"This is the only decision we can make for her, who are weak and incapable of keeping Yuko safe.

The eyes of Yuko Busujima's father were full of pleading, "Team Leader Hayashibara, can you agree to this request?"

... Lin Yuanfei looked at him conscientiously, and remained silent for a while.

In the quiet room, only Kishima Yako's confused voice sounded.

"Father, what are you talking about...why do you let this uncle take care of me? Are you going to go away again?"

Chapter 768 Uncle and Nephew

Yuko Busushima's tone was like a child's voice, full of the innocence and cuteness of a child.However, her mature voice made such words full of a strange sense of disobedience.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Budao Yuzi like Ruo, and at Ruo's father's serious expression. He was silent for a while.Then, Lin Yuan shook his head.

"The murderer could have easily killed Sister Shima, but the other party didn't."

"Not only did it not kill, but it also removed the [cancer] from Busujima-senpai, but took away her ten-year memory.

"Obviously. The murderer didn't want to kill her. He just hoped that Bujima-senpai would not show up again. So, uncle, it might be the safest way for you to take senior sister out of Japan." Hayashihara's speculation. Let Bushima Yako's parents talk to each other I glanced at it.Shiao Yazi's father sighed and said.

"I know that what Mr. Lin Yuan said is a possibility, but the other party may also want to let Liu Zi out of Mr. Lin Yuan's sight, and then kill him."

"I believe that the murderer hiding in the dark is afraid of your existence, Team Leader Lin Yuan, that's why he showed mercy to Yazi's subordinates.

"In that case, can we take Yazi away when Yezi stays with you for a few more days until the day the murderer is brought to justice?"

"It's not that I'm selfish, but that I really don't want Yazi's safety to depend on the murderer's kindness...

Mr. Bujima's sincere words made Lin Yuanfei sigh.The other party didn't blame others for his daughter's injury, and blamed him for not protecting her well, but made the most reasonable reasoning and choice after such an incident happened.


Forget it, then let me take care of Senior Sister for a few days. "

If I object again, it becomes a shirking of responsibility.

"Since senior sister became like this because of me, then I will protect her well."

"Until that murderer is brought to justice, I guarantee with my life that no one will hurt her again! 0 C The morning sun doesn't feel much warmth. The night that has just receded. There is still a icy chill left in this world.

Tsuchimikado Mansion in the capital. Orihime came to Tsuchimikado Touji with a blank face.

At this time, Toshizo Tsuchimikado was preparing for his speech in the afternoon.

After all, he is the prime minister of a country. Although there are many staff secretaries who handle most of the government affairs for him, he still cannot refuse some activities that require the prime minister to attend in person.

When Orihime arrived, Tsuchimikado Toizo was having breakfast face to face, while listening to the secretary explain some things that need to be paid attention to in the afternoon speech.

Seeing Orihime coming in, Tsuchimikado Toshizo was not too surprised.

He just waved his hand and dismissed the servants and secretary.When there were only two uncles and nephews left in the room, Tsuchimikado Suizan spoke.

"Is there a problem?"

Zhi Ji looked at her uncle. Looking at the other party's calm expression as usual, she took a deep breath, as if trying to gather courage.Then, she spoke.

, why do you want to cancel the marriage contract?" Orihime asked very seriously, "Uncle, didn't you say before that if the marriage contract is cancelled, our Tuyumen clan will be ashamed? Why are you suddenly canceling the marriage contract now?"

Tuyumen Suisan glanced at her, and said, "Lin Yuan offered to withdraw the engagement. The meaning of our Tuyumen clan's proposal to withdraw the engagement is completely different...Of course, I admit that it is more shameful for us to take the initiative to break the engagement

"But compared to a little reputation, I value the future of the clan and the future of your niece more.

"What I said... Zhiji, do you understand?" Zhiji looked at him blankly, and said, "You don't need to test me, Lin Yuan didn't know until now that you are his ultimate enemy, the so-called black hand behind the scenes." .Hearing this sentence, Toshizo Tsuchimikado couldn't help laughing, how did you know?

Zhi Ji looked indifferent, "I arrived when you ordered me to come back and told me to cancel my engagement with Lin Yuan.

"I was thinking about why Lin Yuan's colleague had such a big opinion of me and was so afraid of me. Now that this series of things happened, plus your reaction, I understand.

"You are the one who set up a large magic circle underground in Chiba, and you are the man behind the scenes that Lin Yuan said."

"As for Lin Yuan, before he lost his memory, he had always been your enemy."

"Of course, you obviously didn't know about it, at least not before Lin Yuan left Kyoto.

"Otherwise, with your style of conduct, Lin Yuan, who knows nothing about the truth and has no defense against you, has no chance to leave the capital alive.

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain, no matter what the reason is, it is not your style.

"You probably only found out that Lin Yuan is your enemy in the last two days, right?" Zhi Ji's rhetorical question made Shi Yumen Suisan shake his head and laugh.He looked at his niece and smiled happily.

"It's not Orihime... She's as smart and sharp as ever.

"If you are a man, you will undoubtedly be the next head of the Tsuchimikado family.

"I almost wonder if you have developed mind reading skills.

Tsuchimikado Suizan smiled and said, "Then you who know everything, do you have anything else to ask?"

" Zhi Ji looked at him coldly and said, "Why do you have to cancel the engagement?"

"If such a smart female Zhuge is given to Lin Yuanfei, then I will be in big trouble.

"What's more, you are still my niece, you should join our whole family in ruling the new world.

"As I said, for our family, the most important thing is not only faith, but also people.

The expression on Tsuchimikado Suizan's face was very serious, "Because of emotion and reason, I can't let you and Hayashi Yuan continue to develop, and I can't tolerate you continuing to have unnecessary entanglements.

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