Chapter 763 What a surprise

There was no one in the dimly lit room.Lin Yuanfei and Zhiji stood in this deserted bedroom, looking at each other.In Zhi Ji's eyes, there was only cold indifference.

In his hand, he held a tape.

After Lin Yuanfei took the tape, his face was stunned and dazed.

He looked at Zhi Ji in front of him, and then at the empty bedroom in front of him, as if he understood something

Turning on the light directly, Hayashihara found a device that could play tapes in Yuki's bedroom.It is now 03, and electronic equipment is not as developed as later generations, and many things can be done directly with a computer.Japan naturally has many similar listening devices.Lin Yuanfei directly put the tape in and pressed the play button.Then... Yuki's low laughter came from the tape recorder.

so late...

The moment Yuki's voice sounded, Lin Yuanfei's body froze.

The air in the bedroom seemed to be completely frozen.Zhi Ji just stood there indifferently, watching Lin Yuanfei finish listening to all the recordings with a blank face.

Then, when all the recordings were played, Lin Yuanfei stood up.

In the dim light, the Onmyoji girl said indifferently, "Who knows... Maybe it's still in the port area.

"Or maybe, he's still chasing after Miss Kishima Yako."

"But don't worry, I left a life-saving talisman for Ms. Busujima Yuko. No one can hurt her in a short time. Zhiji's reply made Lin Yuanfei silent for a few seconds.

Then, he took a deep breath and stood up.

It turned out to be so.,

Seeing Ruo Zhi Ji, she showed a bitter smile, "It turned out to be like this, Zhi Ji looked at Ruo Ji, took a step back subconsciously, and frowned.

Sheng Zhi came to the computer and turned it on.Then, Lin Yuanfei opened a certain interface.What appeared before his eyes was a map.On the map, there is a small red dot representing the position of a certain locator.The moment she saw this positioning map, Zhi Ji's pupils suddenly constricted.When Lin Yuan saw the position of the red dot, he smiled bitterly.

The red dot is in the manor of the villa.

^ really unimaginable

"But it's okay, at least it made me breathe a sigh of relief."

"To be honest, the moment I heard the contents of the tape, I was really shocked.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the position of the red dot and let out a long sigh.He turned his head, looked at Zhi Ji, and asked, "Zhi Ji, can you tell me how you got this tape?

...Zhi Ji took half a step back with a cold face. He said coldly, "What do you mean?" Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhi Ji who was full of vigilance and vigilance, and shook his head.

"Just a simple question, since you brought it here, can't you tell me the way to get it?"

Zhi Ji looked at him coldly, without speaking.

And Lin Yuanfei didn't ask, but stood up and said.

Let me see." Lin Yuanfei's mood was very calm... at least he looked calm.

He pointed to a corner and said, "Let's see what happened in this bedroom. Ruo. Lin Yuanfei took down the oil painting in the corner. Then, he took the memory card back to the computer , Insert the memory card into the USB port of the computer with a card reader.

-While operating, if the computer turned on the recording video, Lin Yuan Feibian said.

"I, because of some kind of worry, I put such video recorders in several rooms of this villa.

"Because the illusionist is by my side, in order to ensure the secrecy, I quietly put these things away without telling anyone, and wanted to see who was wrong.

"Of course, I even put it in Yuki's room.

"Although I don't think she will be a bad person, but just to be on the safe side, I let it go.

Kihara Feibian fast-forwarded the video.-Cen said, "I admit that this behavior of doubting people around me is despicable, but isn't it working now?" Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly and stopped fast-forwarding.In the picture, Yuki lay quietly on the bed and fell asleep, and there was no sound in the dark room.However, silently, a figure appeared in front of Yuki's bed.Dark kimono, indifferent face. The talisman in her hand... A girl named Orihime appeared in front of and behind Yuki's bed. Without the slightest hesitation, she slapped the talisman on Yuki's forehead.Yuki's body trembled slightly in a coma, and then there was no reaction.After finishing all this, Zhi Ji glanced around indifferently, and dragged the unconscious girl off the big bed.After tidying up the sheets, Orihime pushed open the window, and the unconscious girl disappeared through the window.

After watching this video, Lin Yuan looked back at Zhi Ji behind him, with a bitter face.

"Zhihime, you really surprised me tonight...

Zhi Ji looked at him coldly and backed away silently.Yuki looked at Yuko Busushima and shook her head with a gloomy expression.

"Sister Busujima is more courageous than I imagined... She looked at Yuko Busushima on the floor and said, "You even used your body as bait, at all costs... Although I don't agree with your behavior, But your courage makes me appreciate it. "Yuki sighed and said, "In this case, I can't kill you

Yuki looked at Wakabushima Yuko, smiled and said, "Since Miss Orihime has really entered the game, then if I kill you again, things will be very troublesome.

Tilting her head, Yuki said, "But does Busujima-senpai think that she has won since 2? Do you think Miss Orihime went to Hayashibara-kun to accuse me, and everything was settled?

Yuki smiled and shook his head, "It's so naive."

Looking at Yuko Busujima on the floor with a startled face, Yuki smiled sweetly, "I saw through your trap from the very beginning....

Chapter 764 Chain Links

"I saw through your trap from the very beginning... Yuki's smiling and whispering made Busushima Kibako's face pale. She seemed to realize something and swallowed in horror.

And Yuki admired Ruo's terrified appearance with satisfaction, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, just as you think.

"I came to kill you on purpose

Yuki smiled happily, "From the moment Hayashi Yuan-kun told me that Miss Orihime asked him to be careful of the people around him before leaving, I guessed something."

"Obviously, Miss Orihime is starting to doubt me."

"Although I wasn't sure at the time that she was suspicious of me, since she said that, it means she must have discovered something.

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