go obediently?"

After the roar of the middle-aged uncle ended, the crowd remained silent.Everyone looked at each other, and then someone spoke in a low voice.

"If you're afraid of death, just say it

"Yeah, how do you know if you don't try it?

"Yeah, it's obviously because I'm afraid of death.

Everyone's words made the middle-aged uncle's face turn pale.

He looked around and found that the people around him who had been provoked by a few words

After all, those present are all representatives of their own small powers and small groups, and no one has a relationship with each other. Under such circumstances, everyone seems to be an independent individual.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged Da Quan fell silent.He looked at Lin Yuanfei.

And Lin Yuanfei on the opposite side smiled brightly, "How is it? Uncle, do you want to come over and be a hostage? As long as you come here, I will let your Patriarch go. It's a good deal to change one person, right?

"Don't confuse people with your gossip! Lin Yuanfei! You won't fulfill your promise at all! You obviously intend to.

"Shimada Nobumura!" - A tiger-like roar interrupted the middle-aged man's words.The moment the seemingly weak Patriarch Nobuhide Shimada opened his mouth, the roaring sound and roar were really like the rebirth of a fierce tiger, and several people present shuddered in fright.

After the roaring Shimada Nobuhide roared out the names of the clansmen, he stared at the other party. He growled with a gloomy face.

Come with me!" Shimada Nobuhide's voice was not loud, very low, but he gritted his teeth. The ferocious eyes seemed to want to bite the cousin in front of him to death.

"Swap with me! I will protect your life!" Shimada Nobuhide growled, making the middle-aged man named Shimada Nobumura pale.

Obviously, this middle-aged man didn't want to be a hostage in the exchange.

But under the eyes of everyone, facing the order of the Patriarch, this middle-aged man named Shimada Nobumura could only bow his head angrily and said

"You have fallen into the villain's tricks, and you will not end well!

Then, under everyone's gaze, the middle-aged man named Shimada Nobumura walked slowly towards Lin Yuan with extremely reluctant steps.

And Lin Yuanfei looked at him with a smile, but under that smiling expression, there was a gloomy and cold light in his eyes.

Chapter 693 Using Life to Bring the Rhythm (Third)

To the meeting hall...or, in the monster's stomach, the atmosphere is very strange.

The group of middle-aged people from the Shimada family stood aside like audiences in a theater, witnessing everything happening.As for the two Shimadas involved in the center of the vortex of the storm, their life and death are hanging by a thread at this time, but it seems that they are not within the scope of their relationship.

Lin Yuanfei watched all this happen with a smile, without saying anything.He saw the middle-aged uncle named Shimada Nobumura come to the front and back, and directly kicked Shimada Nobuhide Rui, whose hands were twisted and dislocated, and flew out.Then he grabbed Shimada Nobumura at a speed that everyone could not stop, and repeated the trick to dislocate Shimada Nobumura's hands.

When everyone came to their senses, the hostages had switched places.Shimada Nobumura, who had dislocated his hands, stood at the original position of Shimada Nobuhide, while Shimada Nobuhide was lying between the two sides in embarrassment, because his hands were dislocated and he couldn't even get up.Fortunately, these people in the Shimada family did not dare to completely ignore him as the Patriarch, and immediately went up to help him up.After Shimada Nobuhide broke away from Lin Yuanfei's control, even these people's attitudes became much better.Someone immediately restored Shimada Nobuhide's hands.But before these people talked about the past, or expressed their loyalty to the Patriarch, Lin Yuanfei interrupted them with a smile.

"Don't be in a hurry to talk about the future. Lin Yuanfei said, "Now that the Patriarch has returned it to you, I have shown enough sincerity. How can you say that you should show some sincerity from the Shimada family?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "Where did the body of your old man Shimada go? Mr. Shimada Nobuhide, are you sure you don't want to check it? That's your father, it's fine if others don't care about it, your own son doesn't care Yet?"

Hayashihara's words made Nobuhide Shimada silent.

He turned around and stood in the crowd opposite to the man who had held him hostage just now, without speaking.

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