If it was someone else, Lin Yuanjun would never forgive him.

But if it's me, Lin Yuan-kun must have nothing to do with me, right? I'm a little bit happy when I think about it this way.And the reason why I wrote this letter is actually for one reason or another.

I still have something to say to Mr. Lin Yuan. But I can't say it face to face. I can only rely on this letter.

Of course, Yuki wanted to make Hayashi Yuan-kun like me more. That's why he wrote this letter.

I am very confident, if Hayashi Yuan-kun reads this letter, then all the dissatisfaction with Yuki in your heart will disappear, and you will love Yuki even more.

This letter is my carefully prepared trump card. It can perfectly hit Lin Yuanjun's heart, making you unable to leave me.So if Mr. Lin Yuan didn't think about it clearly, it's best not to read this letter.This is the most serious suggestion from your lovely, clever and sensible Yuki.

If Mr. Lin Yuan read all the contents of this letter, you will definitely fall into the trap.So if you are not ready, don't go to see it casually.

Yuki is so cute, if Hayashi Yuan-kun really likes it, it will be very troublesome.

The text on the first page is finished here.The rest of the content should be on subsequent pages.

In the hall of the villa, Lin Yuanfei K stared blankly at the paper in his hand, seeing the beautiful girl's handwriting on it, and fell silent for a while.

Then, he took a deep breath and turned to the second page.

Then, I saw the content on the second page.

like you.

On the white paper on the second page, these three characters were only outlined with simple strokes in the middle of the paper.Against the thin and pale white paper, these three graceful handwriting looked so dazzling.Lin Yuanfei was taken aback, and subconsciously turned to the third page.

like you.

On the blank paper on the third page, there were only three simple words written down.Lin Yuanfei suddenly acted like a demon, and hastily flipped through the fourth, fifth, and sixth pages. This letter is so thick that there are more than ten pages.He kept flipping backwards, flipping backwards, but there were always only three words that appeared in his field of vision.

like you.like you.like you.like you.

like you.like you.I like all the white paper behind you. There are only three words like this written on them.Simple and unadorned, without any extra excuses.What Yuji left for Lin Yuanfei was just such a simple confession.

One sentence is so simple that it cannot be simpler..

like you.

Chapter 793 The Second Letter

In the quiet hall of the villa, there was a dead silence.Ilya has already left the first floor, and went to set up the magic on the third floor of the previous life building.In the empty hall, only Lin Yuanfei was sitting there in a daze, holding the thick stack of letter paper in his hand, silently.

Beside him, a girl named Yuki lay quietly on the sofa, soundlessly sleeping like a sleeper.

That baby's sleepy face, which is usually understanding and ignorant, makes one can't help but want to pity her and protect her.On the opposite side of Hayashi Yuan, Yuno sat on the sofa awkwardly and uneasy. It was obvious that he was not used to the luxury of this villa.She sat on the sofa with half of her buttocks, and -half of her buttocks in the air, sitting in the smallest area, so that she could stand up and apologize immediately.Lin Yuanfei is very familiar with this kind of cautious self-protection of young children born in a nursery.After all, he was pretty much the same before.Unlike children who have parents to take care of them, orphans who have lost their parents not only lose their guardians, but also their inner backbone and the strongest backer.

Children with parents make mistakes and are bullied, they can all ask their parents for help, and there will be parents to help them solve the problem.They know that no matter what happens, the Father will stand behind them.But the orphans made mistakes and were bullied. Although the uncles and aunts in the orphanage are nice people, they have to take care of the children in the orphanage.They are not superhumans. It is impossible to take care of all the children in every possible way.The inferiority and self-esteem of the orphans does not allow them to trouble those uncles and aunts who take good care of them.Therefore, most of the orphans are small folk children with awkward personalities and full of desire for self-protection.

When it comes to reality, it is this kind of cautiousness about everything.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, but didn't say anything to Yuno.He glanced at Yuki who was sleeping like a child beside him. He smiled wryly and shook his head.He glanced at it and picked up the phone.On the other end of the phone, Yan Ye's panicked voice came.

"Master! Ms. Yuki, she...

"Already ran away, right?" Lin Yuanfei interrupted his disciple calmly and said, "You didn't get hurt, did you?

Yan Ye on the other end of the phone was a little confused, but he still answered Lin Yuanfei's question.

No, I was just knocked out by Ms. Yuki, and I was not injured.

"That's good. You can handle the affairs of the villa for me first. If there is such a big commotion, someone will definitely come over. After Lin Yuanfei explained a few more words, he hung up the phone. Yan Ye was not injured This was not beyond Lin Yuanfei's expectations, because Yuki had no position or motivation to hurt Yan Ye.

In other words, Yuki, who has made up her mind to erase her memory, is the least likely person to hurt Yan Ye.

After getting off the phone, Hayashi Yuan once again looked at Yuki who was sleeping next to him.He is as innocent as an angel, and he even hopes that Yuki suddenly sits up at this time, and then smiles at him with a mischievous smile, saying - in fact, he has not erased his memory at all, he is lying to you! It's just that kind of thinking , is just an idea.Lin Yuanfei sighed and put down the thick letter paper in his hand.

"Yuki, Yuki, you are really a little devil."

"I was completely played by you to learn my mind.

Lin Yuanfei smiled bitterly.Then he looked at

"Is there anything else Yuki needs you to tell me? Or is there any inquiry from Lin Yuanfei, which made Yuno slightly startled, "You...how do you know?" Lin Yuanfei sighed, "Since I read this From the beginning of the letter, you have been watching my reaction secretly. I am not blind, how could I not see it." Then Yuno obediently took out another letter and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuan6 raised his eyebrows after receiving the letter, "Is this the last one to be sealed?"

Yuno nodded quickly.Only then did Lin Yuan tear open the envelope and take out the letter paper inside.But the content on the letter paper needs to be enriched a lot.Yi Ri used some awkward Chinese words, Lin Yuanfei read it carefully.

Whispering, when I read this letter, did Lin Yuan-kun already regret that he didn't stop others from washing his memory? The current Lin Yuan-kun must miss Yuki very much, like Yuki very much, and hate Yuki very much, right?

But it's no use regretting

Mr. Lin Yuan, you said that there is no regret medicine in the world.Because the man named Lin Yuanfei is such a straight steel man with no blood, no tears, and a heart of stone. He will never regret what he has done.So Hayashi Yuan-kun will definitely take care of Yuno and me, and take good care of us for the rest of our lives, right?

He is very confident, there is no reason Lin Yuan-kun would not like a cute and beautiful little devil like me (laughs).But there is one very important thing that I still need to tell Lin Yuanjun.

Although Mr. Lin Yuan ate half of his tail, the demon power in your body is still a great burden to you.

Even if Mr. Lin Yuan ate the remaining half of his tail, it would only increase his lifespan by about ten years at most.For example, doing some shameful things with Yuki, by continuously transferring the power of the devil into Yuki's body, this can not only strengthen Yuki's strength, but also solve Hayashi Yuan-kun's troubles.But this process is too long. It will take almost ten years to complete it.And now Mr. Lin Yuan. Surely he doesn't have so much time to spend?

With your personality, you will definitely go with Ms. Illya to deal with Mr. Toshizo Tsuchimikado.

Once Mr. Lin Yuan enters into a bitter battle, he will inevitably use the power of demons in his body to quench his thirst with poison, and progress to consume his few remaining lifespans.

If it was Mr. Lin Yuan from before, he would definitely do this, even deliberately draining his own life.Lin Yuan-kun like that looks super scary, full of self-destructive impulses, Yuki even

But Mr. Lin Yuan would not do this now, would he? You have two oil bottles to take good care of for the rest of your life.If you die casually, the helpless Yuki and Yuno will starve to death. It is even possible to be abducted by bad guys to do bad things.So in order to be able to survive and take care of Yuki, Hayashi Yuan-kun must work hard to survive and not die easily.

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