"So, even if we lose a little bit of reputation, as long as we can save you, it's worth it for us.

Tsuchimikado Tousan's words made Orihime silent for a while.

"Are you not afraid that after I know everything, Yiri will help Lin Yuan deal with you?

Tsuchimikado Toshizo smiled and shook his head, "Impossible.


"Because if you do that, you won't be Tsuchimikado Orihime.

Chapter 769 The Blue Spearman

Tsuchimikado Tousan's words made Orihime silent for a few seconds.She looked at her uncle expressionlessly, without speaking.And Shi Yumen Suisan said with a smile, "For you who attach great importance to righteousness and integrity, once you cancel your engagement with Lin Yuan, no matter what you think in your heart, you will never be entangled with Lin Yuan again

"Besides, the clansman is also an important emotion that I can't let go of and ignore. When you left, you didn't remind Lin Yuan that it was your restraint.

"For you, when your engagement with Lin Yuan is cancelled, your role in this game will be completely zeroed out.

"Your pride cannot tolerate you staying by his side.

"So, you will definitely come back, and you will not help Lin Yuan deal with us.

Tsuchimikado Suizan's incomparably firm judgment made Zhi Ji snort coldly.

"Maybe I told Lin Yuanfei everything.

However, her threat did not frighten Toshizo Tsuchimikado.Tsuchimikado Toshizo smiled and shook his head, "Even if you tell Hayashi Yuan, what effect will it have?"

"The current Linyuan has lost the memory of the past, and can't remember

"Not only did he forget who his worst enemy was, he even forgot why he fought.

Naturally, he also lost his most trusted companion.

"Now that Ziran is completely ignorant, what right does he have to stand in front of me and fight against me?"

"You understand this, and you know that only true ignorance is happiness for Lin Yuan now.

"Because he knows nothing, he can continue to live leisurely like now, he won't be hostile to me, and naturally he won't be hurt.

"If someone tells him everything now, recalls his memory, and forces him to confront our clan head-on, that will harm him! Tsuchimikado Toshizo whispered with a smile, making Orihime's pupils one by one shrink.

"-Personally...you have already killed those companions of Hayashibara?" Tsuchimikado Toizo smiled and shook his head, "No, but it will be soon.

"His companions have been hiding their own information because they understand that they are not my opponent on the frontal battlefield."

"But now, since their existence has been exposed, they are naturally not far from death."

"The people who went to kill them should have arrived by now...

Tuyumen Suizan shrugged indifferently, and said, "So, you were right in not telling Hayashi Yuan the truth.

"Because of your concealment, he can spend the rest of his life in peace and tranquility. Tsuchimikado Toshizo's smile whispered, making Orihime look gloomy

Japanese highways are not wide.It can even be said to be narrow.However, the volume of cars in Japan is generally small. So such a lane seems to be enough for them.Looking at the narrow highway outside the car window, the black Shader yawned and said

"This shitty place in Japan is really small... It doesn't matter if the house is small or the car is small, and even the roads are so small, do the Japanese feel panicked if they don't make money?"

Illya in the back row snorted, "That's why the Japanese are so petty by nature, it's natural." Emiya Kiritsugu in the passenger seat shook his head.

"When you criticize Japan, please don't bring in all the Japanese? I'm more or less a Japanese.

Emiya Kiritsugu's words made Shader burst out laughing.

"Your words are so funny. You are a Japanese who has never lived in Japan. Emiya Kiritsugu sighed and did not refute this sentence. But Ilya suddenly pointed to the front and said .

"Wow! The road seems to be closed ahead. On the highway in front of them, a group of policemen are blocking the road.

Seeing this scene, Shader was a little surprised.

"Are the Japanese so fierce? Set up road closures on the highway? Aren't they afraid of being hit to death?"

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, "It's not right...be careful, I don't feel normal, maybe something went wrong.

Saying that, Emiya Kiritsugu looked behind him.He discovered one thing.

... have you noticed that there are not many cars behind us?"

Emiya Kiritsugu's reminder 1 stunned the other two people in the car.

Shader said, "Damn...won't our smuggling be discovered by the Japanese police?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the group of police officers who set up checkpoints in front, with a gloomy expression, "I hope it's that simple...  

At this time, the speed of the car has been slowed down.

Shader even slowed the car down to under five yards, almost as fast as a turtle.And on the road not far ahead of them, the few vehicles in front of them were let off by the police.Because Shader's speed was too slow, the cars behind him also overtook him one after another and drove to the front of the checkpoint.And the policemen didn't make things difficult for these cars, and let them pass directly.This time, on the highway, only Shader and his car were left.In front of them was a temporary checkpoint set up by several police officers.Behind them is the empty highway, and there is no car coming in the long lane.Even in the other lane next to them, there was no traffic in sight now.

On the highway that should have been roaring, now there is only one car slowly crowding.At this moment, the three people in the car knew that something was wrong no matter how late they were.Shader swallowed.

"This scene seems a bit big... and the ambush was set up in advance, we won't hang here today, right?" Guard Kiritsugu held the gun with a gloomy expression, and said, "Listen to my order later, we. .

Before Emiya Kiritsugu could finish his words, Dou Lan's figure descended from the sky and landed heavily in front of them.

It was obviously a human body, but the moment it landed, the ground trembled violently for a moment.

Even the originally hard road surface of the expressway was dusted by him.

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