"If Lin Yuan-kun is a philanderer and can be easily seduced by seeing a woman who loves her, then you won't attack me?" Yuki nodded, "Of course.

She said solemnly, "If Mr. Lin Yuan feels that he needs to be hugged left and right, and accompanied by many girls, to be happy, then I will definitely help him.

"I said that love is not a selfish monopoly, but to make the other person happy.

"If Mr. Lin Yuan thinks that the life of hugging left and right will be very happy, then I will even help him hunt for beauty, and I will help him get any girl he likes.

"Of course, if Lin Yuan-jun was that kind of person, I probably wouldn't fall in love with him either.

Yuki smiled and said, "It is precisely because Lin Yuan-kun is so stubborn and rigid that I like him.

"So Busujima-senpai, your assumption was impossible from the very beginning.

"My beloved Mr. Lin Yuan, he only likes one person, and he is only willing to stay with one person until he grows old.

"This is the Hayashibara-kun I love to watch. Yuki's narration made Busujima Yuko's expression dull.

She sneered and said, you keep saying that you love Mr. Lin Yuan... Then you are so sure that you have only been friends for about [-] days, and you really fell in love with him? Are you so easy to fall for? Yuki Smiling and shaking his head, "Speaking of being easy to fall... aren't you more likely to fall, Bujima-senpai?"

"You and Mr. Lin Yuan haven't known each other for as long as I have, and Mr. Lin Yuan hasn't been together as long as I have. But you still fell in love with Mr. Lin Yuan. You seduced Mr. Lin Yuan four times, even in order to please Mr. Lin Yuan." Jun, you knelt on the ground to help Hayashibara-kun [beep] without confirming the relationship. Senpai, aren't you even more supportive?" Yuki's rhetorical question made Kishima Kiba snort coldly.

"I like Mr. Lin Yuan, because what he does is open and honest. I admire everything he does! I love him! I lived and died with him!"

"As for a liar like you who lied to Lin Yuan-jun from the very beginning and in the end, you said you like Lin Yuan-jun? Then why did you hide so many key things from Lin Yuan-jun when you were in Raccoon City? The information, caused him to be almost killed by the two rituals? Regarding this, Yuki was silent for a few seconds. She looked at Yuko Busujima in front of her, and sighed softly

"Emotions can't be cultivated overnight.

"Actually, just like my senior sister said, when I was in Raccoon City, I didn't have much affection for Lin Yuan-kun.

At first, when I saw him waking up in the haunted house, apart from fear and trepidation, there was also a little curiosity in my heart.

"I want to see what he's going to do."

"In addition, he was cursed by Yamamura Sadako and Kayako at the same time, so I didn't hurt him, but wanted to see what he could do.

"Because Lin Yuan-jun at that time seemed to know these strange monsters very well.

"I was wondering, he knows so much about these monsters. Is there really a way to deal with them?

Yuki showed a nostalgic smile. At that time, I never thought that I would fall in love with this unknown guy one day.

"Although with the deepening of contact, I have learned more and more about Lin Yuan-kun's character and character. But to me at that time, Lin Yuan-kun was probably just an ordinary friend with a relatively good relationship." Yuki said softly, " But sometimes, falling in love often only needs a... ah...

"In Silent Hill, when Lin Yuanjun, covered in blood, pushed open the door of the church, he appeared at the moment when I was most desperate and ready to die."

"At that moment, he was the most dazzling hero in the mythology, the most dazzling light in my eyes.

"At that moment, the moment I saw him, my whole body went limp. Yuki stroked her cheek, and smiled shyly and nostalgicly, "Love... really only needs an instant.

..... ...Yuko Busujima looked at the foolishly smiling girl in front of her, and at Yuki who was completely behaving like a girl in love, she was silent for a while.

Then he said, "Then Mr. Lin Yuan really did it on his own...

She smiled bitterly and said, "It's a good way to provoke such a terrible evil spirit... If only he had made up his mind to give up on you back then.

Yuki smiled and shook his head, "If Hayashihara-kun is that kind of person, then many things would not have happened... Busujima-senpai, do you have any questions? I think the time is almost up

"If there's nothing wrong with it, then it's almost time for us to say goodbye.

Yuki smiled and stared at Yuko Busushima in front of her.But Bushima Yako didn't flinch.

This time, she stared at Yuki without retreating half a step, and said, what? This is urgent? Didn’t you say that you like sharing happiness the most? You have not finished sharing what you have done, so you lose patience ?” Bushima Yako’s sarcasm made Yuki smile and shake his head.

"I was just thinking

"Why, Busujima-senpai, did you leave the Hayashibara group and come here alone? You want to go abroad? You want to leave Chiba? Why? Could it be that you already knew something?"

"Or, what did Miss Orihime tell you before leaving?" Yuki's smile was very sweet.

Shima Yuko's face was slightly cold, "How do you know

Yuki smiled and said, "Because Mr. Lin Yuan told me that Miss Zhi Ji had said something to him before leaving.

"I was thinking at the time, since Miss Orihime would say that to Hayashi Yuan-kun before she left, wouldn't it be possible that Pujima-senpai, who had been protected by her all day and night, also knew something?"

"Sure enough, Busujima-senpai is planning to run away tonight...why are you running away? Busujima-senpai? What did Miss Orihime tell you, can you tell me?"

"I am concerned about this

In the cold night wind, the icy chill was piercing.Look at the smiling girl in front of her who is slowly approaching, and Kishima Kibako is slowly retreating.The smile on her face was forced.

"Miss Tsuchimikado... didn't tell me anything.

Chapter 759 Coordinates ([-])

. Time, back to a few hours ago.

The setting sun is gradually sinking in the sky.

The shadow of the night gradually enveloped the earth.In the quiet room, Yuko Busushima silently looked at the golden talisman paper in her hand.This talisman paper was handed to her by a certain Onmyoji girl.

It's a life-saving tool.Even for Orihime, who is the eldest lady of Tsuchimikado, such a family talisman can be regarded as a rare high-end item.But she did not hesitate to give it to Bushima Yuko. In addition to Lin Yuanfei's responsibility for temporarily handing over the safety of Bushima Yuko to her, it is probably because the situation at this time is indeed very dangerous.

Yuko Busushima was thinking like this, but Ruo girl's indifferent words echoed in her ears.

In the empty and deserted room, the girl named Zhi Ji said, "That illusionist is probably hiding beside Lin Yuan.

"But Lin Yuan will never be able to find her.

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