Selfish bastard.In the snowstorm, Lin Yuanfei smiled self-deprecatingly.

His smile was a bit bitter, "In the end, I still lost to you, Yuki.

"You treacherous and cunning little villain, as you said, you have made it this far, how can I let you go.

"Sure enough, from the beginning to the end, I was the one played by you between serving school.

"You bastard, you are truly the daughter of a devil. You are really superb at manipulating people's hearts.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the face of Yuki who was covered by the power of the devil, and his eyes were complicated, you are too powerful, Yuki.Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly and let out a long sigh, his tense body gradually relaxed.Standing there with Illya, he witnessed the whole process of Yuki erasing her memory.

Until a few minutes later, when the dark demon power covering Yuki's face dissipated, it meant that the clearing of memory was over.

The demon girl standing in the wind and snow trembled slightly, and then fell backwards with her eyes closed.

In the next second, a strong wind blew up in the snow.Hayashi Yuan's figure silently crossed a distance of several meters, and gently supported Yuki who fell backwards.

This sudden "flash" startled Yuno who had been staying by Yuki's side without speaking - jumped.From the girl's mouth, there was an exclamation of fear.She took a step back subconsciously, a little flustered,...

Yuno swallowed her saliva and asked,...are you the Lin Yuan-kun my sister mentioned?"

"I.....Yuno looked at him in horror, lowered his head anxiously, like an abandoned orphan, and whispered,.... will you really take me and my sister in?" ?”

Hayashi Yuan had never seen such a weak and timid Yuno.

And this kind of Yuno is probably the Yuno who was in the orphanage before being adopted by adoptive parents?

"If we don't take you in, are you going to starve to death on the street? So, the girl heaved a sigh of relief, as if letting go of a big rock in her heart. She carefully took out a letter and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

"Then this letter can be given to you." Yuno said in a low voice, "My sister said, if you are willing to take us in, then this letter can be given to you to read."

Chapter 792 I Like You

The letter Yuki wrote to me? In the snowstorm, Lin Yuanfei supported the unconscious Yuki, looking at the letter in front of him in astonishment.

This was handed to him by Yuno, saying that if he was willing to take in their sisters, he could read the letter.

Obviously, it was written to him by Yuki.

He thought about it, and took the letter. But he didn't open it right away.At this time, Yuki, who was sleeping in his arms, gradually lost the devil's bat wings, the horns on his forehead, and the broken tail behind him, and completely restored the appearance of an ordinary human girl.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Ilya who was not far away, and said, let's leave here first and find a safe place.

Too many things happened today, and the information he received was too huge, he had to sort it out carefully.

And if the Tuyumen family is the big boss behind the scenes, then you have to be careful.

Although Tuyumen Suizan did not attack him for the time being, that guy has already sent a heroic spirit to hunt down and kill Illya and the others, so it is only a matter of time to free up his hands to target Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei didn't believe that Tu Yumen Suisan would ignore him.

Yuki who was in a coma, Illya who looked unhappy, and Yuno who was uneasy, Hayashibara left the park.At this time, it was snowing heavily outside. A thick layer of snow had already accumulated on the street, and there were basically not many vehicles and pedestrians on the street.

Lin Yuanfei quickly left the park, walked through the wind and snow, and soon came to a building very close to Binhai Park.

-Yan Ye's mother's villa.

Although the gate of the villa was closed and there was no one inside, Lin Yuanfei was not polite, and directly took Yuno and Ilya in.As for the key to the gate, I found it in the flower pot at the gate.This is the storage place for the spare key that Yan Ye told him, and now it comes in handy.

Opening the door, Lin Yuanfei walked into the hall with Yuno and Ilya.Unlike the snowy sky outside, the central air conditioner is turned on every two to four hours even if no one is in this deserted villa.

It was warm inside, in stark contrast to the cold and windy columns outside.

Yuno, who was already shivering from the cold, stood nervously at the entrance, looked at the luxurious villa in front of him anxiously, and asked in a low voice.

... can I really come in?"

It seemed that the girl whose memory stayed in the orphanage was a little afraid of the situation in front of her, as if she was afraid that she would go in and step on the dirty floor.Lin Yuanfei, the intruder, unceremoniously took off his shoes and went in.

"It's okay, this is my apprentice's house, you don't need to be polite, just come in directly. Lin Yuanfei carried Yuki who was unconscious into the hall, put her on the sofa in the living room, and found a blanket for Yuki Cover it. Then he looked at Yuno behind him.

At this time, Yuno plucked up the courage to walk in, but she stood there at a loss, as if the things in the house looked too valuable, so she didn't dare to touch anything.Don't even dare to sit on the sofa.Seeing her like this, Lin Yuanfei said helplessly.

"Don't be so cautious, just find a seat and sit down."

Seeing Yuno's timid and cautious appearance, Lin Yuanfei felt a little distressed.This kind of Yuno is probably similar to Yuki when she was a child, right? The same orphan, the same helplessness, and the same timidity.

--It reminded Lin Yuanfei of him when he was a child.Shaking his head, he threw these chaotic thoughts out of his mind, Lin Yuan

At this time, Ilya was carefully patrolling the room, drawing magic runes in the air with her fingers in a corner from time to time.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at her, Ilya explained.

"I'm checking to see if there are any enemies. By the way, I set up some warnings. This way I can know immediately if someone sneaks in.

Lin Yuanfei nodded and said nothing, letting Yi Liya do what she wanted.He didn't talk to Yuno anymore, but sat on the sofa and opened the letter Yuki wrote to him.Now that it's safe for the time being, it's time to read this letter.

Although Lin Yuanfei couldn't understand Japanese, the words on the letter were not in Japanese, but in pure Chinese.Although some words are a bit awkward, it is still a Chinese letter that can be easily understood.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yuki subconsciously, not knowing when she learned Chinese.As for the contents of the letter, Lin Yuanfei was gradually stunned.

Qingji, when you read this letter, has Mr. Lin Yuan decided to forgive him?

Sure enough, it is exactly what I thought, Lin Yuan-kun is a kind-hearted and good person, it is impossible to leave me and Yuno alone.

But I don't dislike Lin Yuan-jun like this at all.

Because I know that the reason Lin Yuanjun forgives me is not because you are soft-hearted, but because I am Yuji.

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