Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and smiled softly. What I just said was a lie to you...Silly girl. "

The cold sword light erupted in the sunlight.Lin Yuanfei, who was smiling, turned into the brightest sword glow in the light, trying to frighten all directions.

Flying sword flow! Sky dragon flash!

Chapter 787 The Closer Truth

When the plane took off, Kishima Yako sat on the edge of the bed, overlooking the city of Chiba through the transparent glass.In the sky, there was light snow again at some unknown time.She was slightly taken aback.

It should be summer now? Why is it snowing in June?

The last time it snowed in June was a sudden change in the weather caused by Sadako Yamamura's underground magic ceremony.

And... on the land of Chiba, is there anyone carrying out a large-scale ceremony?

It should be sunny in the morning.

What's more, there is nothing more curious than the sudden heavy snowfall in the hot summer.On the noisy plane, only Kishima Yako sitting by the window frowned and said nothing.She realized that something was wrong, and quickly leaned on the window and looked down.

From her perspective, the city of dry leaves lay flat on the ground like a child's model.

There are r high-rise buildings, from this height, they look like delicate and small toys.

However, Kishima Kibako's eyes were all focused on a certain high-end area.

There, the streets of the city are orderly, the houses are low and the courtyard walls delineate a very large area, which is a real urban manor.

And in one of the living nets, in the living country she cared about most, she saw the explosion, but she couldn't hear the sound or see the specific situation.Just in a trance, there seems to be a figure flashing rapidly in the smoke... the mansion of the Tohsaka family.

When the explosion happened, Tohsaka Rin put his hands down from the piano, and looked in the direction of the explosion with some confusion.

There, not far from her.

Not even close to her.She got up in some confusion, and then, she saw from a distance in the Linyuan Group Manor across the street, something terrible seemed to have happened.A huge explosion appeared in the manor.The ground movement caused by the explosion even reached here.That huge tremor was like an earthquake coming.

There was a bit of astonishment and surprise in his eyes.

She wanted to go and have a look, but her father and Mr. Nieder Hogg had warned her not to leave the house no matter what happened.

At that time, my father's expression was very serious. He must be going to do something very important.

So after thinking about it for a few seconds, Rin Tohsaka gave up the idea of ​​going over to have a look.At this time, the explosion of Hayashihara Group Manor also stopped, only the cold snowflakes fluttering and falling, embellishing the dry leaves in this summer season.Lin Yuanfei stood among the ruins, holding a knife expressionlessly, and looked at the girl in front of him.The broken knife in his hand ruthlessly pierced the girl's shoulder, nailing her to the broken wall E. Here are the ruins of the restaurant.When the battle ended, most of the villas were destroyed.The splash of dust, sand and gravel made the originally luxurious and elegant villa look like it had been bombed by an air raid, which was a bit horrible.

Among the ruined walls in a place, a girl named Yuki was nailed to the wall, like a prey hung after being pierced by Tie Qian, clutching her shoulders with a painful expression on her face.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and sighed softly.It wasn't that she was busy, but that the battle ended too quickly.She who was in the villa heard only a loud noise that shook the sky, and then the whole earth trembled violently.Then... most of the villa was bombed down.When she arrived at the scene, she saw such a scene.Gray-haired Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the ruins with a blank face, nailing the girl named My Wife Yuki to the wall expressionlessly.

Scarlet blood flowed out from the wound on the girl's shoulder, and fell into the dust of the ruins.

In the air, there is a faint smell of dust.

In the snow falling all over the sky, Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yan Yeyan who came behind him, and said.As Lin Yuanfei said, he put the knife back into its sheath.Gu Jian pulled out the blade, and the girl nailed to the wall subconsciously fell down.

However, Lin Yuan E reached out and grabbed her, not letting her fall down.

Immediately afterwards, under Zhu Yanye's stunned and unbelievable gaze, Lin Yuan K exerted his hands slightly.

bang crack

With a few crisp sounds, Yuki's hands and feet were all broken by Lin Yuanfei.

The girl in the ruins couldn't help crying out in pain.

Then under the gaze of Yan Ye's eyeballs that were about to pop out, Lin Yuanfei threw the girl in his hand like throwing a sack, and threw it lightly into Yan Ye's hands.

"As for other things, you are already a mature swordsman, and you can take care of yourself. I will leave it to you to deal with it, and I am very relieved as a teacher. After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, he didn't care about Yan Ye's aggressive face,- The confused apprentice disappeared directly from the ruins. Half an hour later, Chiba City Seaside Park. The icy wind and snow raged in this city.

It should be a scorching summer, but now it has entered the winter ahead of schedule.

But fortunately, a similar incident happened last week, so the residents of Chiba City were not too surprised.

It's just that after the weather turned gloomy, there were fewer people walking in the park.Lin Yuanfei came to the long embankment by the sea, looked at the little girl sitting on the embankment in front, and walked straight over.Lin Yuan came behind the girl, looked at the silver-haired little girl in front of her, and said, "According to the agreement, you should tell me the truth." In the snowstorm by the sea, Ilya turned her head and looked at Lin Yuanfei. There was a little joy and a little relief on her face.

Finally, it turned into a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you are still here.

The little girl showed a reluctant smile, "As expected of a big brother, even if he lost his memory, he would still make such a choice.

She looked at Wakabayashi Haruhi, and said, "Originally there should be Uncle Kiritsugu and Shader Saiki who came here to pick up Big Brother, but now I'm the only one left.

The little girl raised her hand to catch a falling snowflake, and said softly, "Qianye's leylines have been opened, we don't have any extra time to remember the past.

"Now, let me tell you everything, brother...

Chapter 788 Take You Home

The story Illya tells is actually very simple, not complicated.

Hayashibara K has already deduced many of these places based on clues.

This is a story about a man who is trying to save the world and summons his companions to sabotage the plan of the evil king. It's very clichéd.It's just a cliche story, because of the appearance of Lin Yuanfei, the plan had an accident.

In Yi Liya's narration, Lin Yuanfei probably understood the cause and effect of everything.The original owner of the body inadvertently witnessed the end of a Holy Grail War on Gaoshang Mountain during the process of learning swords with his master.Unlike the polluted Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, Takayama's holy bosom was not polluted, and this war should have ended perfectly.The reason why I say "originally" is because this so-called Holy Grail War was destroyed by the organizers.There is no Fuyuki City in this world, and there is no Holy Grail War known to ordinary people.

The three royal families of the Fuyuki Holy Grail have each gone their own way.And it was a magician from the West, Ned Hogg, who started the first Holy Grail War on this world line.It wasn't the one Lin Yuanfei had seen, but another talented grinder from the Nidhogg family.

The other party comes from a famous family in Northern Europe. It is said that the family has the blood of the black dragon and is naturally powerful.Unlike most magicians who despise ordinary people and look down on science, this genius magician is very interested in mortal technology.He has studied many scientific and technological works, and even studied in the world's top universities such as Cambridge University in the UK, Stanford University in the US, and Zurich Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland.

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