Don't waste your time and energy, it's just suffering in vain if you keep running, you should listen to her.

In his consciousness, there seemed to be countless voices shouting, hypnotizing and instructing him crazily.And his body seemed to really be unable to hold on any longer, and he felt indescribably exhausted and hopeless.His vision began to blur.However, in the blurred field of vision, he could only see a figure that even he couldn't see clearly, walking towards him slowly.

On the side, the girl's gentle whispers echoed.

"Sleep, are too tired


Endless fatigue and drowsiness completely overwhelmed his consciousness.

However, at the moment when he completely closed his eyes, the teenager bit hard


A bitter cry came from Ito Makoto's mouth.The pain of being bitten off the tip of his tongue instantly occupied all of his consciousness, making him want to roll wildly on the ground in pain.However, when he spat out a small piece of bloody flesh, he finally regained consciousness.Those tiredness and pain, as well as the voices crying in my heart all disappeared.The young man who was so painful that he was crying tears knelt there, laughing miserably.


His voice was a little muffled because of his tongue.

But the hysterical fear, the despair at the moment of life and death, and the madness of going all out, make one's scalp tingle.

"It's time! My wife Yuki

Makoto Ito, whose mouth was full of blood, tightly clenched the talisman paper in his hand, crying with tears and snot running down his face due to the pain, but there was a hysterical and crazy smile on his sloppy face.

"I'm going to see Lin Yuan soon! Hahahaha!!!" The dazzling golden light illuminated the long street again.

Chapter 746 The End of the Long Slope

The cool wind blows silently through the streets of the city.The high hanging moon casts the icy moonlight on the dark road.

The boy named Makoto Ito was stunned.looked to the side.At this time, he was standing at the bottom of a long slope surrounded by empty and deserted streets.In the distance, cars can occasionally be seen passing by.But in this area near the villa area, it is deserted and empty.After all, this is no longer the city center of Dry Leaf.

Seeing this scene, Ito Makoto had an ecstatic expression on his face.The life-saving amulet that Lin Yuan gave him can be used three times in total, and the minimum interval between each use is five minutes.Once activated, in addition to creating a false phantom to lure the enemy away, it will also transfer his body to a safe area.For Tsuchimikado Orihime, this is also the highest level of body protection.

Now it finally saved his life.Judging from the teleportation distance when using it for the first time, he only needs to activate it again at the previous position, and he can successfully reach the vicinity of Lin Yuanfei's residence! Now, it is exactly as he thought.

With today's him, he only needs to run up the long slope in front of him to see Lin Yuanfei's villa.At the top end of this long slope are the two most luxurious manors in Chiba City.The mansion of the Tohsaka family, as well as Hayashibara, as long as they climb up this long slope, as long as they see Hayashihara! Ito Makoto clenched the head teacher tightly, with an excited expression on his face.

He ran out without hesitation

The ecstasy of the rest of his life, the excitement of seeing hope, seemed to give him a shot in the arm.He is obviously exhausted, but he knows that now is not the time to relax.That my wife Yuki is still behind him, and may catch up at any time.With the opponent's speed, it will take less than two minutes to catch up with him.

it's too late!

2 You can rush up this long slope that usually takes five or six minutes to run up in one minute! The figure of a young man is running wildly on the slope.The night wind whistled past him.

The speed was so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to reach, and finally, he saw the real mouth light.Less than five meters in front of him is the end of the long slope! And his footsteps. He stepped out without the slightest hesitation!

With a difference of one second, Makoto Ito appeared at the end of the long slope.

The world suddenly became enlightened in an instant.In front of him is Lin Yuanfei's mansion, the manor.Inside the high outer wall, there are lush trees.Fifty meters ahead is the gate of the manor.Standing here with him, he could even see clearly the small light that was on in the guard's room.

What surprised Makoto Ito even more was the girl standing in front of him.The girl with a terrified expression was talking to Wei Wei.that girl

"Ganhui!" Makoto Ito clenched his fists excitedly.

Like him, Qian Hui escaped safely! They all arrived at Lin Yuan's house safely, and now they are completely safe! Ito's heart was filled with excitement and ecstasy.He stepped forward and ran away again.

And... the young man who stepped forward was actually frozen there, unable to move even half a step.His expression was contorted with horror.

The eyeballs widened in terror.

And at the foot of the long slope behind him, a few meters away from him, a beautiful figure stood there silently.The gorgeous long pink hair fluttered in the night wind, like an angel walking out of a dream, so beautiful. It was almost suffocating.Makoto Ito stood there stiffly, feeling the icy breath behind Ruo. His soul seemed to be frozen.He swallowed and murmured in a low voice.


The moment he exhaled this name, a girl's soft sigh sounded behind him.

Then. On the ramp, a girl named My Wife Yuki combed the messy hair around her ears and said softly.

"Ito-san really worked hard... the girl said, "But it's useless, I said it from the beginning, why don't you listen to me?"

Yuki's voice sounded distressed.

But this time, Makoto Ito did not continue to be afraid.

Even though his whole body was so hard that he couldn't move, even if Zi 2 had become everything in the opponent's mind and could be crushed to death with just a flip of his hand, he still gritted his teeth and snorted in a low voice.

"You have already lost! My wife Yuki! Hayashibara will not let you go!" Makoto Ito growled.

In his field of vision, in front of him, at the gate of that villa, a man named Lin Yuanfei had already appeared.He seemed to have heard the guard's report, and rushed out very anxiously, talking to Gan Hui's urgent talker.

Seeing this scene, Ito Makoto sneered.

"With Lin Yuan-jun's perception ability, as long as I call him here, call him over, let him see you, then everything will be over for you.

"The love you have done, your so-called happiness, all your plots and schemes, everything you have done...all will come to an end! Lin Yuan will never tolerate you! You crazy woman! Female devil!"

At the end of the long slope, Ito growled extremely angrily.She still stood there, shaking her head calmly.The night wind blew, blowing the girl's hair.

At the same time, it also brings a kind of icy chill that makes people feel cold all over.

"Then why don't you call? Ito-san, if that's the case, then hurry up and call Hayashibara-kun over.

The girl combed the messy hair by her ears, and said calmly, "Why does Ito-san have time to talk nonsense, but doesn't call him by the name of Hayashi Yuan-kun? Are you... afraid of something?"

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