At the same time, the catheters connected to Kishima Kibako were also pulled out.In the end, when everything was over, lying there quietly, there was a complete, seemingly everything was as usual.

Butujima Yuko's parents watched all this happen in silence, until the nurses silently took away all the medical equipment, they gently shook their sleeping daughter awake.Her mother's gentle call woke up Yuko Busujima who was in a coma.

In the morning mist, she rubbed her eyes, sat up sleepily, and opened her eyes.

"Dad, Mom, what is this place?

The hot and sexy face is as beautiful as an angel, and Kishima Kibako, who is full of the atmosphere of a mature royal sister, is like a child who understands love and ignorance, surrounded by the curious Junruo.

"Why am I here.

Yuko Busushima blinked curiously, and asked like a spoiled child.

Chapter 767 Father's Request

The mature and sexy Yujie asked her parents in a childish tone.

Her bright eyes blinked curiously, like a child who understands and understands ignorance.

However, all these behaviors were done by such a sexy and hot sister Yu, but they gave people a sense of disobedience inexplicably.Seeing her daughter's appearance, Mrs. Dao subconsciously covered her mouth, almost crying.

And Mr. Busujima silently looked at the man in the corner, and after taking a deep breath, Mr. Busushima asked.

"Team leader Lin Yuan, do you know what happened to Yuzi? Can she be treated like this?"

Shima Yuko's father asked sincerely.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him and shook his head.

"This is a disease that modern medicine cannot treat, at least the doctors in Japan seem to have nothing to do.

"As for what happened to her... I think, she must have met some villain who is not easy to provoke. Lin Yuan said Ruo, silently clenched the right hand holding the sword.

.... But who the murderer is, we don't know for the time being, and we are just chasing after him.

"Senior, she might be pretended by that murderer because of me...but the good news is that at least senior is in good health and doesn't have to worry about the cancer in her body anymore. Lin Yuanfei's eyes are very indifferent .

"Next, our Lin Yuan team will fully bear the cost of the senior's treatment.

"If uncle and aunt agree. I plan to send a few trustworthy subordinates to escort Busujima-senpai to the United States for medical treatment, and see if I can help her retrieve her lost memories.

"After all, it happened because of me, and my senior was also implicated because of me, so I can't ignore it." Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuko Busujima's father, "Uncle, what do you think? Lin Yuanfei's inquiry , silenced the room.

Du Dao Yazi's father looked at Ruo daughter and his wife's faces, then at Lin Yuanfei who was gloomy in the corner, and remained silent.But Kishima Yako, who was held in her mother's arms, looked at all this in surprise, especially the gloomy man sitting in the corner.

She shrank into her mother's arms a little uneasy, a little scared.

"Mom, then... who is that uncle? What is he talking about?" Look, the eyes are getting more and more sad.

And Lin Yuanfei's gaze seemed to frighten Du Dao Yazi.

She hid in her mother's arms even more frightened, and said in a panic, "Mom, that uncle... that uncle, he is watching me. The mother gently stroked her daughter's head. She smiled wryly like a low voice. Said.

"It's okay...that uncle is not a bad person, he is your good friend, he won't hurt you. Don't be afraid, Yuko. Mother's whisper made Kishima Yako startled. She looked into the corner again Lin Yuanfei, a "middle-aged man" with gray hair and a vicissitudes of life who looks older than his father, showed a curious expression.

"He's really not a bad guy...why does his eyes look so scary... Faced with her daughter's naive question, Mrs. Busushima smiled helplessly.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei in the corner, and after realizing that Lin Yuanfei was not angry because of this, she looked at her husband.

"If team leader Hayashi Yuan can find the murderer who hurt Yuzi, can the murderer have a way to restore Yazi to normal?"

... Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head, "I don't know, maybe there is a way, maybe there is no way."

Kishima Yako's father asked again, "Then if we leave Japan, will the murderer who hurt Yako continue to chase after him? If the murderer chases after him, will the people you arrange, Team Leader Hayashibara, be able to protect Yako? Safe?" This question made Lin Yuan silent.

He sat there, silent, thinking for a while.

Then he said, "The murderer probably wouldn't have left Japan to chase after my senior in America...

"Then what about the second question?" Bujima Yuko's father had a serious expression on his face, "If the murderer really came after him, will anyone be able to protect Yazi?"

..Lin Yuanfei shook his head.

Then, the room was silent.Hiding in her mother’s arms, or rather, because of her stature, Yuko Busujima could only hide her head in her mother’s arms, curiously watching the conversation between her father and the strange uncle in the corner, and Mr. Busujima remained silent. After a while, he looked at his daughter, and then at Lin Yuanfei in the corner.

After a while, Mr. Island spoke slowly.

"If you let Yizi stay with Team Leader Lin Yuan, can Team Leader Lin Yuan protect her? Will this happen again? Lin Yuanfei was slightly taken aback, a little stunned.

"Uncle, what do you mean

"Well," Busujima Yuko's father nodded and said, "I hope Yuko can stay with Team Leader Hayashibara.

"Since the murderer is likely to hurt Zi again, and if no one can stop him, then Yazi can only be safe by the side of Team Leader Lin Yuan.

Mr. Busushima looked at his daughter's green eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Before this, Ye Zizhi was always telling me about you, Team Leader Lin Yuan. She always said that you are a very unusual and responsible man."

"Although I urged her to leave Japan several times, she never agreed.

"So when this happened, I don't blame you, because it was the result of Yuzi's own choice.

"I think, if it was Yazi, she would definitely make the same choice as me.

"For Yuzi and for us, there is no safer place in this world than by your side.

Therefore, I hope that you can temporarily take Yuzi by your side and take care of her for a period of time to protect her safety until the murderer is brought to justice or Yuzi returns to normal.

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