"A man like Lin Yuanjun hit a good part of my heart perfectly.

"As long as we can continue to be together, it won't be long before I can fall in love with Mr. Lin Yuan again. I firmly believe that. Yuki smiled and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

The demon wings behind her spread slowly, and the dark demon power was lost in the air.

Yuki raised her right hand and said with a smile.

"Lin Yuan-kun, Yuno and I's future is up to you, Er Tuo.

Speaker Yuki put his hands on his head.However, at the last moment, Lin Yuanfei spoke up.

"Wait a minute," Lin Yuanfei interrupted Yuki calmly, "I have to reiterate one thing."

Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "Even if I can take care of you with amnesia, it doesn't mean that I will like you, let alone accept you. Even if you after amnesia fall in love with me again, I will

"It's okay. Yuki interrupted Hayashi Yuan with a smile.

Then she laughed playfully, 'New memories represent a new life, and a brand new Yuki.

"Of course, just to be on the safe side...while I'm washing Zhuo's memory, I'll leave a hint in my soul [- must like Lin Yuan-jun].

"Well, Yuno has a similar hint in her mind.

Yuki blinked his eyes with a smile, and smiled meaningfully, "If Mr. Lin Yuan likes it, it's very easy for sisters to get married.

"Even if Hayashibara-kun is willing, he can train Yuki to become Yamato Nadeko who can share Hayashibara-kun with other girls."

"What kind of Yuki will grow up in the future... Only Han Linyuan-kun likes it.

"Hayashi Yuan-kun likes what Yuki looks like, so Yuki will become what he looks like."

"In the past, Yuki failed to meet Hayashi Yuan-kun at the most critical time in his life, so he grew crooked and turned into a nasty villain, a bad woman with a bad heart, but it doesn't matter.

"From now on, the newly born Yuki has a chance to start all over again.

"This time, by my side, there are no ferocious parents, no evil calls from Silent Hill, no despair and fear that torments Yuki day and night. The incredible Hayashi Yuan-kun.

"With such Hayashi Yuan-kun by his side, Yuki will be very happy.

The corner of the mouth showed a gentle smile.

"This time, I want to be a real and lovely girl whom Mr. Lin likes from the bottom of my heart, a little girl who doesn't have any evil intentions, who is treated tenderly by the world, and will treat the world tenderly at the same time." happy girl.

"... very happy.

Chapter 791 Devil's Daughter

Yuki smiled and whispered softly, but it was heartbreaking.Lin Yuanfei stood there, staring blankly at the girl's right hand placed on his head.

At that moment, his heart was like a pond disturbed by the storm, unable to calm down at all.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Yuanfei realized that he was not as heartless as he imagined.Na Yang has already told himself in his heart - Wan Bi Yi will never forgive her.

But when Yuki smiled and put his hand on his head, Lin Yuanfei's heart inevitably felt strong regret.

He wants to stop Yuki's behavior, wants Yuki to stop.

However, there is another voice in his heart warning him crazily - if you stop her, what kind of attitude will you use to face her? Can you really accept such a Yuki who lied to you from beginning to end? ?

Lin Yuanfei's face was dull and indifferent.However, his hand clenched the handle of the knife unconsciously, and fell into an unspeakable battle between heaven and man.The silent confrontation lasted only a few seconds.

Then... Ilya, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Why don't you help us to solve the problem and then erase the memory?"

"Now my big brother and I are facing a powerful enemy, and we are lacking important combat power to help. You without amnesia should be more useful than you after amnesia? Illya's question made Yuki smile slightly.

She didn't look at Yi Liya, but looked at Lin Yuanfei and said with a smile.

"It's a pity, the man named Lin Yuanjun is a man who will never bow his head to reality even if his head is broken.

"With his personality, he would definitely rather die in battle because he is not strong enough, and he would never accept my help."

"You can tell me not to erase the memory to help you, it proves that little sister, you don't understand Lin Yuan-kun at all. Yuki smiled slightly. There was not much sarcasm in the smile, but it made Illya's face a little ugly. Yi Liya subconsciously looked at Lin Yuanfei beside her. She wanted to ask something, but Lin Yuan kept a cold face, not looking at her.

Hayashi Yuan and Yuki only had each other in their eyes.The two people staring at each other, it seems that there are only two people left in the whole world.Yuki laughed softly.

"Anyway, the current me is sensual and can't accept sharing Lin Yuan-jun with other women, and I have made so many mistakes, I have already disappointed Lin Yuan-jun."

"If reality is a bad game, then I should count as deleting numbers and re-practicing?"

"But it doesn't matter. In my life, except for the three weeks with Mr. Lin Yuan, the other ten years of my life are only suffering and despair.

"It's no pity to throw away such a terrible memory.

Kihara-kun, everyone has already done this for you, you should treat Yuki well in the future~~

The girl blinked playfully, and said with a smile, "Don't doubt, the treacherous and cunning Yuki is deliberately trying to make you feel guilty, and then spend your whole life taking care of others.

"How? Am I very cunning? Muttering eyes Yuki Xiaoruo, the laugher.

The power of the pitch-black demon was engulfing, and soon covered her face.During the whole process, Lin Yuanfei didn't say a word.He found that he seemed unable to say anything, let alone stop anything.

In his heart, he couldn't accept a hypocritical and deceiving Yuki, let alone Yuki who wanted to kill senior sister and brother Cheng.What made him even more unacceptable was that after seeing Yuki's behavior, apart from wanting to stop him, there was a small voice in his heart telling him that this seemed to be the best solution.

He can't accept a broken Yuki. But he can't completely let go of his inner feelings for Yuki.

So if it was a Yuki who lost his memory and was as innocent as a blank sheet of paper, he would probably be able to let go of all the mustaches and accept her again, right?

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