"The current Mr. Lin Yuan probably doesn't have time to give us a headache.

"Beside him, there are more troublesome things waiting for him to have a headache.

"In other words, with his current mood and state, it would be better if he came to hinder us. A person who is full of self-destructive desires and wants to die is the easiest to die.

"If he dies, we will just lose an enemy of flax. Nid Hogg's narration made Tsuchiyado Suizan silent for a while. Then, he said, "In this case, for safety, I let People went to stare at Lin Yuan's group.

Tsuchimikado Tousan said casually, "After that little girl named Ilya von Einzbern escapes, she will definitely find a way to find Lin Yuanfei for help.

"Just keep an eye on him, maybe you can catch him all

"Of course, if they take any action, then we can detect it in advance." Tsuchimikado Toshizo took a last look at the huge magic circle in midair, and said, "We have reached this point. If all previous efforts are wasted, then It’s all lost.”

Nid Hogg smiled slightly, rest assured, Mr. Tohsaka and I are safe here.

"Well," Tsuchimikado Toizo nodded, leaving the dark underground world.

A few hours later, the beach outside Chiba.

docked near the coast.

Here is the wilderness away from the city.Empty coastline, no buildings to be seen.

Pheasant pointed to the small fishing boat floating in the sea, and said, that is the boat, Boss, I will send you up now.Lin Yuanfei nodded, and walked towards the beach holding the girl's hand.On the beach, place an inflatable hovercraft.After the pheasant walked over, it pushed the hovercraft into the sea. Lin Yuanfei and Yuki stepped on the waves and got into the small hovercraft.Shan stood in the tide, pushing the hovercraft hard into the sea.

Soon, the water was up to his waist, and the hovercraft entered the sea.The pheasant Zhuruo hovercraft stood in the sea, panting and said, "Boss, the people on the boat are all Chinese, but I don't know them very well, you must not reveal that you are Japanese."

"I told them that a fellow villager was going to Hokkaido, please help.

"They don't know your identity, so there is no possibility of betraying you.

"Anyway, Boss, you can speak Mandarin well. It's completely fine to pretend to be a Chinese, just remember to tell Miss Yuki not to speak."

Lin Yuanfei nodded, patted Pheasant on the shoulder, and said.

"Thank you. Pheasant, don't tell anyone about this time. People in the group ask me, you just say you don't know if you haven't seen it, and I will make you a cadre when you come back. During the viewing of Pheasant, Lin Yuanfei He Yuki rowed the hovercraft and approached the small fishing boat docked offshore.

That fishing boat was found by worshiping pheasants and controlled by Chinese gangsters in Japan.

In the [-]s, China had a large-scale smuggling wave to Japan.

Many villagers from coastal areas, such as Fujian and Northeast China, will smuggle into Japan.After these smugglers arrive in Japan, they will live in the slums of Tokyo and other big cities.Thanks to Japan's chaotic household registration system, almost no police will arrest them.

These smugglers often form large and small gangs and small teams through the relationship of fellow villagers, relatives and friends, and rely on picking up garbage on the streets of Tokyo, or working for the underworld to earn a living.In addition, they have no household registration, and they are completely smuggled black households. Even if they are killed, no one cares about them, so they are considered to be the bottom of the Japanese underworld food chain.Lin Yuanfei once watched a movie "Shinjuku Incident" about the life of these tourists, so he knew that there were groups of gangsters like these in big cities in Japan.

They are outside the mainstream society of Japan, doing the dirtiest and darkest jobs, even the Japanese gangsters disdain them.So Mr. Lin Yuan asked Pheasant to go through his previous channel in Hong Kong. He found a small Chinese gang living in Tokyo and asked the other party to send him to Hokkaido.

This is the most secret and safe route.

If the power of the Hayashihara group is used, then no matter how secretive Hayashi Yuanfei is, it will probably be exposed to the eyes of Tsuchimikado Toshizo. Hayashi Yuanfei still has a deep understanding of the power of Japan's top aristocratic families.

Chapter 796 Iron Head and Gu Jiaming

When Lin Yuanfei rowed the hovercraft close to the small fishing boat, the people on it also noticed him.

Of course, they also noticed the pheasants on the coast.

But - everything has been discussed, so these people don't have any unnecessary reactions.One of the burly middle-aged men stood by the boat and threw a bundle of ropes at Wakabayashi Yuanfei.Lin Yuan caught the bundle of ropes, and controlled the hovercraft gently to the edge of the small fishing boat through pulling force.

Although it is said to be a small fishing boat, it is actually not small in size. The deck is two or three meters above the ground.

Lin Yuanfei 6 could easily jump up to this height. But considering the low-key trip this time, he grabbed the rope ladder and climbed up like an ordinary person.With Yuki on his back.At this time, Yuki was looking at everything around Ruo with curious eyes.

Because of Lin Yuanfei's instructions, she didn't speak at this time, playing the role of Ruo Lin Yuanfei's "dumb sister who can't speak".After Lin Yuanfei followed Yuki on the deck, the middle-aged man who had thrown the rope before leaned towards him.Although the others did not follow Waka, they looked at Wakabayashihara and Yuki not far away.

"Hello," the burly middle-aged man spoke with a Northeast accent, "Are you the Brother Lin that Pheasant said?"

Lin Yuan nodded, and said in Mandarin, "I'm Lin Zhennan. Is your elder brother the uncle De who is responsible for sending me to Hokkaido this time?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Uncle De didn't come, he just entrusted me to take you to Hokkaido.

"Recently, the police have been watching them more strictly, so I'm here to help."

"Although I used to live with Uncle De and the others, I have washed my hands for several years. I have no criminal record and my identity is clean."

"It will be safer if I do it this time."

...The corners of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, but he still shook hands with the other party, "Lin Zhennan, this is my younger sister, Lin Xiaoya, but when she was young, she had a high fever and burned her head, so she couldn't speak. And she was a little dumb. So sometimes I may not understand what you are saying, please don't be offended. Lin Yuanfei's introduction made everyone on the boat look at Yuki. At this time, Yuki was looking around with childlike eyes that were ignorant and curious. That kind of childlike behavior cannot be imitated by ordinary people. Therefore, the eyes of these people present were all twitchy, and when they looked at Yuki, their eyes became much softer.

After all, such a cute and beautiful girl has such a tragic life experience, and normal people will feel sorry and sympathetic.Lin Yuanfei confirmed through observation that the group of people in front of him were indeed not gangsters.The eyes of these guys are very clean, without the hostility and viciousness of the gangsters, even when they see such a cute girl as Yuki, they don't show any frivolity and lust, they should be just ordinary workers and think of the leader in front of them, "Iron Head" This name. The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched.The world is such a hodgepodge.But Shan has seen it before, and the appearance of the iron head in "Shinjuku Incident" is not surprising.And take a closer look, this guy named Tie Tou has a big nose... While Lin Yuanfei was talking with Tie Tou, Tie Tou's men had already fished up Lin Yuanfei's hovercraft and hid it in the cabin destroy evidence.And Tietou took Wakabayashihara and Yuki into the cabin, and introduced them to the arranged guest room.

This room looks like it should be cleaned temporarily.Although it was cleaned very well and perfume was sprayed on, there was still a faint fishy smell that could not be dispelled.Tie Tou introduced, "This is the residence arranged for the two of you, you can rest in it.

"If there are no accidents, we should be able to reach Hokkaido before nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

"Of course, we don't mind the two of you coming out to bask in the sun. After kindly introducing Lin Yuanfei to the general situation of disembarking the fishing boat, Tie Tou left. In the room exuding a faint fishy smell, only the Ji and Lin Yuanfei are gone.

Through the glass circular windows, you can see the flowing sea water outside.Lin Yuanfei smiled and nodded, "You can talk now."

After locking the door, he checked the room again.

For the sake of safety. After confirming that there is no monitoring facility in this room, Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl on the bed.

At this time, Yuki was sitting on the edge of the bed, kicking Ruo Ruo's calf boredly, humming softly.

"Lin Yuan-jun, I'm going to stay at sea for a day, it's so boring---~~"

The last syllable, Yuki dragged on very long, like a spoiled little girl.

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