Bushima Yuko looked at him suspiciously, and then looked at the pheasant that had just been hit. After pondering for a while, he hummed softly.

"Then trust you once...

She crossed her arms over her chest, as if trying to appear as a high-profile forgiver.However, this action inevitably squeezed her chest even more shockingly.Lin Yuanfei glanced subconsciously.

"Wow! Big pervert! You said you're not a pervert, have you been caught by me this time?"

Kishima Yako pointed at Lin Yuan and said, "You were indeed peeking at my chest just now! I saw it with my own eyes!"

Lin Yuan gave a wry smile without words, and closed his eyes.

"Then I'll poke my eyes from now on, okay? That way I won't be able to see you." Lin Yuanfei's speechless exclamation was exchanged for the soft hum of Busushima Yuko.

"With a lecherous and wretched uncle like you, if you don't take good care of yourself, wouldn't you take all the advantages? Girls must protect themselves!"

"Yes yes yes yes," Lin Yuanfei nodded again and again, "Your words are very reasonable, so from now on, in order not to cause misunderstandings, I decided to cover my eyes so that I can't see anything

Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei took out a cloth belt and tied it on his head, just covering his eyes.Then he didn't argue with Kishima Yako any more, but just leaned back to sleep with his arms around his shoulders and his eyes closed.Waiting for the arrival of the destination.In the car, as the argument between Hayashihara Hiroku and Busushima Yako stopped, it became quiet again.Only Yinji's slight roar and the violent shaking of the car passing through the pit could be heard.

Just like that, Lin Yuanfei closed his eyes for a while

Just when he was about to fall asleep, Shima Takuko's restless voice suddenly sounded in his ear.Kishima Yako's voice woke up Lin Yuanfei.He subconsciously sat up straight and looked in the direction of Kishima Yako.

- Although at this moment he couldn't see clearly with the blindfold on.

But Busushima Yako's uneasiness can be felt without looking at it with both eyes.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, he was a child after all... He shook Lin Yuan6 and continued to close his eyes.

Soon, in the drowsy drowsiness, I don't know how long it has passed.

Lin Yuan felt a slight shock in his body, and the car stopped.

He opened his eyes and found that the car had come to a fork in the road.The road leading to the mountain forest on the right is an old cement road that looks in disrepair and almost no one passes through.There are even many weeds growing on the road.And in the bushes by the side of the road, on a huge rusty old road sign, there are such words written in Japanese and English.

[-]Welcome to Silent Hill.

Pheasant looked back at Lin Yuanfei, "Boss, is this here?" Lin Yuanfei nodded, "That's right, just drive in. The road in front of him brought back memories of Lin Yuanfei's "long time ago". Or rather, the memory of last week. At that time, he drove out of Raccoon City in a car, followed by the two couples who were chasing and killing him.

Yuko Busushima was also in his car at the time.

And now...

Lin Yuanfei looked at the eyes of Budao Yuko beside him, at this time, Budao Yuko was still leaning on the car door and sound asleep, and was not awakened.And Lin Yuan didn't have the idea of ​​waking up.He sat in the back seat, watching Ruo Ruo's forest flashing by outside the window, recalling everything that happened Ruo Ruo at that time.Occasionally, I could see a gap in the woods that was crushed by a giant, which was also stepped on by the Heitonggan who chased and killed them at that time.And at that time, on this old road, he was suffering the biggest psychological blow since he crossed...or in other words, since he was born.

What he thought in his heart at that time seemed to have become blurred now.

Although only a week has passed, humans are such forgetful creatures.We may be able to remember a lot (probably). But more [details] will always be forgotten. Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth slightly curved, revealing a sarcastic smile.

Chapter 775 Bloody Moon

The setting sun is far away in the sky.In the dimly lit forest, the car was parked on the side of the road.Lin Yuan and Pheasant sat on the roadside next to the car, looking helplessly at the forest not far away.Lin Yuanfei said.

People, you really can't set up FLAG indiscriminately."

With a wry smile, he shook his head helplessly.

He guessed from the very beginning that eating too many Popsicles would cause bad stomach, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Speaking of which, if Lin Yuanfei hadn't been sharp-eyed and keenly spotted the pained expression on the red face of Budao Yizi lying beside him, he had stopped the pheasant in time, and coaxed her to see her when she left. That hurried appearance is obviously not the type that can be held back.If he didn't solve it in time but continued to drag it on, Lin Yuanfei probably shook his head helplessly.At the age of eight, the carnivorous Bujima-senpai was just a face-saving brat after all.He sat there with Pheasant, waiting for Kishima Kishiko to come back.However, the two waited for a long time, until the sun had completely set and there were only a few residual sunset glows in the sky, but Kishima Yako hadn't come out yet.

If it wasn't for Lin Yuan's shouting from time to time to get a response, Lin Yuanfei wouldn't have suspected that Du Dao Yazi ran away because of excessive shame and anger.

Anyway, it's been too long

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky, then at the time, and shouted loudly.

"Sister! It's going to be dark if you don't come out!"

Hiroshi Kihara felt that Yuko Busushima was embarrassed to appear

"Hurry up, we're leaving. It's dark and there are wolves in the forest. Lin Yuanfei is very unscrupulous, like most adults, and started to scare the children. In the woods, there was an impatient call from Poshishima Yuko sound.

.Know... Got it! Here we go. "Then, Hayashihara and Pheasant sat on the spot and waited for a while, and finally saw the bushes swaying, and the squirming Bushima Yuko came out. Look at her appearance. It seems that she is really embarrassed to come out because she is shy?

Lin Yuan and Pheasant looked at each other.It was wise not to tease this "little girl" who was so ashamed in Yiri.The two got up at the same time, and the pheasant went straight to drive

After Lin Yuanfei waved to Du Dao Yuzi, he also got into the car directly.

Soon, Kishima Kiba opened the door and got into the car.The car continued on and she deliberately sat far away from Lin Yuanfei, almost touching the car door.Although she tried her best to appear calm and sheepish, her uneasy and sneaky appearance was obvious at a glance.Lin Yuanfei 6 was a little confused.It's not just a sign of shyness...

It's more like a guilty child who has some secrets that he doesn't want people to find out? Hayashi Yuan subconsciously looked at Bushima Yuko, but Bushima Yako exploded directly.

... What are you looking at?

Du Dao Yazi stared at Lin Yuanfei guilty, and reacted a little fiercely, "What are you looking at with those eyes?" Lin Yuanfei froze for a moment, more sure that something happened.But what can happen in this woods? With Hayashihara Lu's sense and hearing, it is impossible for any wild animal or living thing to get close to the poisonous island in the woods at that time.He was sure that Shimao Nao was hiding behind the bushes alone.

So well done, why did Kishima Yako react this way? Hayashihara Lu looked at Yuko Busushima again, frowning slightly.

...what's the smell?"

Lin Yuanfei's nose moved, and he sensed something was wrong.

There was a faint smell of blood in the car.

He looked at Yuko Busujima suddenly, with a nervous expression on his face, "Sister, are you injured?"

Yuko Busushima's face suddenly turned red like a ripe red tomato. She glared at Ruo Lin Yuanfei in embarrassment and indignation, subconsciously pressed her skirt, and shouted at the same time as she finished speaking,- A faint line of blood overflowed from the edge of her skirt.No matter how he doesn't have women, but there are also many fools.The situation before us is clearly

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