"Lin Yuan-jun.

"Well, I know," Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "Senior sister, since you have recovered your memory, you should go back first." Lin Yuanfei smiled peacefully when he saw the surprised-faced Budao Yuko, "I've already Someone informed your parents, they are waiting for you outside the manor now, you just go with them.I'll explain everything to you later.Shima Yuko was startled.At this time, she finally realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the restaurant.Lin Yuanfei sat on the sofa, smiling as if saying goodbye.Beside her, Yuji bowed her head timidly, but her hands hanging beside her were tightly holding the corner of her skirt.The atmosphere in the air seems tense

Chapter 786 Awakened from a Dream

Kishima Kiba left quickly.She realized that the atmosphere in the restaurant was not right, coupled with Lin Yuanfei's request, so she did not stay, but left directly.

Outside the villa, her parents were indeed waiting for her.

When she got into the car with her parents, her parents took her directly to the airport, preparing to leave the country directly.But she didn't ask any more questions.Because when she regained her memory and woke up, she quickly understood what was going on.So she stayed away obediently, without dragging Lin Yuan back.

And just after Bushima Yako left, in the quiet restaurant, Yuki who had been bowing her head finally mustered up the courage to raise her head.

She looked straight into Lin Yuanfei's eyes.Although the girl's eyes were still flickering with fear, she didn't back down.While the two looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei still had that hypocritical smirk on his face.Yuki plucked up his courage and said, ... Hayashi Yuan-kun... the girl's hands are slightly painted.But compared to the fear in her heart, she wanted to know the ending more.

"I've done everything, so what's next

"Well, I know," Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and smiled slightly, "I should fulfill my promise and leave with you." Because the smile in Lin Yuanfei's eyes made her feel a little flustered.

Swallowing, Yuki said, "Then... then shall we leave now?" Lin Yuan shook his head, "We can leave now, but it's not necessary. I mean, Yuki, do you understand?" Lin Yuanfei Smile Ruo said, "For us, the safe return of Brother Cheng and Senior Sister is just the beginning.

"Uncovering everything I've been hiding around me is just a fresh start for us.

"From the moment I crossed into this world, until this morning, the Yuki I knew was not the real Yuki, just a false, created image.

"From this morning, I really got to know Yuki, and I really saw the most important people around me.

"And human power has its limits."

"Over the course of my time, the harder I worked and the more I fought to the death, the more I understood that there are limits to human power.

"The more you are afraid of losing something, the easier it is to lose something.

"That's the only thing I've learned from my short life after time travel..

Lin Yuanfei smiled gently.However, seeing Lin Yuanfei with a smile on his lips, Yuki was inexplicably terrified,... Lin Yuan-jun, what do you want to say?"

...Lin Yuanfei raised his head, looked directly at the girl in front of him, and smiled slightly, "I want to face the fear in my heart." He stood up slowly, and put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"I used to be afraid of losing something very important and afraid of losing a very important person."

"So many times, I subconsciously choose to ignore some clues.

"But today, it's time for me to face the truth.

"The Yuki next to me is not the Yuki I once knew.

...or, in other words, Yuki's side-side.

"And I, want to see more of you and want to know more about you.


Lin Yuanfei slowly drew out the blade and said, "If what I knew about Yuki in the past was just a false lie, then what's the point of my hard work for the past two weeks

"Sadako, Kayako, Freddie, Biohazard, the cult of Toromijima...these monsters and evil ghosts. Even without me, Yuki, you can easily solve them.

"All my efforts, all my accomplishments, are but a phony show that you have painted in the dark.

"You are like a chess player behind the scenes, weaving the stage for my performance with your heart, and quietly saving me at the most critical moment so that I can continue to perform.

"I live in a false game, in the dream you weave.

"You say you love me, care about me, and value me, but why don't I love you, care about you, and value you?"

"Unfortunately, what I love is just a personality you made up

"The Yuki I love so much doesn't exist in this world.

"I fell in love with a false, fabricated phantom. Lin Yuanfei smiled softly, "Thinking about it, that is really a wonderful dream. "

"The gentle and lovely Yuki, the sensible and virtuous Yuki, the natural and generous Yuki, the one who makes people want to feel pity from the bottom of my heart... With such a gentle and lovely girl by my side, the two weeks I spent , had a very happy life.

"Unfortunately, the dream is to wake up." Lin Yuanfei smiled and raised the knife, "As beautiful as the dream is, the reality after waking up is as cruel.

"But anyway, I am very grateful to you, my wife's classmate.

"It's you who gave me the best memories of my life and let me meet my favorite girl."

"Which she is false, even my memories with her are false.

"But anyway, it used to exist, didn't it

Lin Yuanfei smiled, stepped back half a step, lowered his body slightly, and pressed the blade of his sword against his side.

He assumed the coldest sword-drawing posture.Lin Yuanfei whispered, "It's time to face the reality of the world."

"This is an extremely beautiful dream. Let me destroy it with my own hands. In the quiet and deserted restaurant, the cold sword intent is lingering.

Even standing here, one can feel the piercing killing intent in the air.

Yuki looked at all this in a panic and said loudly.

"Lin Yuan-jun! ....What are you going to do? You clearly promised me just now! However, under the sun, the man lowered his head and smiled.

"You can go back on what you promised. Who stipulated that what you said must be obeyed?"

"We've been together for so long, is this the first time you've seen me go back on my word?

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