"Because I was basically determined at that time."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl in front of him and said, "When Orihime and I rushed to the residential house where you hid Yuno, after I found out that the things in the basement were moved away urgently, I understood.

"Why didn't Yuno transfer early or late, and why did he transfer urgently after Orihime and I set off? Was there no time? Or did you just receive the news? This is actually very easy to think of."

"I was weak for a while, and I didn't dare to face the truth of the matter. So I deliberately gave you a chance to hide the truth.

"However, I didn't expect you to move so slowly, let us see at a glance that you have just left not long ago.

"My weakness made me see the cruelty of the truth more clearly.

Lin Yuanfei let out a sad laugh, the fresh blood left on the ground was actually done by Naitoyu, right?"

"I believe Yuki, you won't do such a loophole. So the only possibility...is that Yuno secretly stayed while you were busy transferring everything.

"But when I saw the blood, I knew that the more people are afraid of something, the more it is the truth.

"My weakness is what caused Brother Cheng to encounter a crisis, and why Brother Cheng was killed.

"At that time, I was always thinking, if Brother Cheng died, how can I forgive the sins I committed?"

"If Brother Cheng's body is found, then shall I have a direct showdown with you?

"But there is still a ray of hope in my heart.

"Because I didn't directly see the murderer's true face, and there is no evidence to prove that you are the one who caused all this.

All the so-called truths are my own conjectures, maybe things are not as I thought, are you really unlucky?""

"My heart is screaming here.

"So, I hesitated, I was entangled, and I was still suffering in the purgatory of regret and painful self-blame. I didn't know how to make a choice."

"At this moment, you continued to act again.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki with a heartbroken expression, and said softly, "This time, you directly erased the memory of Bujima-senpai, turning her into an eight-year-old child with an IQ.

"Although she didn't kill her, such a cruel act is only a little better than killing her directly."

"When I saw the senior with amnesia, I understood.

"If I continue to indulge and escape, then sooner or later, the matter will be completely irreversible.

"Although the current situation is already very bad, at least there is still a chance of salvation now.

"My weakness, my indulgence, caused this to happen.

"Then, I have to personally change all this and face this truth that I have never dared to touch.

"Then let everything return to the right track." Lin Yuanfei looked at the silent Yuki and smiled very sadly.

"I went to Silent Hill and re-took the road we walked on when we got out of the bear market.

There, I thought a lot.I remembered the scene when we escaped from Huanzhao City.

"At that time, I was hunted down by the two rituals, and my heart was full of shock, fear and pain.

"However, I was not confused at that time, because Yuki was still by my side, and you were all by my side.

"You didn't hurt me, you didn't betray me, you worked hard to help me every day.

"So at that time, I was not confused in my heart.

"I believe that although you concealed me, there must be your reasons and reasons, I understand. I just need to wait for you to tell me the truth later, so that we can continue to be together as before."

"But this time, it's different.

"Because compared to the pain in my heart now, everything I suffered at that time was just drizzle. Lin Yuan smiled mockingly, not knowing whether he was mocking himself at this time or himself at that time.

Also smiled, smiled, the hand holding the sword was trembling in pain.

"How can I explain everything to you?"

"I thought about it all day and night, but I couldn't figure it out.

"I still haven't found a chance. I still haven't summoned up my courage. I'm still burning with indecision.

"Fortunately, God seems to have noticed my pain, took pity on my suffering, and sent Illya at this time.

"Her sudden appearance gave me a chance."

A chance to test you out. "

"Now, I've finished what I'm going to say. I've been the only one talking, Yuki, don't you want to say something?"

... Yuki in the restaurant looked at him with a stiff expression.After a long silence, Yuki spoke softly.

Mr. Lin Yuan..

She said softly, "I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you! Yuki held Lin Yuanfei's hand and murmured, "So please, please don't leave me?" Yuki's eyes were full of pleading , "Your body can no longer withstand higher-intensity battles. If you go to Kyoto with that little girl, you will exhaust your last life at any time.Lin Yuanfei gently stroked Yuki's face, and looked down at the girl who was so close in front of Ruo.His eyes were full of heartbroken sadness.

"But I can't go.

"And... Hayashi Yuan's hand lightly landed on Yuki's fair neck. Then, with five fingers, the girl's body was lifted up with a painful expression on her face.

In her ears, Lin Yuan's murmurs sounded.

"Give me back my senior sister and brother Cheng!

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