But at this time, Shimada Xincun, who was held hostage by Lin Yuanfei, suddenly spoke.

"Don't listen to his nonsense! Patriarch! If you let him go today, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain!"

Shimada Nobumura shouted excitedly, "With this person's strength and character, and the hatred he has with our Shimada family, even if we let him go today, he will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge in the future! At that time we There must be heavy casualties! To take him down now is a chance that will last forever! I missed this opportunity. I won’t have such a good opportunity again in the future!"

Lin Yuanfei was taken aback by Shimada Shinmura's impassioned speech.

"Wow! Uncle, aren't you?" Lin Yuanfei said in amazement, "You are using your life to guide Qin? I hold Dupipi in my hand and still keep the rhythm. You are really not afraid of death Did it? Sensing that the broken knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand was pressed against his skin, Shimada Shinmura shuddered, but still roared loudly.

"Linyuan scoundrel! You murdered in public at the Shimada family. You are a big treason. My Shimada family vows to fight you to the death! Do you think death can scare us? No! Our Shimada family will avenge every revenge!" Shimada Xincun was so impassioned as if he had suddenly changed to a different person, and Lin Yuanfei shook his head when he heard Lin Yuanfei.

"Uncle, uncle, you are really a tough guy... It's a pity that you are so fierce, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. Lin Yuanfei smiled like a man. He pulled the face of Shimada Xincun with his hands, and smiled ferociously , "You really don't want to live anymore? Then I can help you and let you sacrifice your life for righteousness!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Shimada Nobumura's face was ashen, but he still refused to give in and roared loudly.

"Kill me if you have the ability! Hayashihara villain! I, Shimada Nobumura, will never submit to a villain like you! The man of the Shimada family will never surrender!"

.... It's okay if you don't surrender until you die, even if you fight to the last pawn of the Shimada family, you won't surrender, right? Lord Devil?" The smile on Lin Yuanfei's face was very sinister. These words Shimada Nobumura's body froze. Hayashibara's hand holding his face had injected some kind of boiling demonic power into Shimada Nobumura's body.

In an instant, Shimada Nobumura's body seemed to have some kind of irrepressible chemical reaction, and he began to twitch violently.

But his voice was not too panicked, but full of surprise.

"Lin Yuan... When did you find out?"

At this time, Shimada Nobumura's body began to mutate strangely.

The shape of the human being is constantly wriggling and distorted, like an abstract painting, which is inexplicably disgusting.

But the voice still came from this group of monsters that could no longer be regarded as human beings.And Lin Yuanfei smiled brightly when he saw the wriggling monster in Ruo's hand.

"Probably when you took advantage of the chaos to attack this uncle Shimada Nobumura... At that time, I clearly felt a familiar aura around here flashed away, so I kept an extra eye on it. I didn't expect you to really It's nearby...Little sister Alessa. The monster in front of Lin Yuanfei's eyes has returned to its original appearance.

Dark fleshy wings, ferocious face, hoofed feet surrounded by flames, a tall and burly body, a huge special feature on its head... a monster called a demon, just stood in front of Lin Yuanfei.The demon, who is already considered tall among ordinary people, looks a little petite in front of the demon.

It looked down at Wakabayashi Yuanfei, and let out a hearty Yujie voice.

"Haha... you are indeed Lin Yuan, you are indeed the man I fancy. You can even feel my breath. It seems that you are getting closer and closer to me.

Eian's laughter made Lin Yuanfei laugh too.

However, it was not Lin Yuanfei who actually sensed the evil nunnery.

In other words, neither Lin Yuanfei nor Zhiji had noticed the existence of demons at first.As she said, her aura was indeed perfectly hidden.

But when she appeared nearby, Alesha in Lin Yuanfei's consciousness space seemed to have changed slightly.The little girl, who had been sitting motionless on a chair in the consciousness space, seemed to be smiling more happily when the demon appeared, and a cold light even flashed in her eyes.

And this scene was seen by Freddy, who was also bored sitting next to him and hit the little girl with his head as a ball.

Then, Freddy reminded Lin Yuan6.It was only then that Lin Yuanfei realized that something was wrong, so he paid extra attention. He immediately discovered that the old man Shimada's body was missing.Coupled with the secret mobilization of the demon power in his body, he finally felt a similar resonance nearby.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei understood one thing.At least in this matter, the demon who disappeared after the Silent Hill incident seems to have played an important role!

Chapter 694 The Sincerity of the Shimada Family

Long ago, Hayashihara K knew that the demon in Silent Hill would not let it go.

In other words, she tricked Lin Yuanfei into eating Alessa and carrying all the negative power of Alessa's evil side, and she definitely didn't mean to give him mercy.The demon of unknown origin must have its own purpose for doing such a thing.But at that time, Lin Yuanfei had no choice. He had neither the strength nor the time to investigate this matter. For him at that time, Sadako Yamamura in Chiba was the sharp sword hanging over his head.

But Lin Yuanfei never let go of that demon's vigilance, he knew very early on that the demon would come back one day.

He never loosened his wisdom ring.

Therefore, when he knew that the little girl who was the incarnation of Aretha's dark side in the conscious space was behaving abnormally, Lin Yuanfei knew that the demon from Silent Hill had appeared.In a sense, this demon is Yuji's mother.

But obviously, this demon who takes pleasure in torturing people is not as gentle and considerate as Yuki.

It doesn't even have any thoughts of helping its own daughter, let alone others.

Lin Yuan didn't have any psychological burden for killing such an inhuman guy.After confirming the disappearance of the old man's body from Shimada's family, Lin Yuan understood something.As Orihime said, the Shimada Ryuju they saw was not the real Shimada Ryujuro.

So where did the real Shimada Ryujuro go?

Obviously. More bad luck than good luck.

After all, with the old man's behavior, everything is for the highest benefit of the Shimada family.But everything this demon disguised as Shimada Yanagiro did tonight was clearly aimed at fanning the flames, lest the world would not go into chaos. He acted like he wanted to completely mess up the Shimada family. It is impossible to get the permission and support of Mr. Shimada.

Then in the dignified Shimada family, as the old man Shimada came out to stir up trouble, not only the real old man Shimada did not come out to stop it, even the people in the Shimada family were ignorant of this demon's disguise.

Even if he is still alive, at least he has been imprisoned.

There is even a high probability of death, which is predictable.Because seeing the moment when the old man's body disappeared, Lin Yuanfei realized something.

Obviously, the evil grinder had already left, and might even be hiding in the crowd to fan the flames.

just didn't expect

Seeing the fully active demon in front of him, the broken knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand pointed at him.

Humans and demons are confronting each other, but the atmosphere is not very solemn, and it can even be said to be a little weird.

At the very least, neither party in this confrontation seemed to have any killing intent.The appearance of the devil caused an uproar among the Shimada family.

"Demon?! How could such a creature sneak into Shimada's house!"

"Dignified Shimada... Lin Yuanfei! Did you bring this demon here?"

"Devil! How did you sneak into Shimada's house? Also, what happened to your disguised Nobumura? Where is he now?"

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