"Apart from me, is there anyone else who can help and protect Lin Yuan-jun?"

"You? Gui Yanye? Tsuchimikado Orihime? You are all a bunch of trash. Not only can you not give Lin Yuan-kun any help, but you even need Lin Yuan-kun to spend his energy to help you. Because of you, you are in danger and go through life and death."

"Only me! Only me in this world! Only I can save Lin Yuan-jun! Only I can protect Lin Yuan-jun!

"Don't Lin Yuan-jun leave it to me to take care of him, but to you group of strange creatures who will only hinder him?"

Yuki's expression became incomparably ferocious, "You strange creatures, you bastards, you always only ask Lin Yuan-jun for it, but you can't give Lin Yuan-jun any help.

"Mr. Lin Yuan went to danger several times and survived because of you.

"If you keep staying by his side, he will only be covered in countless hemp!"

"Could it be wrong for me to let you group of strange creatures that only slow you down and harmful spirits leave Lin Yuan-jun's side?!"

"Is there something wrong?!"

"It's not me who's wrong, but you bastards who only know how to take but don't know how to give!

Chapter 762 Decoy

The icy night wind.Blowing around the corner of Docklands.Kishima Kiba's face flushed red while being hung in mid-air.In addition to suffocation, but also because of inner shame.

She looked at the pink-haired girl in front of her, and looked at this girl who had already revealed a half-demon posture.

Her eyes were trembling,... Time couldn't refute the other party's words.She took a deep breath and calmed down her excitement a little bit.

Then he snorted coldly.

"So you kept saying that I was an evil spirit and hurt Lin Yuan-jun, so what did you, a human being who is not an evil spirit, do for Lin Yuan-jun?"

"From Raccoon City, to Silent Hill, to Chiba, what did you do for Hayashibara-kun

"Did you help him solve his difficulties? Did you help him deal with punishing ghosts? Didn't you say that you ran for help about his lifespan?"

"Hmph!" Yuki snorted coldly, and said, "You have done nothing, paid nothing, only know to seduce Lin Yuan-jun, want to get him, occupy him, forever He only thought about satisfying his own selfish desires, but never thought about what he could do for Lin Yuanjun. "

"I don't even hesitate to interrupt Lin Yuan-jun's rare rest time.

"You are a woman who is full of selfish desires and smells like selfishness, just because you are such a selfish guy, you are worthy of Lin Yuan-jun?

"Don't tell me that you think Zi 2's body is the best gift for Mr. Lin Yuan.

"Besides this pretty good skin, what value does Lin Yuan Jun have?"

"Even the eldest lady of the Tsuchiya family, the daughter of a dignified family, will only hold back Lin Yuan-kun, causing Lin Yuan-kun to face the most powerful family in Japan alone, and narrowly escaped death."

"You group of selfish guys are like a group of strange creatures entrenched on Mr. Lin Yuan. You only know how to absorb nutrients and benefits from Mr. Lin Yuan, but you have never been able to create any positive value."

"Let you selfish guys continue to drag Lin Yuan-kun down, I absolutely will not allow it!" Yuki said with a gloomy face, looking at Bujima Yuko in mid-air, "And now, I will take back everything on Lin Yuan-kun's behalf." when!"

"If it wasn't for Lin Yuan-kun, you would have died in Toromi Island or Raccoon City long ago."

"And you are not only ungrateful, but also trying to continue to drag him down. You deserve to die."

After Yuki finished speaking, his face was cold, and he raised his right hand violently.

In an instant, Bujima Yuko in mid-air showed a painful expression, and her legs hanging in mid-air also struggled desperately.The invisible giant hand that pinched her neck was already tightening.The pain of suffocation gradually overwhelmed her consciousness.However, while the shadow of death enveloped her, Yuko Busushima in mid-air showed a bitter and miserable smile.She stared at Yuki under her feet with slack eyes, and stared blankly at the blurred phantom.

Smiling incomparably desolately, but with her hands hanging down her body, she didn't move.After a few seconds, Bujima Yuko's body slowly descended.The coldness of death gradually faded away from her body.She covered her bruised neck and sat up with a confused face.

"...At the same time, Yuki waved his hand, and a golden paper talisman flew out from between the fingers of Yuko Busujima. Looking at the golden paper talisman suspended in mid-air, Yuki said, "This It should be something Tsuchomi left for you... Ito-san also has something like that.why don't you use

In Yuki's curious inquiry, Kishima Kiba smiled miserably, "Since Ito-san has proved that this paper talisman cannot escape, why am I struggling to my death.

"And, according to the plan, my task as a bait has been completed. Yuko Busushima looked at Yuki, smiled and said, "If I die, with Hayashibara-kun's character, he will never forgive you.

"If my death can make him see clearly the nature of the devil around him, then my death is meaningful!"

"This is the only thing I can repay Mr. Lin Yuan.

The words of Yuko Busushima made Yuki look gloomy, and there was a rush of knocking on the door of Lin Yuanfei's bedroom.When he opened his eyes from sleep, he was a little confused.

"...big night

] An extremely familiar indifferent voice sounded outside.The moment Zhi Ji's voice sounded, Lin Yuan was overwhelmed.

"Zhihime? Holy crap....Didn't you go back to Kyoto?" He got out of bed in his pajamas. Lin Yuanfei walked over to open the door, "Why are you back again?" After the door of the bedroom was opened, he stood The girl outside is indeed Zhi Ji, whom Lin Yuanfei is extremely familiar with.

At this time, the Onmyoji girl was standing in the corridor with an indifferent face, looking at the sleepy Lin Yuanfei, and said

"Aren't you- have you been looking for who the illusionist is? Now let me tell you who the illusionist is. Zhihime turned indifferently and walked upstairs, "Just follow me.Lin Yuan thought about it. He ran back to the bedroom and took Qingbian Xiandongyue with him.

Although the knot fairy Dongyue has been broken, it is barely enough for Lin Yuanfei.

He also took Ruo Dao and followed Zhi Ji up the stairs of the villa.The two came to the door of a room on the third floor.Pointing to the bedroom in front of him, Orihime said, "Whose bedroom is this?"

"Yuki's, what's wrong?" Lin Yuanfei looked confused.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhi Ji opened the door of the bedroom in front of her.What appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei was an empty bedroom with no one in sight.The girl who was supposed to be resting on the bed was nowhere to be seen.The larger bedroom was completely empty, without the slightest breath of living beings.Looking at this dark and deserted bedroom, Lin Yuanfei's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Where's Yuki?" He was shocked, "Where did she go?"

Zhi Ji, who was beside Lin Yuanfei, glanced at him and said, "Want to know where my wife Yuki has gone? It's very simple, just listen to something and you'll know."

Saying that, Zhi Ji took out a tape and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

"After listening to this tape, you will know where my wife Yuki has gone."

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