"But what I heard from Lin Yuan...is different from what you said.

"In that dream, he experienced several deaths, and his life was quite bad.... He was killed constantly and experienced the fear of death. Is this your love for him?"

Makoto Ito's question made the smile on Yuki's face disappear.

Standing there, she seemed to be thinking of what happened before, with a frustrated but proud expression on her face.

"That's something that can't be helped... Yuki said in a low voice, "Who made Hayashi Yuan-kun, who I like so much, so good?"

"If Lin Yuan-jun's willpower is a little weaker, then he won't notice anything abnormal at all, and my plan will be perfectly successful.

"But Lin Yuan-jun is really powerful and admirable!"

"His willpower is so strong, his spirit is so tenacious, even if he is pulled into the dream by me, he can still resist at the subconscious level and interfere with my dream.

"Those things he encountered in the dream have nothing to do with me. Even I am the one who is trying to be stable!"

"It is entirely Lin Yuan-jun's subconscious self-defense that disturbed the dream that should have been peaceful and happy, and created a series of bloody incidents to stimulate Lin Yuan-jun's sleeping spirit.

"He completely messed up the dream I had woven, and finally even found an important fulcrum in the dream, breaking the dream I worked so hard to weave.

"Lin Yuan-jun is really amazing... Yuki covered his chest, and said in a low voice with a fascinated face, "It is Lin Yuan-jun who is so powerful that he can break through the dream I wove and return to reality!"

In Yuki's low voice, it was full of incomparable happiness.

At this time, Yuki is like a little girl who depends on her, facing the mighty strength of her obsessed husband.

That cute appearance made Brother Cheng feel chills all over.

He looked at Yuki in front of him with a pale face, and swallowed in horror.


Brother Cheng whispered, trying to delay time, "I still have a question..." But this time. Yuki shook his head.She lowered her head, looked at the boy who was limp on the floor due to fear, and shook her head with a smile.

The girl put a finger on her lips, and smiled softly, "Student Ito, I can't ask any more questions from now on. Our time is almost up..."

Makoto Ito was a little apprehensive, "What time...

"Of course it's the time when your Ganhui went to inform Lin Yuanjun and then he came here.

Yuki smiled and said, "Hayashibara-kun obviously arranged Ito-san to stay in Hayashibara-kun, why did the cowardly and fearful Ito-san run to his girlfriend's house secretly at the risk of danger?"

- same time.

"And Ito-san's little girlfriend didn't dare to leave without permission because of fear, and hoped that Ito-san would come and save her.

"Although our classmate Ito is timid, but this time he overcame... Yuki looked at Makoto Ito with a pale face and said with a smile.

"Judging from the call records I just checked, it's because Hayashi Yuan-kun couldn't get through, so Mr. Ito came here alone, right?"

"Ito-san is really unlucky. If those few phone calls got through and the person who came here instead of you was Hayashi Yuan-kun, then things would be another situation.

"However, this is probably another kind of luck for me... My condolences... It seems that even the Heavenly Defense is on my side.

"My love for Mr. Lin Yuan is indeed supported even by the gods!

Chapter 744 Ito's Bizarre Adventure ([-])

Yuki's happy whisper made Ito Makoto completely unable to laugh.He sat there with a hard face. His whole body was cold.

He tried hard to muster up the courage to stand up, but found that his legs were so weak that he seemed to have no strength.

He looked at the girl in front of him in horror, his face was as pale as paper.

The girl continued talking on her own.Yuki said in a low voice, "I have done so much for Lin Yuan-kun, but I can't say anything. I have to bear everything silently, so that I can protect the best of Lin Yuan-kun.

"Although I'm not complaining, such hard work and exhaustion are still too much for a girl. I really want someone to talk about it...

"And Ito-san is Lin Yuan-kun's best friend, and I have always been very grateful for your help to Lin Yuan-kun.

"If this hadn't happened, I really would never have hurt you.

"But even if something like this happens now, I can't just let Ito-san die casually.

"Anyway... I should tell Ito-san the truth of the matter... This is the most basic respect. Yuki nodded heavily, and said, "Don't worry, Ito-san.Although you have no relatives in this world, but I promise, I will take good care of your girlfriend Qianhui

"So, if you still have something to say, or something that hasn't been fulfilled, now is the time to say it.

Yuki looked at the pale boy in front of him, and smiled softly, "As long as you tell me, I will help you achieve it."

"After all, you are Hayashi Yuan-kun's best friend...Yuki's gentle whispers made Ito Makoto sweat profusely and turn pale.

He looked at the girl in front of him in horror and swallowed.

"Huh? Don't what? Ito-san, please make it clear - point," Yuki tilted his head curiously, listening to the boy's prayer.

Then, she heard it.

....Do not kill me

This is the boy named Makoto Ito, the strongest desire in his heart when he is about to die.But regarding the boy's last wish, Yuki shook his head.

She bit her finger and said softly.

"That's not okay... If Ito-san survives, and Ito-san tells Hayashihara-kun everything, then all the happiness I worked hard for Hayashihara-kun will not be all wasted

"Obviously Lin Yuan-kun can get the warmest and happiest life in the world under my care. If you destroy it. I think you, as Lin Yuan-kun's best friend, will definitely not be happy."

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