He thought about it, and according to Illya, the ceremony in Chiba City was not the last.So Lin Yuan said without hesitation, "Then let's wait on the shore, find a port to rest, and set off after the typhoon has passed. Tietou hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lin Yuan's flying eyes, and said, "Brother Lin. There is something I have to remind you

"Although it's okay for us to find a port to dock temporarily. However, it has been a bit strict recently, and we will definitely be searched when we dock. If it is inconvenient for you, I suggest that it is better not to dock casually.

...The corner of Lin Yuan's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Is there any other way?"

Lin Yuanfei found these Chinese smugglers to send him off just to hide his whereabouts. If the Japanese police knew his identity, wouldn’t it be a useless effort? Tietou smiled and said, “There is another way, that is We're going back to Chiba now, back the same way, so we don't have to worry. Lin Yuanfei was a little speechless, "It's not impossible to go back the same way!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his toothache was a waste of time? He just went out to sea to tell Yuki the story of the afternoon + - night, and did nothing else? This is too painful.But the situation is stronger than people, Lin Yuan just wants to live a peaceful life, and doesn't want to recruit any evil monsters anymore.So he said to Tietou, let's go back to the voyage, and I will give you the agreed money. Now just go back to Ganye.Tietou shook his head, "I can only charge half at most. I didn't send Brother Lin to Hokkaido. How could I possibly charge you all the money?"

The head said Ruo, turned around and went to inform the return flight.Lin Yuanfei closed the door and returned to the cabin.

Yuki didn't care about the problem of returning to the voyage at all, but said expectantly.At this time, Yuki probably only cared about the follow-up development of Gu Jiaming's story.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged. He didn't explain the situation to the "kid". Anyway, she didn't care, and continued with the story.

However, not long after this time, the story was interrupted again.There was a knock on the door.After Lin Yuanfei stood up and opened the door, there was a somewhat embarrassed iron head outside the door.

"That...Brother Lin, we may not be able to return.

Hiroshi Kihara-faced, "Huh? Why?"

"It seems that because the Japanese Prime Minister is in F Ye, the waters around Chiba are all majestic. If we go back, we will definitely be interrogated.

In other words, as long as we get close to the edge now, we will be checked.I don't know what happened. Starting today, all the means of transportation in Japan are being severely restricted. Aircraft, ships, and ships are new

"If we hadn't left early, we might have been intercepted by a cruise ship from the Coast Guard before going out to sea. What Tietou said made Lin Yuanfei a little speechless.

"That is to say, now I can't go forward, I can't retreat, I can only go from Raccoon City?" Tietou laughed dryly and said, "If Brother Lin is not afraid of the coast guard, it is not a big problem to go directly to the shore. The sea breeze In. Lin Yuanfei - stood there with a melancholy face, feeling the violent sea breeze blowing against his body.

He sighed a long time, with a troubled expression on his face, "What the hell...it's the malice of the world! I just don't want to copy the book. Isn't this strange? Why must you do this to me!

Lin Yuanfei-face was tangled, "Forget it, let's go from Raccoon City. Everyone, be careful, don't encounter monsters." om The expression on Lin Yuan K's face vividly explained what it means to lose all hope.Seeing his reaction, Tietou gave a helpless dry laugh, trying to comfort him.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, we will be far away from the nuclear explosion area. It should not be affected by the radiation.

"As for things like sea monsters, they must be based on rumors. The Japanese like to create these messy monster legends. There are no monsters in this world, and we will definitely not encounter them. Iron head comforts Wakabayashihara fly.

Probably in his opinion, Lin Yuanfei, a stowaway, is really unlucky.Lin Principle looked at him awkwardly, and said, "Brother Tietou, what you said is simply a standard FLAG. You don't have a lover who is not married yet?"

The iron head was surprised, "Eh? How do you know? I am indeed getting married soon. After I finish this trip, I will reply uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The latter words were forcibly covered by Lin Yuanfei's hands.Under Tietou's astonished gaze, Lin Yuanfei let go of his hand helplessly, and said, "Don't set up such a standard flag!" Don't drag me if you want to die?

After fooling away the passionate iron head, Lin Yuanfei closed the door and looked back at Yuki who was behind him.At this time, Yuki was still the same as before, looking at him with a pure and expectant face, waiting for him to tell a story.Lin Yuanfei returned to his seat helplessly, rubbed the space between his brows, feeling like the whole world is targeting my IPG.

Is it possible that there is such a thing as world malice in this world? Even if it is the will of the world, it should be aimed at Toshizo Tsuchimikado, not him, right?

Toshizo Tsuchiyado and his fellows blocked human technology and reversed the history by what they did.

If Alaya Shi really planned to do something, it should also be aimed at the three talents of Tsuchimikado.As for the brave man, the land of justice, and the savior of the world like him who is going to crusade against the demon king, the door should be opened to him.In the end, what the hell are they targeting him now?

Could it be that he is the evil great demon king and Tsuchimikado Tosan is the brave? Nonsense!

Chapter 799 Raccoon City After Nuclear Warfare

In the second half of the night, the sea was as deserted as death.

The howling sea wind tore the bodies of the people on the deck.Although it was also an empty sea, the desolate atmosphere like the end of the world had already rushed over.

Lin Yuan stood on the deck, holding a platycodon in his arms, Dongyue, quietly looking at the dark sea ahead, without saying a word.For the sake of safety, he did not stay in the cabin to sleep, but came to the deck to help guard.If it was on land, Lin Yuanfei still had the confidence to deal with most crises.

But here is the sea.In addition to the deck under the feet, there is no place to stay within the field of vision.Lin Yuanfei didn't know how to walk on water. If he really encountered a sea monster, it would probably be very troublesome.At the very least, if Lin Yuanfei fell into the water, the speed and movement of the sword would be greatly slowed down.If the enemy is stronger, it is estimated that there will be a big problem.

So Hayashi Yuan Lu did not rest, but stood outside to watch the wind.

At the very least, with his perception ability, if any monster appeared nearby, he would definitely be able to detect the abnormality immediately.It would be suicidal to expect the ordinary sailors out there to find the monster.

But after midnight, no one was active on the deck.Most of the sailors have already gone to sleep in the cabin, and only two sailors on night shift are still in the bridge, responsible for supervising the forward direction of the fishing boat.To be on the safe side, Iron Head didn't go to sleep either.

He carefully checked all the facilities on the fishing boat, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he sat down to rest.

After seeing Lin Yuanfei staying on the deck and not going to sleep, Tie Tou came over.

"Brother Lin still not sleeping?" Tietou said with a smile, "Leave this to me, and I will notify you as soon as there is anything.

Although in his opinion, even if something happened, Lin Yuanfei, an ordinary person who had never been abroad, would be useless.Lin Yuanfei shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's okay, I won't sleep well, so come out to enjoy the sea breeze.

Said Ruo, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the distance.

At this time, the sea was illuminated by a faint moonlight.After the clouds dispersed, the bright moonlight coated the sea with a faint silver light.In the originally pitch-black world, you can vaguely see some glimpses of light in the distance.What Lin Yuan noticed was a huge black shadow in the distance.That huge black shadow should be a small island. Standing silently in the darkness, it looks inexplicably gloomy.

After noticing Lin Yuan's gaze, Tietou said.Tietou smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Lin. I have been at sea for so many years, but I have never seen a so-called sea monster.

"Taking a step back, even if there were any undersea monsters in Raccoon City, they would have been caught and dissected by the governments of various countries long ago. Regarding Iron Head's comfort, Lin Yuanfei smiled and did not speak.

In the dark sea area, the huge shadow of Toromijima stands silently in the sky, seeming to merge with the entire dark world.

And in the right direction. It is a long land coastline.

Although they couldn't see clearly there, it should be the city wreckage of Raccoon City.

When the nuclear bomb detonated in Raccoon City, its destruction area just covered the entire Raccoon City.Only some suburban buildings on the outskirts of the city were not completely destroyed.Tietou said, "It is said that the nuclear bomb not long ago did not completely kill all the zombies. In some wildernesses on the edge of Raccoon City, there are remnants of zombies wandering around."

"It's just that the Japanese government didn't manage it, it just sent people to block the area.

"I don't know if these zombies and viruses will continue to flow out... Iron head's emotion made Lin Yuanfei look sideways, "Won't the Japanese government send people to clean up these remaining zombies? With the fighting power of the zombies, it should be easy to clean up. ?” Tie Tou shrugged and said, “Although zombies are not scary,

"So far, the umbrella company that is the culprit cannot be held accountable because it has gone bankrupt.

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