"Menstruation?" Lin Yuanfei said dumbfounded, "Sister, are you on your period?""

Yuko Busushima was stunned for a moment, "...Fake?

"Shun...don't you know?" Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised.

This "eight-year-old" Bujima-senpai acted so maturely, she thought that the other party already knew these basic physiological knowledge.

But now it seems that the situation is not right.Lin Yuanfei hurriedly stopped the car, and let Bu Dao Yuzi get out of the car.And after Yuko Busushima got up, the pool of blood under her buttocks was completely exposed to the air.Lin Yuanfei and Pheasant looked at each other, Pheasant quickly came over and said in a low voice.

"Boss, from the experience I have gained from the time I used to pack horses, if a girl eats too much ice cream and freezes her belly when her period is approaching, her period will come more violently Lin Yuanfei looked at Kishima Kiba at this time. There wasn't much blood, just a little bit. But Kishima Kiba who was standing there obviously didn't notice that blood had started to flow from between her thighs exposed under her short skirt.

Probably because of excessive shame, anger, and excessive tension, so I didn't notice it.

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, patted Pheasant on the shoulder, and said.

"Hurry up and drive back, find the nearest convenience store and buy some sanitary napkins, we'll wait for you here.

At this moment, with Du Dao Yazi's embarrassing and angry appearance at this moment, let her and Lin Yuanfei go back to buy sanitary napkins in the same car, probably it would be better to kill her.After taking Bushima Yuko's luggage from the car and sending Shan away, Lin Yuanfei took a breath and sat down directly on the roadside embankment.

"Fortunately, I made preparations in advance and brought you a change of clothes. Lin Yuanfei glanced at Du Dao who was standing stupidly beside him and said, "Since you know everything, why don't you know what menstruation is? what?'

Chapter 776 Can't Go Back

Lin Yuanfei's question made Kishima Yako, who had finally calmed down, blush with embarrassment.

"...Of course I know!"

"Then why are you still so shy?" Lin Yuanfei was a little curious, "Isn't menstruation a normal physiological phenomenon? Your reaction made me think you didn't understand anything.

Du Dao Yazi glared at Lin Yuanfei with a blushing face, and said, "Then you guys have dream encounters in your dreams, can you also happily tell others that you had a dream encounter last night?"

... Seems to make sense.

Lin Yuan touched his head and said, "So you stayed in the woods for so long because you were too embarrassed to come out?"

Shima Yuko glared at him angrily and said, "Can you stop asking? A real gentleman will shut up at this time, okay?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and laughed wickedly.

"But I'm not a gentleman." Spreading his hands, Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, "I'm the third member of the Lin Yuan Group, a mafia boss, and a bad guy who is bleeding out of pus, how can I do good things like a gentleman? Wouldn’t that mean that the human design collapsed? Don’t you think so?’ Lin Yuanfei smiled wickedly. Shima Yazi looked at him angrily, and said, “Bad guy, bad guy, bad guy! Big bad guy!”

Lin Yuanfei laughed, and looked up and down Yuko Toshishima

At this time, Bushima Yako stood there very angrily, his cheeks puffed up with anger.But at this moment, Lin Yuanfei's full sight was attracted by the two legs of Kishima Yako.It's not that the two legs are long, white, or straight, but that there are scarlet blood flowing down the legs, which has already wetted Kishima Yako's lacquered socks.Although the amount of bleeding was not very large, there was an unavoidable smell in the air that a woman would only have during menstruation.

This smell is completely different from the usual bloody smell, which makes people frown even more.Lin Yuanfei sighed, "By the way, is it really okay for you to be like this?" Budao Yuko stared at him, very angry, "How do I know? I'm only eight years old! Also, can you be so wretched and big? Don't ask girls such shameful questions anymore? It's nothing but scum in the world!" Lin Yuan shrugged and didn't speak any more.

He sat there alone, watching the sky gradually darken, his eyes gradually began to wander.

In front of him is a long slope.At the end of the long slope is a bridge leading to the opposite stone mountain.It is different from the lush forest here. On the stone hill on the other side of the bridge, there is almost no trace of vegetation.

The bare stone hills are full of rough and strange rocks.

The road at the end of the bridge was forcibly carved out among the bare stone mountains on the mountainside.Down the slope. Walk across the bridge, and not far away is Silent Hill.On the opposite side of the bridge, Lin Yuan Guanjing drove his car into the guardrail on the side of the road.It’s just that what happened in the watch world at that time, now that Silent Hill has completely disappeared, the car that broke down on the other side of the bridge probably disappeared together, right?

At that time, it was there that he parted ways with Yuno and walked side by side with Kishima Kishiko.They didn't know anything about the Silent Hill in front of them, but they didn't flinch. They rushed in resolutely, just to rescue Yuki.But now, revisiting the old place seems to be back to the original situation.Yuno disappeared without a trace, leaving only Yuko Busujima by her side.But the actual situation is already a world of difference.

Lin Yuan KK sighed deeply. His right hand unconsciously stroked the handle of the knife at his waist.

Du Dao Yuzi looked at him suspiciously, Lin Yuan Feizheng was startled, and subconsciously touched his face.

...is it hideous?"

He gave a dry laugh and said, "I'm sure you're wrong, how could my expression be so hideous.

Lin Yuanfei stood up, rubbed his face, and said, "Maybe it's because I've been in a daze for too long and my expression is stiff? You have a deep prejudice against me. You can see that my expression is ferocious. It's just Lin Yuanfei's excuse. Kishima Yako didn't convince him.

With a curious face, Shimao said, "I drove to this place out of nowhere, and then sat in this wild place and stared at a bridge... Is there anything on the other side of the bridge? Didn't it mean that you have been here before?" Here? What memories are left here? Are you here now to reminisce?

Lin Yuanfei's face turned black, "You really have a hundred thousand reasons... do little kids have so many problems like you? Seeing you like this, I don't want to say anything about kids in the future, otherwise I will be annoyed Du Dao glared at him angrily, and said, "It's fine if you don't want to say it! Uncle scoundrel, it's really irresponsible to bring him here and not tell him what he's doing here!" He didn't speak. And Yuko Busujima didn't pay attention to him, but stood aside and sulked.

As the sky gradually turned dark, the mountain forest was completely plunged into darkness.

Yuko Bushima quietly leaned towards Lin Yuanfei.But fortunately, the moon came out soon, and the cold moonlight illuminated the mountain road.Dao Yuzi and Lin Yuanfei waited here for a long time before they heard the roar of the car.The pheasant drove back.

As if being pardoned, Du Dao took the bag from the pheasant after the pheasant stopped the car and went into the bushes.

Lin Yuanfei had to remind her to be careful.

"Boss, shall we continue walking?" Pheasant asked.Lin Yuanfei looked at the direction where Ruodu Dao Yazi disappeared, was silent for a few seconds, and shook his head.

"Let's go back

He sighed, and said, "I've been on the road for so long, and with the arrival of Senior Sister and Aunt Budao, I can't go back."

"I originally wanted to come back for a stroll, but now it seems that there is no need for that anymore.

"There is no way to escape anymore.

"I'm so indecisive. Even I will get angry when I see it. Lin Yuan looked in the direction of Silent Hill.

There, in the moonlight, he could see a bare rocky mountain.

Seeing the familiar half-mountain road and the huge rusty Silent Hill sign beside the road, Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly.In the night wind, Lin Yuanfei's murmurs were scattered.

"I really... can't go back."

Chapter 777 Are you dating?

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