"Then I was thinking, with Ms. Orihime's character, if she really found out something, would she leave such a sentence behind and leave?"

"Would she really leave without caring about anything?

"If she can really achieve this level of selfishness, then she is not Tsuchimikado Orihime.

"So I was

"This made me understand that Miss Orihime did guess my identity, and she also warned you, so you want to escape from here because of [fear].

"If it is normal, I will definitely come to kill you.

"Because you are an insider, I will definitely kill you, an insider."

"So, it's a roundabout.

"As long as I come to kill you, you or Miss Zhiji will find a way to notify Lin Yuanjun and show him the real evidence.

"It's a pity, you guys just prepared the recording.

Yuki shook

"She is so cautious that she won't tell Lin Yuanjun the truth before getting key evidence, so she is naturally unwilling to take risks.

"It's too eye-catching if you have a head portrait."

"And at this time, you will definitely ask why I know everything, and I am willing to record you?"

Yuki saw the terrified expression on Wakabushima Yuko's face, and said with a smile, "Because something Hayashi Yuan-kun did before gave me a lot of convenience.

"He placed several miniature cameras in the villa, although he did it very secretly, but I still discovered it.

"I just need to perform a scene in front of the camera so that Lin Yuanjun can't see the scene of Miss Zhiji taking me away in a daze, then all these accusations will become her framing of me.

Of course, if what happened tonight is just your own decision and Miss Orihime didn't get involved, then I don't have any loss.

"I just need to erase that one-minute video and add a still image to it."

"Everything can be done without leaving traces... Yuki said with a smile, "And I believe in one thing.

"I believe Hayashi Yuan-kun has more trust in me than Tsuchimikado Orihime!

"I also believe in one thing, that is, Tsuchomi Orihime will never trust Hayashi Yuan-kun like I trust Hayashi Yuan-kun, unconditionally and without reason.

"Once Lin Yuan-kun finds out the backhand I have set up in advance, with Shi Miorihime's character, she will definitely take a defensive posture.

Yuki smiled broadly, "It's a doomed failure of her character.

"From the beginning, everything was in my calculations.

.You are digging your own graves in the traps you have worked so hard to set up.

"After what happened tonight is over, I will be the only one left by Lin Yuan-jun's side."

"You group of strange creatures... will be completely eliminated! In the bedroom of the villa, the man and the woman looked at each other. The atmosphere in the air was a bit stiff. Zhi Ji looked at the man opposite with a cold face, without saying a word. And Lin Yuanfei sat there. Looking at the guarded girl in front of him, he smiled bitterly.


"Why don't you explain it?"

Lin Yuanfei's inquiry only got Zhiji's indifferent gaze.

Standing there too, looking at Lin Yuanfei in front of him, after a few seconds of silence, he said.

"You can go to the port area with me now, if you move fast enough, maybe we can see something." Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei sighed and shook his head.

"There's no need to go to the port area.

Lin Yuanfei said Ruo, stood up, and said, "Didn't you read the location map just now? It's in this manor. It's not far away."

Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei went to the window and jumped off

Zhiji was silent for a few seconds, and after looking at the computer screen, she followed Lin Yuanfei and jumped out of the window.The two went straight to a certain location in the villa manor, one after the other.Here, it is the positioning point of the positioning map standard.Here is a warehouse with a tightly closed door. Lin Yuan didn't ask anyone to get the key. Instead, he broke the big lock hanging on the door with a knife, and then pushed the door open and walked in.In the warehouse full of debris. There is an empty area.

Also on the board, lay a comatose girl quietly.

The cold moonlight fell on her body through the window, making her look delicate and beautiful.Seeing the unconscious Yuki, Orihime was stunned.

There was an expression of disbelief on her face.And Lin Principle walked to Yuki's side. He knelt down, checked carefully for a while, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Looks like just an ordinary coma.

Lin Yuanfei stood up, looked at Zhi Ji, and said, are you curious why I know Yuki is here?

Lin Yuanfei's face was full of bitter sorrow, "Because her bracelet is a locator. Yuki was afraid that she would become the next target of illusionists like her senior. So on herself

- a location bracelet.

"As long as I have this bracelet, no matter where she is caught, I will find her."

"It's just that I didn't expect that this locator would work so quickly, Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji in front of Ruo and said softly.

"It's come to this point, Zhiji, you...really don't want to say anything?" Zhiji looked at Lin Yuanfei.At this moment, Mr. Lin Yuan had his right hand on his waist. Although it was not on the handle of the knife, it was in a posture that could draw the knife at any time.

His body also blocked the unconscious girl on the floor, no one could pass him to hurt the unconscious Yuki.

Seeing this scene, Zhi Ji sneered sarcastically.

"Since you already have the answer in your heart, do you still need me to say it?"

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