"Because Brother Cheng's disappearance was done by you. Yuno's disappearance was also done by you.

"Facing such a fact, if I don't ask you, who else can I ask...Lin Yuanfei's sigh made Yuki smile extremely reluctantly.

"Why do you doubt me... Hayashi Yuan-kun," Yuki said with a pained face, "Why do you stare at me!"

...Lin Yuanfei looked at her as if, and was silent for a few seconds.

Then, he patted his chest lightly.Then, as if having a vomiting reaction, Lin Yuanfei bent down and began to vomit.


Amidst the sound of violent vomiting, some black mud balls were continuously spit out from Lin Yuan's mouth.These small pieces of black mud were all the food that Lin Yuanfei ate into his stomach.He used the devil power in his body to form an isolation membrane inside the esophagus and stomach pouch, covering everything he ate into his stomach.

Now after vomiting everything out, Lin Yuanfei wiped the corners of his mouth and stood up straight.

He looked at Yuki on the opposite side and smiled sadly.

"Actually, at the beginning, I really didn't think it would be you.

"Because I thought you might have a side I don't know about very early on. But Yuki, you give me the feeling of being so beautiful and gentle, so beautiful that it is almost like a beautiful dream, which makes people fundamentally Reluctant to break it.

"When Yuno disappeared at first, I thought she was really hiding."

"But after I came back from Chiba, I realized that things were not as simple as I thought."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the unconscious Budao not far away, and said, "Senior sister is sick, suffering from cancer, or the kind that was diagnosed suddenly without noticing it before."

"When I knew that senior sister's illness was man-made, the first murderer I thought of was indeed Yuno.

"But very quickly, I realized the loopholes in this.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki in front of him and said, "During the time I went to Chiba, you and Yan Yezhi were with Senior Sister. With Yuno's character, if she has the opportunity to meet Senior Sister If Jing cast a curse on the senior sister, then she must also have the opportunity to pretend to attack you and take you away.

"According to what you said before, you are not Yuno's opponent. So as long as Yuno makes an unintentional attack with mental calculations, the probability of her forcibly taking you away is very high.

"But she didn't.

"This sick girl who regards her sister as everything in her life didn't attack you when she was able to get in touch with her sister, but went to provoke an unrelated outsider." One of the sister's hairs.

"For her, her sister is the most important thing. If she can't have her sister, then any revenge is meaningless.

"If she has a chance to act, then the first target will definitely be you, not an unrelated outsider, Busujima-senpai, and it is even more impossible to do something that hurts Bujima-senpai to make me feel angry.

"Because in her heart, I'm just a bastard who'd better disappear. She doesn't care what I think, let alone resent me, or want to get revenge on me.

"Such a pure Yuno who thinks only of her sister is the real Yuno.

Seeing the expression on Yuki's face gradually calm down, Lin Yuanfei smiled sadly and said.

"However, at that time, although I realized something was wrong, I didn't think about it carefully.

"Because if the murderer wasn't Yuno, who else could it be?"

Who would be the one with the criminal motive of hurting senior and trying to take her away from me?

“It’s actually quite easy to understand.

Lin Yuanfei smiled sadly, "But at that time, I didn't and didn't dare to think deeply.

"So, when Brother Cheng told me that he accidentally discovered the hiding place of 'Yuno', the first feeling in my heart was not joy, but fear.

"That time, I felt so close to the truth.

"But I'm afraid of the truth.

"If the truth is what I dare not even think about, then everything I have now, all the good memories we have along the way, the relationship between the two of us... these things,

"So, when I went to find Yuno at the address Makoto gave, I didn't take you with me, but asked you to stay and take care of Busujima-senpai.

"Actually, for me, I hope that Orihime will stay and protect Bujima-senpai, that's safer.

"But I chose you, do you know why?"

Seeing Yuki's unbelievable expression, Lin Yuanfei shook his head bitterly, and said

"I'm giving you a chance

"If you are not the murderer behind the scenes, then it won't be a big problem for you to stay and Zhi Ji to stay.

"But if you're the one behind the scenes...leave you alone and keep you out of our sight so you can move and clean up the scene.

"However, my momentary weakness didn't seem to redeem anything.

"On the contrary, Brother Cheng was killed because of my weakness."

Lin Yuanfei clenched his fist tightly.

"When Qianhui came to me and told me about Brother Cheng. Do you know the pain and regret in my heart?

Chapter 782 Human Courage Is a Hymn

"When I heard Brother Cheng met you, my heart was full of anxiety and regret.

"I never thought Brother Cheng would make such a move.

"He, who has always been weak and timid, actually mustered up the courage to do such a dangerous thing...just to help me get the truth straight.

"At that moment, my heart was filled with regret."

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