Yuki smiled and said, "So... let us protect Hayashi Yuan-kun's happiness together.

"Time is running out now. That lovely girlfriend of Ito-san

"It won't be long before Lin Yuan-jun should rush over.

"We have to settle everything before that... Yuki smiled, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes,.... It's really time to say goodbye. Yuki bent down and gently held her with both hands." Thinking of Ito Makoto's pale face, he said very lovingly.

Come on, tell me, Ito-san, do you have any concerns in this world?"

Makoto Ito sat there with a pale face and a stiff body, looking at the gentle smiling face so close in front of him, he felt the trembling and chill from the depths of his soul.He looked at the killing intent in the opponent's eyes, looked at the smile on the opponent's face, and felt the increasingly cold air.Ito Makoto said in a low voice.

"Huh? What are you?

"I really don't want to die!"

A painful cry came from the boy's mouth.Tears of despair splashed from his eyes.It was the amulet that Lin Yuanfei handed over to him before he left to teach him life! Brother Cheng grabbed the life-saving amulet and squeezed hard!

There was a muffled sound that seemed to be a slight explosion in the air.

Then, a bright light appeared from Brother Cheng's pocket,

That dazzling light seemed to be alive, entwining and entwining Brother Ruocheng's body, one after another, almost in a short moment, Brother Cheng was wrapped in a translucent luminescent film.And Yuki in front of him had a cold expression.

"This... Duan... is it some kind of life-saving amulet given by Ms. Tsuchimikado?" She raised her right hand and said, "But if you can run away with just a piece of talisman, then I really don't have the qualifications to protect it." Lin Yuan-kun is happy." Yuki shook his right hand violently

In an instant, invisible power spread around her, and quickly woven an invisible cobweb around her.

Within this range, no one or object can easily get out of the shot, Yuki cut off Makoto Ito's escape route at the first moment.Then, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the figure in front of her who had been wrapped in a translucent light film.

"You want to escape...you want to destroy Hayashi Yuan-kun's happiest future...Ito-san, I misread you."

"A selfish guy like you is not worthy of being Lin Yuan-jun's friend!"

"A selfish fellow like you deserves to go to hell!"

In Yuki's cold roar, her fingers ruthlessly grabbed Makoto Ito in the light film.The translucent light film was clearly there, but it was like a phantom that completely disappeared in the world, allowing her right hand to pass through it.And the boy in the light film ran away in fright, the invisible cobwebs intertwined in the air did not respond at all, it seemed that the boy in front of him was really only a phantom in the world.Under Yuki's indifferent gaze, the young man wrapped in a film of light ran away in fright.His body even passed through the floor-to-ceiling glass in the living room, and ran straight outside.

Seeing this scene, Yuki's face became more and more indifferent.

She looked coldly at the back of the boy leaving, and snorted coldly.

"Tsuchimikado Orihime

"You really are a bug everywhere!"

"Meeting you is really the greatest misfortune in my life and Lin Yuan-jun's!

Chapter 745 Ito's Bizarre Adventure ([-])

Under the dark night, a figure covered by a translucent light film rushed out of the residential building.Behind him, a girl named My Wife Yuki followed closely behind.

Her feet were two inches off the ground, and she relied on her mental power to pull her body and chase quickly.

And just as the two figures in this back and forth pursuit turned in opposite directions, a young man named Makoto Ito, who was panting rapidly, slowly emerged from the dark corner of the street.

The figure wrapped in the light film is not him at all, but a pure phantom.

As for his real body, it had already disappeared when the light film wrapped the phantom.But this kind of haste is only temporary, and it will disappear once a certain distance is drawn from the phantom.If it weren't for the blessing of the life-saving talisman, it would be impossible for him to leave Gan Hui's house so quickly.But even with the blessing of the talisman paper, it is too much for an ordinary person to run to Yiri's residence in Linyuan so quickly.He was a full-fledged runner, but the more he ran, the heavier his feet became, and his throat became hotter.In the end, he could only hold the corner, the gasping gasper, with both hands.

However, the young man's eyes were blood red, but he gritted his teeth and refused to let go of Zhuo's tone.

...Hurry up and go to Lin....Hurry up and see Lin Yuanfei!

The boy murmured in a low voice, he only rested for ten seconds, and then ran out again.

His mobile phone was taken away, the only way to inform Lin Yuanfei was to run over directly! Facing the weird and terrifying Qi Yuki, he had no way out for mere mortal! Then he turned a corner and was stunned. up.On the street in front of him, a girl named My Wife Yuki was sitting leisurely on the side of the road, humming a song.The moment the eyes of the two met, Yuki showed a gentle smile.

Mr. Yin Teng. Are you tired? Do you want to sit down and have a rest?

Ito Makoto's face was instantly pale as paper, and he took a step back in horror.


He pointed at the girl in front of him in horror, his frightened appearance made one suspect that he would be scared to death by the tongue in the next second.He clutched his chest and gasped for breath, with an unbelievable face.Didn't you chase the phantom out?! Ito Makoto was extremely frightened.Under the dimly lit street lamp, the girl named Yuki smiled, admiring Ito Makoto's panic, and said.

"Because Ito-san, you are so easy to understand.

The girl bit her finger, with an innocent smile on her face, "Obviously in that situation, you should run desperately to Lin Yuan-jun's position. But you let the fake body run in the opposite direction.

... Under such circumstances, anyone can know exactly where the real body should be

Yuki smiled and said, "And Ito-san is running so slowly... I hid Yuno, and you haven't run to Hayashibara-kun's villa. Even with the help of Miss Tsuchimikado's onmyoji, you are still so slow ... It seems that the magic of yin and yang is not great. With the blessing of the talisman, he only left Gan Hui's house for less than four minutes, but even so, he still couldn't escape from this demon? And the other party still had time to transfer My wife Yuno? The huge gap in strength between the two sides made Ito Makoto's eyes full of despair.

Sure enough, as an ordinary person, he couldn't escape the palm of this demon at all?

And Yuki looked at his expression with satisfaction, and the smiling man stood up.

"Looks like Ito-san finally understands? Just by yourself, you can't run away at all.

"So why are you still obedient? If you continue to run, you will be very tired.

In Yuki's gentle whisper, there seems to be some kind of power to confuse people's hearts.The unbearable exhaustion suddenly submerged like a tide. It almost drowned his consciousness.There was a voice in his heart screaming crazily.

Listen to her! Listen to her!

-Why are you resisting? Why don't you just close your eyes and go to sleep?

You are so tired! You are so tired, lie down and rest, you can't escape!

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