Seeing the appearance of the devil, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Shimada Nobuhide in the crowd watched the group of clansmen around him coldly, and after taking a deep breath, he suppressed the commotion of the clansmen.

Then, he looked at the demon in front of him.Shimada Nobuhide asked, "Demon, where did you hide my father?"

Shimada Nobuhide directly asked the most critical question, "Also, you were able to avoid so many warnings and exorcisms and enter the Shimada family. Did someone from the Shimada family respond to you? What is your purpose? What is it?" Shimada Nobuhide pointed to the core of the question as soon as he opened his mouth.

And Eian's body didn't move, but he turned his head directly to face the group of people behind him, and laughed.

"Patriarch Shimada, you are so smart, you can guess. If you guess correctly, I will give you a reward.

Shimada Nobuhide looked at the posture of the devil, and said slowly, ignoring the astonishment of the people around him, Shimada Nobuhide speculated, "You dare to appear as my father, obviously you have controlled my father. And recently Controlled, the time will not exceed twelve hours."

"There are [-] large-scale spells and [-] small-scale spells running day and night inside the Shimada family, and [-] + [-] of them can detect your demon status.

"These spells change every three hours, and the rules of change are almost chaotic. Even I can't be sure of the law and area of ​​the next spell change.

"Unless there is a high-ranking, powerful Shimada clan to help you all the time, and immediately notify you of the new spell distribution rules every time there is a change, you can avoid those spells that threaten you. style, hidden in this mansion estate."

"But in the Shimada family, there are very few people who have the strength to help you. Before the summoning order was issued, there were only a handful of people who appeared in this manor

"So, I can conclude that you sneaked into Shimada's house within today, took control of my father, and pretended to be him.

"And judging from the timing and opportunity, it seems that Qingzi is the only one who has the opportunity and motivation to be your internal response...

Shimada Nobuhide made a self-deprecating sneer, "Oh... I know. Qingzi has been dissatisfied with me for a long time. After all, according to her idea, after the death of her brother, Nobunaga should inherit the Shimada family what.

"Now that Nobunaga is still dead, and she died in the city where I arranged to work, her resentment towards me is probably even deeper, and she may even think that I was the murderer who killed Nobunaga.

"Under such circumstances, it is only natural for her to join forces with the devil to retaliate against me.

The expression on Shimada Nobuhide's face was a bit bitter.

He just looked at the demon in front of him. That kind of blank expression gave people a feeling that grief was greater than death.

Probably for this middle-aged man who has been working hard to revitalize the family, but has always been hated by everyone, the resentment from his brother's wife is the sharpest knife.

He took a deep breath and said, "Demon, now that Qingzi is dead and your accomplices are gone, it's time for you to give up, right?"

Shimada Nobuhide said, "Where is my father? Tell me his location, I can let you leave the gate of Shimada's house, and swear never to hunt you down...

Shimada Nobuhide said seriously, "My father, he is the pillar of the Shimada family. If you return him to us completely, our Shimada family is willing to show the greatest sincerity!"

Chapter 695 A Broken State of Mind (Fifth Watch·Pseudo)

Everyone can see that Nobuhide Shimada is very serious.He is very sincere.

In a sense, this is a man who prefers order and stability.

Under Wang Ta's control, the Shimada family abandoned a lot of hostility in the past, and repaired with many families.

This is something everyone understands.Because the man named Nobuhide Shimada has always been a man of promise.He even promises now that he will not hunt down and kill this demon in the future. Then he will definitely not go back on his word.If it was an ordinary moment, those clansmen of Shimada Nobuhide would have already expressed their opposition angrily.

After all, the Shimada family is one of the most powerful onmyoji families in Japan. With a history of thousands of years, it has always been ranked among the top three of all Japanese families.

Whether it's prestige or strength, it overwhelms everyone else.In such a famous family, such a thing is tantamount to a great shame for the Shimada family.If it was the past, everyone present would have jumped up to oppose it.

But at this moment, no one dared to stand up.

It's not that they are afraid of the authority of the head of the family, but because of what Shimada Nobuhide revealed - the old man of the Shimada family is now controlled by this demon.

For these people in the Shimada family, they may dare to despise and even contradict some orders of the head of the Shimada Nobuhide.But the old man who has abdicated for many years is still a big mountain on everyone's head, and no one dares to resist that old man.Of course. They didn't have the idea of ​​rebelling either.Even when the old man was on top of their heads, they would feel at ease.For these people, if there is a button that can cause Shimada to die instantly, they can push that button to the explosive position.

But the old man was different.

Even if many of the people present have evil intentions, when the old man is in danger, they will definitely find a way to rescue the old man first.

Therefore, although Shimada Nobuhide's proposal was excessive and humiliating to the Shimada family, no one expressed any objection.While everyone was watching, the demon's body also slowly turned around.It turned its back to Lin Yuanfei, just looking at these people in Shimada's family, it opened its mouth full of ape teeth.It made a laugh of Yu Jie, who was completely incompatible with its terrifying figure.

"Let Shimada Ryujuro go? Hahahaha... yes, but you have to promise me a condition.

There seemed to be too much malice in the devil's laughter.Its fingers donated to Lin Yuanfei who was behind him, and said, "You help me kill him! Kill this man named Lin Yuanfei, and I will return your old man to you! After saying this, everyone's eyes are on him. Focused on Lin Yuan Lu again. Facing the ferocious eyes of this group of people, Lin Yuan K, who once again became the focus of everyone's attention, let out a long sigh


"It's too much...Madam Devil, I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the present. Why do you think you have to kill me?"

The knife in his hand also fell down.

The whole person assumed the posture of about to unleash the sword, as if he was going to do his best.

"Could it be possible that you sneaked into Shimada's house to make troubles, and did so many things. The purpose was to kill me? What's the point of making such a big fight?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

And the demon laughed happily.

"Of course! Lin Yuan, you are the man I like! Seeing a human being like you go to extinction with my own eyes makes me feel extremely happy! he a tax evader?" Lin Yuanfei curled his lips and said, "Personally speaking, tax evaders are the most disgusting.But there is no way, the situation is stronger than people.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the demon in front of him and the group of humans behind the demon, and said, how about it? Uncle Shimada, are you really going to kill me? I feel that your father may have been killed by this evil.

Then, he raised his hand and looked coldly at Lin Yuanfei who was opposite him.

"Everyone... This time, Nobuhide Shimada's orders were followed.

Everyone around him began to prepare for the attack.

And at the moment when the colorful light came on, Nobuhide Shimada spoke coldly.

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