In the next second, colorful light flooded it.

In an instant, more than [-] powerful yin and yang techniques enveloped it.

Although the group of Shimada's family didn't understand this order, it would be a great relief for them if they died viciously.

Their aversion to this vicious rot that defies the majesty of the Shimada family is no less than that of Lin Yuanfei.

So everyone has lost their hands, and they all aimed their yin and yang skills at the devil.Only one or two people Yiri subconsciously released the Yin Yang technique on Lin Yuanfei.But they were destined not to be able to hurt Lin Yuanfei.Because when this group of people released the yin and yang technique, Lin Yuanfei disappeared from the spot.It seemed that the attacks of these Onmyojis had been expected long ago.A cold gust of wind blew up in the arena.

The figure of Lin Yuanfei rushed into the group of Shimada's family in an instant.Facing the frenzy of yin and yang techniques that might come from the Shimada family, he didn't back down at all, as if he knew that these yin and yang techniques would not attack him.Around this group of people, experienced onmyojis have already laid down a decelerating force field. Once someone breaks into the short-range area, they will be entangled by invisible tentacles in the air.Na Yang couldn't catch the opponent, at least he could slow down Lin Yuanfei's speed! Everyone saw Lin Yuan's figure, less than a meter away from them.

Such a distance is almost non-existent for a master swordsman.Everyone was startled, they didn't know why Lin Yuan dared to come at them.

But subconsciously, these people all threw out life-saving spells, trying to attack Lin Yuanfei or protect themselves. But the moment Lin Yuanfei appeared and everyone tried to fight back, - Shimada who stood in the crowd but didn't make a move Xinxiu moved.He made a move, directly mobilized all his power, and directly disrupted the spells of everyone around him with Yin-Yang spells.

This kind of disturbance can only last for a short two seconds.

But for Lin Yuanfei, enough is enough!

Blood. Splatter!

Chapter 696 The Highest Masterpiece

Time, back to ten minutes ago.

When the knife in Hayashi Yuan's hand fell on Shimada Nobuhide's shoulder.

Seeing this man kneeling on the ground with a stiff body, Lin Yuan smiled.

"... Uncle, don't you think that tonight's events are weird from beginning to end?"

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "What your old man did tonight is completely different from his previous style. It's like a different person... Don't you think?"

"" Shimada Nobuhide said coldly with a pale face, "What do you want to say?"

".... Zhiji, come and explain to him, tell him our previous guess," Lin Yuanfei snapped his fingers, "Be familiar with him, it will be faster to explain with him.

Then, a girl's figure stepped out of the darkness.Orihime looked at Nobuhide Shimada who was kneeling in front of him, and said softly, Uncle Shimada, I have a plan...

"The plan was successful!

Amid wild laughter, the crowd exploded.What exploded at the same time were the bodies of more than twenty people from the Shimada family.

How many people can a swordsman in full strength kill in a second after breaking into the crowd?

Lin Yuan didn't know.But he proved one thing, that is, it is easy to kill [-] people in one second! Almost at the moment of breathing, more than [-] people in Shimada's family were all screaming blood.

Scarlet blood shot out from everyone's bodies.When Lin Yuan's laughter sounded, everyone's bodies were torn apart and splashed around.Hands, heads,... These limbs and arms from different human bodies are flying around like broken car parts, instantly making the already disgusting.The "week bag" space becomes even more evil.

The ground was covered with the broken limbs and arms of different people, and the scarlet blood splattered everywhere.

Among the corpses, the only ones standing were two people.Lin Yuanfei, who was shaking the blood on the blade, and Shimada Nobuhide, who was still in the posture of activating Onmyoji, but his face was livid and his body was stiff.

These two people who were supposed to be hostile to each other took advantage of everyone's negligence at that moment just now, and killed all the Shimada family members in the field with an almost perfect cooperation.And behind them, the demon had already resolved the wave of yin and yang bombing just now and got away.Seeing what Lin Yuan did, it was a little startled.

You... when did you come to an agreement?"

Lin Yuan, who had already thrown the blood off the blade, carried it like a knife, and looked at this tall and peaceful demon with a sinister smile.

"Aren't you surprised? Are you surprised? Do you think everything is under your control? Wrong! Even the pawns in the middle of the game will try to jump out and smash you. Conspirator's!

Orihime was on the other side, blocking the demon's way out.

She looked at this tall and hideous demon, and said, "After I realized that Grandpa Shimada was disguised by a demon, I guessed it. The real Grandpa Shimada must have been in danger."

"So, when you have already guessed the mastermind behind the scenes, isn't it a matter of course to find new allies and then catch the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"It's impossible for you to expect us to realize that we've been plotted against by someone, and foolishly follow your expectations to fight to the death with the Shimada family, right?

"I just told him about the situation and speculation, and he agreed to play a play with us to look for possible demons in the crowd."

"Anyway, even if you can't catch the devil, as long as you keep an eye on everyone in the arena and don't give it a chance to escape, after half an hour, all the spells of the Shimada family will be randomly reset, and you can still find the devil

"Of course, the most important thing is that in that situation, Uncle Shimada has no other choice but to act with us.

Saying that, Orihime looked at Nobuhide Shimada.

At this time, Shimada Nobuhide had a gloomy face, standing between the broken limbs on the ground, his face was livid, and he didn't know what he was thinking.And the demon laughed out loud.

"Your plan includes killing everyone present? Shimada Nobuhide, who is known for his generosity and righteousness, has the heart to murder family members with outsiders? This is really a magical reality!"

Zhi Ji looked at this scene, but didn't speak.Lin Yuanfei didn't speak either.In fact, in their plan, there was no option to kill the Shimada family.This option was temporarily added by Nobuhide Shimada.

After they made a plan to capture the devil, they both wore a paper talisman that could communicate with consciousness, and they could communicate with consciousness at close range.

It was also through this kind of communication of consciousness that Lin Yuanfei learned from Shimada Nobuhide that Shimada Nobumura is a person who is good at taking rhythm and provoking trouble.So when Shimada Shinmura jumped out to take the rhythm, Lin Yuanfei and the others directly locked their target on this middle-aged man.The result was a little-testing, and the other party turned out to be a demon in disguise. Their original plan was to let Nobuhide Shimada pretend to agree to the request of the demon, and then order everyone to attack the demon.

Taking advantage of the moment when the demon was in a state of desperation, Lin Yuanfei Lu launched an attack at close range, and then joined forces with Lin Yuanfei and all the onmyojis of the Shimada family to capture the demon.

But Nobuhide Shimada temporarily changed the plan.He changed the plan to take the opportunity to kill everyone present. Hayashi Yuan and Orihime looked at Shimada Nobuhide with a gloomy face, and didn't speak.

No one knew what kind of mental journey this middle-aged man, who had always been generous and benevolent, was considered cowardly, had gone through before he made the decision to kill all the people around him.

-Neyang, these tribesmen tried to kill him just now.Of course, this is not the time to think about these things.

Lin Yuanfei raised the broken knife, pointed it at the demon in front, and groaned.Lin Yuan's words broke the ice, but only got a devil's chuckle.

"The old man from Shimada's family... Condolences... The old man from Shimada's family is dead or alive now, haven't you guessed it?"

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