Well, it seems that there is not enough space on the first page to write.

...Then the solution to the problem is on the second page.Lin Yuan Junxian

...The moment Lin Yuanfei saw this sentence, his hands trembled, and he suddenly had a premonition that something was wrong.This second page, it can't be another pitfall..

Chapter 794 Don't Get Drained

In the quiet hall.Lin Yuanfei pinched the letter paper in a daze, and looked at the sentence "Then the solution to the problem is on the second page... His hand shook slightly. He felt like a frightened bird, and suddenly he didn't dare to read the first page.

There won't be any pitfalls on the second page, right? Lin Yuan subconsciously glanced at Yuki who was lying beside him.

Yuki slept peacefully, like an ignorant child who slept peacefully, making one unable to help but feel sorry for her.

If they hadn't experienced it personally, no one would believe that such a cute, hapless and well-behaved girl would be the Lin Yuanfei who was at least half an hour ago. He only had hatred for Yuki in his heart, and that kind of disappointment. Despair. And a strong desire to destroy.But now, only half an hour has passed, Yuki just did something lightly and showed him a letter, Lin Yuanfei couldn't hate Yuki anymore.Not only can't hate it, but it's even a bit embarrassing... This feeling of being unable to hate even if you know everything is really super powerless.

Lin Yuan shook his head speechlessly.

At this moment, he truly believed that Yuki was indeed the daughter of the devil.

Can ordinary human beings be able to do this kind of tricking people's hearts? It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Even if there is some earth-shattering "emotional bomb" hidden on the second page, which can blow up Lin Yuan again, so what? When will Lin Yuanfei...

Nanqing, did Mr. Lin Yuan hesitate for a long time before turning to the second page? Was he debating whether to read it? Was Mr. Lin Yuan so afraid of falling in love with her?

Secret love... Lin Yuan-jun is such a coward.

.. Seeing these words, Hayashi Yuan Lu's face twitched.

He didn't speak, but suddenly felt that the letter in front of him seemed to have life.

However, she felt that Yuki did not lose her memory, so she stood in front of him and smiled at him and said mocking words to him.

The corner of the mouth curled up in a helpless arc.

"I really lost to you. Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh, and continued to read the following content.

However, he is cute, well-behaved and charming. It is perfectly normal for Mr. Lin Yuan to fall in love with him.

How can anyone not like a cute and beautiful girl like Yuki?

This is nature, Lin Yuan-kun. Nature! Human beings cannot fight against instinct.Why do you have to fight against your own nature? Wouldn’t it be nice to fall in love with Yuki obediently?

Well, although Yuki still has a lot to say to Hayashi Yuan-kun, the small letter paper can never carry Yuki's huge emotions.

Then the irrelevant nonsense should almost be over. Next, the minutes will talk about the business.Lin Yuan-kun remember to take good care of Yuki after amnesia.If even Hayashi Yuan-kun doesn't care about Yuki and doesn't like Yuki, then Yuki will have nothing, it's so pitiful.Well, this matter is also true.By the way, there is one more thing, although after amnesia, Yuki only has memories of her childhood, and her behavior is similar to that of a child.But Yuki's body is the body of a mature girl, if Lin Yuan-kun likes it, Yuki doesn't mind Lin Yuan-kun doing something shameful.After all, Lin Yuanjun has always been alone, and he has been busy dealing with all kinds of monsters and ghosts for the past three weeks. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to fight. It's not good, and hand punching is also bad for your health.So when necessary, -be sure to use Yuki.Yuki is still very confident about her body.Hmm, this matter is also business.After all, one of the ways for Jing to dissipate the demon power in Lin Yuan-jun's body is to do that kind of thing more with others. .. Doesn't it seem slutty for a girl to say such things? Does Lin Yuan-kun like slutty girls? It's a pity that he is only slutty with Lin Yuan-kun himself.

Well, then the next thing is the third thing.

As I said before, even if Hayashi Yuan-kun eats the remaining half of Yuki's tail, it will only increase his lifespan by about ten years at most.

But judging from the enemy Lin Yuanjun faced this time, the enemy is very powerful and cannot be dealt with by normal means.If Mr. Lin Yuan, who is in a bitter battle, releases the power of the devil, then he must control the time he uses the power of the devil, and the loss of life span cannot exceed seven years.

As long as the loss of lifespan does not exceed seven years, then after the war Hayashi Yuan-kun can gradually return to normal by doing shameful things with Yuki and neutralizing each other's demonic powers.Remember, if the lifespan of the damage is almost seven years, then Lin Yuan-kun will have sex with Yuki once a day for the next three years at least.Isn't this frequency a bit scary, whistle singing.So if you don't want to be squeezed dry, Mr. Lin Yuan must carefully control the time when you use the power of the devil.Of course, there is a once and for all solution.Didn’t Miss Zhiji say that? There is a Chinese named Tang Yifu in Hokkaido who might have a way to get rid of the demon power in Mr. Lin Yuan’s body.Why doesn't Mr. Lin Yuan go to Hokkaido to find him?

The current Lin Yuan-jun should have no other distractions or obstructions, right?

Tu Yumen Suizan's conspiracy plan will definitely not be completed so quickly, Mr. Lin Yuan has enough time to find that Mr. Tang Yifu.Of course, if Mr. Tang Yifu can't be found, or if he has nothing to do with Mr. Lin Yuan's problem, then Mr. Lin Yuan will only have the last way to eat all of Yuki's tail. It's delicious! A pair . Finally, give Mr. Lin Yuan a very, very, very useful suggestion.If Mr. Lin Yuan doesn't know where Mr. Tang Yifu is, take Yuki with him.

The daughter of the devil has a very powerful luck.

With Yuki by his side, Mr. Lin Yuan would definitely be able to find that Mr. Tang Yifu soon.The further you get to the back, the more scribbled the handwriting becomes.Obviously, Yuki who was writing at this time was a little anxious.But it's normal, this letter was written when Lin Yuanjun left the villa to find Ilya.

At that time, Yuki not only had to solve Yan Ye's surveillance, but also immediately rushed to the Linyuan team to rescue Yuno, wrote these letters, and immediately rushed to the seaside park to find Lin Yuan-kun.

Time is so urgent, it is normal to be busy.

After reading the letter, Hayashi Yuan raised his head and looked at Yuki who was sleeping beside him.He let out a long sigh.

"There's really nothing you can do about it.

"Hello? Pheasant? I need your help with something."

Chapter 795 Lancer died again, too inhumane

Today's Chiba is lively and noisy.The big incense that started to fall in the morning made the city in this summer appear on the news of major news stations in Japan.

After that, the Prime Minister of the country actually came to dry the leaves in person. This is even more surprising.Could it be that even the prime minister is attracted by the out-of-season snowfall in Chiba? On the streets of the city, people are eagerly discussing the sudden fragrance.In many news stations, Leibin also discussed in a serious manner why something like June Feixue happened that did not conform to common sense.People in the entire Chiba City were caught in an inexplicable happy atmosphere.

It's obviously not a holiday. But there are also many tourists from other cities who come to Chiba to experience the heavy snow here.And in the center of the city, at the bottom of the Tohsaka house building.

In the large underground cavity nearly [-] meters away from the surface, Nid Hogg and Tohsaka Tokiomi, who caused the heavy snowfall, were silently watching the operation of the huge magic circle in front of them.The big void that was originally dark and empty is now completely illuminated by the bright light.

The huge nunnery array suspended in the sky, one after another, are connected to each other, forming a huge, closed energy conversion ring, which continuously absorbs and compresses the magic power in the ground veins.

The unfolding of this magic circle was the main reason for Qianye June's snowfall.Tohsaka Tokiomi bowed his head slightly to pay tribute, while Ned Hogg was startled and a little surprised.He seems to have discovered something.

La... dead?" Tsuchimikado Toshizo nodded and said, "During the pursuit, he was killed.However, he also took away the lives of the two people on the opposite side, so it was considered to be the best use of everything.

"Right now, only Lin Yuan and the little girl named Ilya are left alive in that group of people, and they can't make any waves for the time being.

After hearing Toshizo Tsuchimikado's narration, Ned Hogg was slightly surprised.

"Even the servant Lancer can be killed... Those guys are even more powerful than I expected.

"Doing this kind of thing with a mortal body, no wonder it was designated by the seal.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked directly at the huge magic circle in front of him, and said, "You guys opened this so quickly and made the circle so big, aren't you afraid that Hayashi Yuan will jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Nid Hogg smiled and shook his head.

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