Amid the flying sand and gravel, a tall and slender figure wearing a blue tights stopped in front of the road.

The half-smile expression, handsome appearance, and the scarlet magic gun in his hand all gave people a feeling that he was not easy to provoke.

He turned around and looked at the completely stopped car.There was a whistle.

"yo one one"

In the morning wind, there was a light voice from the other party, "The three in the car, don't you come down to chat?" In front of the 6th road, the blue spearmen smiled and carried the red magic gun on their shoulders.

Smile brightly.

"I've been waiting here for you for a long time.

The three people in the car looked at each other with gloomy eyes

Chapter 770

There was only one car on the highway, and the blue gunmen stopped ahead.Not far behind him was a group of police officers setting up cards.

In the air, the atmosphere seemed a bit chilling and dignified.

Seeing this scene, Shader didn't say a word, he put the reverse gear directly, and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaless not all' was exclaimed, and everyone in the car accelerated rapidly, watching is about to disappear.However, the next second, the blue spearman moved.

- In an instant, he pulled into the distance between him and the car.

That terrifying speed even left an afterimage in the air.

The other party was running wildly, but his attitude of lifting weights lightly and the speed at which he easily caught up made people frown.

Shader snorted, and said, "What the hell is it a Servant...and it looks like the type with extremely fast speed and strong force value. Is it Lancer?"

Run?" Said Ruo. He took out the suitcase at his feet, opened it, took out the rifle inside and assembled it quickly. When he opened the skylight and stood up, he was holding a golden gun in his arms. Semi-automatic rifle.

The pitch-black muzzle was aimed at Qianwan's rapidly approaching blue spearmen, and guard Kiritsugu directly pressed the trigger.

Da da da da da da da da da

Amidst a burst of rapid gunfire, the dense bullets flooded towards the blue spearmen ahead.

However, the gunmen who were rushing by the king did not dodge in any way. He waved his red magic gun, and shot all the flying bullets easily and freely.

Amidst the sound of gold and iron colliding, a burst of sparks appeared in front of the blue gunman.That's when the Bullet Bimo shot.The bullets in that clip did not cause any practical hindrance to the gunman, and he continued to run wildly with a smile on his face. 2 6

There is a smile on the corner of the mouth.

"It's unbelievably passionate...

The blue spearman smiled and said, "Can't you just stop and have a good chat?" Seeing this scene, the guard Kiritsugu changed a magazine with a blank expression, and pointed the gun at the blue spearman in front of him again. Color Gunners.His voice went down. The storm of bullets drowned the blue spearmen again.However, when the red magic gun was swung, all the bullets flew away.

Yiri failed to cause any damage to him.

But this didn't make Emiya Kiritsugu feel any depressed.

He threw several smoke bombs and grenades expressionlessly, and instead of aiming at the blue gunmen, he threw them directly on the highway.

The explosive grenades and the smoke bombs emitting white smoke made them seem to have entered the battlefield. For a second, the blue gunmen rushed out of the white smoke and rushed towards the front with a strong wind. car.The red grinding gun directly penetrated the window of the cab and pierced the black man in the driver's seat.However, the Negro remained motionless.The moment the red magic gun pierced his body, the black figure shattered like a bubble.

The car that was moving backwards at high speed also stopped at this time.

Seeing this scene, the blue spearman froze for a moment.He looked around, and the man and little girl in the car all disappeared into illusory bubbles.The three people in this car all escaped at more than one time.Seeing this scene, the gunman shook his head and sighed, and said.

"What a bunch of mice that can run...

Dui Ruo, the gunman looked behind him and said

"Miss Qinglian, did you see where the three mice went?"

Behind Lancer - an ethereal figure is silent

The pure white dress is ethereal like a legendary fairy.However, this fairy does not have the elegance and demeanor of a fairy.There was a thick volume of poetry hanging on her belt, but she ignored it.

Holding a wine gourd in his hand, Chunxue's aroma of wine rushed towards him.Not only did they come from the gourd, but some also came from the girl.

This beautiful girl who looks beautiful is actually a drunkard with flushed cheeks.

She wiped the drink from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve without any image, and said.

The girl who was called Qinglian said, "Although everyone is like my layman...well, just don't call me Miss, this name is not a good thing.

"It's just that you electric guys like to use this strange name as a nickname..

The girl squinted at the gunman and said, "And didn't you say at the beginning that you can handle it alone without my intervention? What? The solo show failed?"

Facing the girl's sneer, the gunman shrugged and did not speak.

And the girl obviously didn't really want to quarrel with him.So she pointed in a direction casually, and said, "There...just chase there. If you don't hurry up, you might lose your target.

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran towards the direction guided by the girl 1, and chased after him, while the girl named Qinglian held up the gourd and took another sip.

"...Thousands of years are a virtue."

Layman Qinglian wants to go...this kid can probably be used to write poems. "

When Lin Yuanfei brought Bushima Yako back to the villa, Yuki was surprised.

Yuki stared in astonishment at Ruo Lin Yuanfei's hand, this timid and childlike mature sister Yu, seemed to suspect that she was wrong.

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