Even though he was going to see Illya soon, his movements were still slow and without any sense of urgency. 6

Yuki has been standing obediently beside him, silently watching Ruobayashi Yuanfei eating.

In that gaze, it seemed that he wanted to remember Lin Yuanfei's appearance at this time forever.And Kiba Kishima next to him also got a plate of pies.It looked exactly like Lin Yuanfei's. After she took two bites, she showed a surprised expression.

"Wow! Is this chicken? It's tender and delicious.

Yuki smiled reluctantly, but did not introduce too much.

She just looked at Lin Yuanfei, all eyes were on Lin Yuan.

The weak and sad Moxiang was like a wife who watched her husband go to the battlefield, her eyes were full of heartbreak.Time goes by bit by bit.After Lin Yuanfei finished eating the last piece of pie, he put down his chopsticks.

Then, Yuki rang.

"It's almost there," Lin Yuanfei wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and said, "I should go." Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yuko Busujima.At this time, Yuko Busushima seemed to be having a good time eating.Lin Yuanfei didn't say anything, stood up directly, picked up the Bellflower Fairy Dongyue, and said.

"Yuki, let's say goodbye here.

He looked at the girl in front of him, said softly, and slowly stretched out his right hand, stroking Yuki's side face.This intimate movement is now as if it is a matter of course, without the slightest abruptness.Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki with blurred eyes and said softly.

"You are the most powerful spiritual pillar for me in times of crisis. It is your tenderness, your loveliness and your support that allow me to persevere to where I am today."

"If it weren't for you, maybe I would have died long ago."

"Thank you anyway.

Lin Yuan paused, then said with a smile, ....I like you.

At the same time as these words were said, Bushima Yuko behind Lin Yuanfei was already lying on the table and sound asleep.It seems that he didn't sleep well last night, he was just a smiler, affectionately, looking at the sad and moved girl in front of him, whose eyes were already blurred with tears.Gently stroking her face.

"And, don't be surprised."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "Don't wonder why I didn't pass out like senior sister, because I didn't eat the food you gave me at all.

... !" Yuki's body froze.

However, Hayashi Yuan seemed to be unaware of Yuki's reaction, he gently stroked her side face, but his eyes gradually drifted away.

It seems to be looking into the distance.

There was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

"When I saw Yuno obeying your words. When I saw that you could make Yuno feel afraid even if you whispered softly, I already had some strange associations."

"But at that time, I was still too weak.

"I didn't have enough courage to find the truth, and I thought that was fine at the time.

"Yuno is making jokes, Yuki you are suppressing this little sister who is always messing around with your elder sister's majesty, and I will go with you to face those terrible monsters.

"Like you, I am an orphan

"From a very young age, I've always been human."

"By my side, I have no friends, no relatives, not even a sister or younger sister who cares about me like Yuno."

"I've always been alone, so I understand better how lonely it can be.

"After I came to this world, although I was entangled in endless evil electricity and dangers, and encountered life-and-death crises again and again. But in fact, I have never wanted to return to the original world.

"Because in this world, although I am in a dangerous situation and I am killing every step of the way, I have the most cherished companion by my side.

"You, Yuno, Senior Sister, Brother Cheng....Your company made me no longer alone, and gave me precious friends that are worth cherishing.

"Although I survived in this world, I am not alone. I have you.

"Even if I die suddenly one day, you will remember me. Some people will remember that there was a person named Lin Yuan in this world, instead of being completely forgotten by people after death.

"So I have always cherished you and valued you very much, and I don't want to destroy this beautiful friendship.

But now. It seems that I can no longer be a turtle.

Lin Yuanfei's left hand lightly pressed on the hilt of the sword.

I, who has been weak and evasive, should muster up the courage to find the truth.

Chapter 781 Feeling Pain

In the sunny dining room, it was so quiet that one could hear the sound of a needle falling on the ground.Yuko Busushima, who just finished eating, just fell asleep on the table like this, as if she didn't sleep well last night and was very sleepy.Not far from her, Lin Yuanfei gently stroked Yuki's side face, and the two stood very close.

Yuki's eyes dodged slightly.

"...Lin Yuan-jun, what are you talking about...

Yuki smiled forcedly, "Why are you saying these things suddenly and inexplicably.

"At this point, do you still want to continue pretending?"

"Yuki, Makoto and Yuno are still alive right now?

Lin Yuanfei's question made Yuki's body stiff.

She looked at Ruo Lin Yuanfei with a little horror, as if she couldn't breathe, the facial features on her face were slightly distorted by the pain.


She covered her heart, and slowly took two steps back, with an expression of disbelief on her face, "Lin Yuanjun...why did you ask me this question... Lin Yuanfei looked at her like this and shook his head. Shake your head.

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