After Lin Yuanfei sat down on the only chair in the room, he smiled and said, "Then what do you want?" Yuki rolled his eyes and said, "Can Mr. Lin Yuan tell me a story? If there is a story to listen to, then Yuki can be obedient.This request is not too much.So Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you a story."

He thought for a while and said, "A long time ago, there was a Snow White...

"I've heard of Snow White many times! Lin Yuan-kun, please change to something newer." Yuki clasped his hands together and pleaded, "Stop telling such old-fashioned fairy tales. When she was in the orphanage, Dodo Sounds cocooned."

... Uh... Then let me think about it. If you don’t talk about fairy tales... Yuki clapped her hands happily, "Okay, okay, it’s fine if it’s not the fairy tales Yuki has heard. Lin Yuanfei laughed, "Don't worry, you will be the first person to hear this story in this world, I promise. "

Under Yuki's expectant eyes, Lin Yuanfei slowly began to tell the story of a killer.

"There was a boy named Gu Jiaming. He was a killer in his previous life. Later, for some reason, he traveled back to his childhood.

"At that time, he was still a young boy who was almost kidnapped by an assassin organization, and he lived in a big city called Jianghai...

In the cabin, it was very quiet.

No one disturbed their story. However, Lin Yuan's narration was very organized.This seems to be a necessary talent for every time traveler. The novels he has read can be remembered exactly.

Otherwise, he had read the novel "Hidden Killing" many years ago, and without this travel buff, he probably could only remember some key parts.

But now, he can speak in a very detailed, serious, and organized manner.

And Yuki, who was opposite him, also stared wide-eyed, sitting on the bed with his hands on his chin, fascinated..

Chapter 797 Introduction to the sea monster?

The story of Lin Yuanfei has been told for a long time.

The novel "Hidden Killing" is very interesting, and it doesn't burn your brain. The plot is simple and logical, and even children can understand it.

At least Yuki listened with gusto.Except for a short pause when Tietou sent someone to bring the dinner, Lin Yuanfei had to tell stories to Yuki even during the meal.This was strongly demanded by Yuki who had already listened fascinated.

However, as the speaker, Hayashihara K suddenly got stuck.Although the description of this part of the story in the original book is very clear, it is completely mentioned in one stroke, even if it is not told, it will affect it.

But this incident is the core of the whole story. Because the subsequent story of the two girls eating and living with Gu Jiaming is the core essence.

However, Yuki told such a story. Looking at the innocent girl with her hands on her cheeks, Lin Yuanfei twitched the corners of her mouth, and suddenly wanted to give herself two slaps.There are so many fucking online novels, which one is not good to talk about but "Hidden Killing".

Lin Yuanfei coughed. He said that Lin Yuanfei was trying to change the topic and change to another story.But Yuki didn't buy it.

she asked, her eyes widened.Yuki snapped his fingers and said, "Pei Luojia's killer, the story of Jiaming and Lingjing growing up, the Japanese girl named Yuechi Kaoru... There are many, many things that I haven't told. Why didn't Lin Yuan-kun continue to talk about it? Yuki looked puzzled and puzzled. The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched. Am I going to tell you that Gu Jiaming will fly the two little beauties together next time? He looked at Yuki in front of him, speechless.

At this time, Yuki was like a reader who was halfway through the chase and was emotionally excited, but turned to the last page and suddenly found that there was no more text.At that time, besides being forced by his livelihood, the reason why he chose to write was more because he was tortured by too many eunuch writers.So I decided to write my favorite story by myself.

....He remembered his novel about forcibly killing eunuchs because of time travel.

After a long sigh, Lin Yuanfei said.Lin Yuanfei held up - a finger, - said seriously.

"First of all, let me reiterate that this story is purely fictitious, and the stories of the characters in the play have nothing to do with reality. If there is any similarity, it is pure hell."

And, stories are just stories, and have nothing to do with reality, - we must distinguish the difference between reality and stories.

"In the end, I did not write this book, I am just a story teller, and the content of the story and the author's point of view have nothing to do with me.

After three chapters of the solemn contract, Lin Yuanfei stubbornly continued to tell the story of the sudden death.

However, to his surprise, after hearing the first "accident" of Jiaming, Lingjing, and Huaisha, Yuki didn't react excessively.

She just widened her eyes, and then continued to sit there with her hands clasped in the sun, listening incomparably fascinated, and only cared about the development of the story afterward, but she didn't have any passion for things like men and women!

"Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, and realized that he seemed to be thinking too much.

In the same story, adults will see a lot of dirty things, but children will always only pay attention to the most interesting and shining places.This is the difference between children and adults.

It seems that Yuki doesn't care about Gu Jiaming's happy life of a man and two women and how deviant it is.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to tell Gu Jiaming's story.

It tells the happy life of Gu Jiaming, Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha, who eat and live together in high school, with one boy and two girls.And time is passing bit by bit.

The sky outside was already extremely dark.The shaking arc of the hull is much larger.But the cabin was still quiet every day, and Lin Yuan continued to tell the story of Gu Jiaming.

However, as time passed, when Yuki who was on the bed couldn't help but started to yawn, the sound of knocking i] sounded.Hayashi Yuan K raised his finger to his lips, made a silent gesture, and got up to open the door.

Standing outside the door was Iron Head.

At this time, the wind and waves outside are a bit strong, if the door is closed properly, as soon as it is opened, the violent sea breeze rushes towards you.Lin Yuanfei squinted his eyes and looked at the iron head in front of him.At this time, this simple middle-aged man with a big nose showed anxiety, as if he had encountered trouble.

Said, "Mr. Lin, according to the information we have received, there will be a typhoon passing by our original route in the middle of the night tonight. I suggest that we dock first and wait for the typhoon to pass before we set off." Some stunned.

"Didn't you get through the weather before you set off?" Tietou smiled wryly and said, "The typhoon was supposed to head towards Shanghai, China. But when it entered the coastal waters of China, it suddenly changed its direction and came directly towards Japan." up.

"I just received the notice that the route we were going to take is very dangerous now. Even if the typhoon can't arrive temporarily, but the wind and waves are too strong, it is very dangerous to go to sea now. The story of this ship is too strong, let Lin Yuan Fei narrowed his eyes, how long will it take to wait on the shore?"

"It will take at least two days, and it may take three or even four days if it is longer.

...Is there no other way?" Lin Yuanfei said, "I can't wait that long, is there any other way? Detour or something like that?"

... Iron head gritted his teeth and said, "There is a way to go, but it is very dangerous. He looked at Wakabayashi Yuanfei and said, we can temporarily change the course and pass through the waters around the bear market. But there It's very dangerous. After the nuclear explosion, no ship dared to approach the sea area yet, and it is unknown whether the radiation from the nuclear bomb explosion is still there. And it is rumored that after the nuclear explosion, the sleeping man-eating monsters on the bottom of Raccoon City were awakened.

"The current sea area is a restricted area for ships.

Chapter 798 You Are Just Unlucky

Tie Tou's words made Lin Yuanfei silent for a few seconds.

God damn Raccoon City, a sleeping monster at the bottom of the sea... Raccoon City has exploded, and there are not even any left. Don't you let me go? Didn't you say that Xinshou Village will not go back after leaving? Now this What's the situation? The call of the deep sea? The call of the birthplace? Lin Yuanfei felt a little bit pained.He didn't even bother to ask Iron Head if the legend was true.

According to the laws of horror movies, this kind of ambiguous monster legend that most people don't take seriously is almost true.When the protagonist who does not believe in evil insists on breaking through, there is a [-]% chance that he will encounter the legendary monster, and then a bloody, terrifying and exciting plot will unfold.But Hayashi Yuan K has already had enough excitement. So he doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

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