"It's not that I despise Lin Yuan's insight and IQ, but because of the particularity of the situation.

"It's even possible that that person is the illusionist himself.

"Of course, I can't tell you who the person I suspect is."

"Human beings have blindness, but some high-level alien life does not. It may even attract the other party's attention simply by calling its name. Zhi Ji looked at her indifferently and said, "Just protect yourself." . "

"Because what I said to Lin Yuan - will be known by the illusionist, before dawn tomorrow, the illusionist will definitely come to kill you.

"If you can hold out until Lin Yuan arrives and let the truth come to light...then you will be alive.

"The other party wanted to push you away from Lin Yuan silently, and from the moment this matter was exposed, you actually had no way out.

"Even if you leave Japan desperately and go to the United States now, your abnormal behavior will definitely let the illusionist know that you know her identity.

"She will immediately find a way to kill you and remove your hidden danger.

"Your life, in fact, has already come to an end from the moment you started pestering Lin Yuan."

"As an ordinary person, but trying to get close to the anomaly... Do you really think that anomalous events will be as lukewarm and without any lethality as in novels and movies?"

"The moment you become a thorn in the side of illusionists, the best thing you can do is leave Japan, go to the United States for treatment, and then spend a few years in a hospital bed and die of [cancer].

"It's a pity that with everything being exposed, your happiest death has become a luxury.

"Now you can only hope that you can last a little longer until Lin Yuan saves you and the truth comes out."

"In that case, you can have a chance of survival.

.Then...you probably won't survive tonight.

Zhi Ji's words were extremely indifferent, without the slightest warmth.

Shima Yuko pinched the talisman paper in her hand in a daze, with a bitter smile on her face.

"Is the truth so... If all this is true, then it is really unfortunate for me, for Mr. Lin Yuan, and for us survivors who have escaped from Raccoon City after so many hardships What a disaster... In front of her, Yuki's smiling whisper sounded.

"Did Orihime-san really not tell you anything? Busujima-senpai, your words are really not convincing at all.

"If Miss Orihime didn't tell you anything, why did you run away overnight? Yuki smiled and raised her right hand.

Sla one

With a piercing sound, the container beside Yuki was torn open by an invisible sharp blade.Then, invisible tentacles grabbed a bug from inside.After catching the bug and looking at it, Yuki laughed.

"This is your plan, Bujima-senpai? It's a pity that your disguise is still not careful enough.

"From the moment I appeared, although you seemed calm, you sneaked glances in this direction from time to time from the corner of your eyes.

"Although you cover it up very well... Maybe even you yourself are not aware of this unconscious little action of yourself under the fear.

"But in my eyes, all your reactions are out of shape.

Yuki smiled and crushed the bug in his hand.

"Do you want to record all the conversation just now. And then give it to Lin Yuan-kun?"

"Sister Poujima, do you want to use this method to kill both sides? You are really a cruel woman... Are you so jealous when you see Lin Yuan-kun and I love each other and live together in harmony? If you use yourself as bait, you want to destroy my relationship with Lin Yuan-kun?!"

"What a vicious heart!"

"Even if I don't do this, how can I survive... the moment I guessed it was you, I already understood that there is no way for me to survive.

"There are only two roads before me.

One, die silently, leaving nothing behind.

"And I, of course, choose the second one without hesitation!"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Takuko Shima smiled sadly

"Since it has been discovered by you, there is no need to hide it in a hurry.

"Fortunately, what you said just now is enough to be evidence."

Junruo's face gradually turned cold, my wife Yuki, and Yuko Busushima smiled happily, "This bug is actually connected to the other end. I asked a friend to install it here in advance, and he can monitor it from afar." All sounds.

"The moment the bug shattered, he should have left with Ruo's recording file.

Now, he should be outside Lin Yuanjun's villa, right?"

Looking at Yuki Yuko Busushima in front of him, he said with a smile, "Yuki-san, what do you think... If Hayashi Yuan-kun heard what you just said, what kind of reaction would he have?"

"This is the coordinates of the truth that I provided Lin Yuanjun with my life!"

Chapter 760 The Barrier of Love

Dark Chiba.The city lights gradually dimmed.On the streets of the villa area, there was no one in sight.

It is exhibited in the manor of the Linyuan Group's mansion, but the lights are still on every day.Just in order not to affect the sleep of the owner, these lights only maintain the lighting of necessary areas.

But at least in the direction of the gate. The lights are still bright.A man wearing a hat and a windbreaker came from a distance, his steps were fast, and he seemed to have something urgent.

He seemed to be holding something in his arms.He quickly came to Lin Yuan's villa and knocked on the glass of the guard room.The guard who was watching TV froze for a moment, got up and opened the window.

"What's the matter?" the doorman asked in confusion.At this moment, the doorman finally saw the face of the midnight visitor clearly.

A young man with a pale face seemed to have run a certain distance and was panting rapidly.But he refused to rest, but looked at the guard nervously, and said loudly.

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