"So far, the outside world can only rely on satellite images to understand the environment of the nuclear explosion area and surrounding areas in Raccoon City.

"However, a few days ago, a group of elderly members of the Yamaguchi-gumi spontaneously organized and entered the nuclear explosion area to explore the ecological situation after the nuclear explosion, and by the way, deal with the possible zombies.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's astonished gaze, Tie Tou smiled sarcastically and said, "But according to the information we know, the Japanese government, which can't find anyone to send to death, seems to have set their minds on us Chinese smugglers.

"Brother Lin, you also know that there are many people like you and me in Japan. They don't have Japanese nationality, but they have lived in Japan for a long time.

"Although the number of smugglers coming from China has decreased in recent years, the old guys like us who have come here are still there.

"The Japanese government has begun to vigorously search for foreign smugglers during this time, and the official has also released news that if a foreign smuggler is willing to stand up and help the government explore and clean up the nuclear explosion area in Raccoon City, then the smuggler will be granted Japanese citizenship. Arrange a decent job and residence for him, and help him integrate into Japanese society.

"Little Japanese devil. The abacus is very loud."

"It's a pity that these guys do this. Aren't you afraid of being laughed to death by other countries?" Tietou shook his head and said, "My grandfather participated in the Anti-Japanese War back then. He said that the Japanese soldiers back then were fearless and fierce. We can't beat the Japanese in single row at all."

"Besides, the Japanese soldiers were not afraid of death at all. If they were captured, they would pull a grenade and explode themselves.

"As it turns out, it's only been a few years now, and the Japanese have become such a virtue of greed for life and fear of death. I really shook my head and lamented the changes in the Japanese, but Lin Yuanfei was keenly aware of the information that he had never received before. .

-After the nuclear explosion in Raccoon City, the virus has not disappeared? That area is still a no-man's land? The Japanese government did not send people to clean it up? And all the old men who spontaneously entered the crowd disappeared mysteriously?

Hayashihara looked in the direction of Toromijima and frowned.

The group of aliens in the underground of Torimi Island, shouldn't they come out?

Chapter 800 The wind stopped

As a survivor who escaped from Raccoon City, he personally experienced the biochemical crisis, and even fought to the death among the zombies.It can be said that Linyuan 6's understanding of T virus and zombies is much more than most people.

Judging from the situation in Raccoon City back then, except for the few biological weapons independently developed by the Umbrella Company, ordinary people infected by the T virus would only turn into weak zombies.Although it is scary when there are a lot of corpses, one or two zombies alone do not pose a threat at all.But the group of old Yamaguchi-gumi who spontaneously entered the virus area disappeared mysteriously? And no one knows how they disappeared?

This kind of behavior of going deep into the virus area should be equipped with monitoring equipment for the outside world to study and understand the environmental structure of the virus area? At the very least, it should be equipped with a positioning system or a walkie-talkie to call for help? However, the group of old men disappeared so easily. , No news came out? This made Lin Yuanfei a little strange.

Although there is also the possibility that the Japanese government has not released important information to the outside world.

But if something is really discovered, then the Japanese government should send people in immediately.At the very least, Tsuchimikado Toshizo, who is the Prime Minister of Japan, is an onmyoji. If they find that the situation has really deteriorated, or some kind of terrifying man-eating monster has appeared in the virus zone.So out of safety considerations, someone will inevitably be sent to deal with this hidden danger.

For example, an onmyoji sent to kill monsters.They really didn't get any news, and the group of old men really disappeared mysteriously.In this fog of war where they can't figure out the situation, they dare not rashly send their own people to die.

So I wanted to coerce and lure these foreign smugglers in the country to go in and find out the situation.

If that's the case... then the thing that made those old men disappear mysteriously must not be zombies.Zombies don't have that ability.What made those old men disappear mysteriously must be something more powerful.It is possible to cut off the connection between these old men and the outside world in an instant, so that they can even publish their requests for advice.

...A group of aliens crouching in the jungle? Lin Yuanfei thought about it and ruled out this possibility.He had just been to the vicinity of Raccoon City a few days ago, and he stood on the mountain on the other side of Silent Hill and looked at the situation on the other side of Raccoon City from afar.

If there really are aliens, with the group habits of aliens, it will definitely expand rapidly to the outside world.Then the mountains near Silent Hill are not safe.But when Lin Yuanfei went there last time, he didn't feel any abnormalities, let alone being attacked by aliens.That said, the odds of some kind of danger in Raccoon City being an alien are very low.

Taking a long breath, Lin Yuanfei shook his head speechlessly.But even with the IQ of an ordinary person, he can extrapolate that there is some kind of danger near Raccoon City.And now I am approaching this unknown danger

This feeling of being stared at by something is really annoying.

Lin Yuanfei took a long breath and asked casually.

"By the way, Big Brother Tietou, there seems to have been a cultist on that island over there? After the nuclear explosion, where did the people on the island go?" Although Lin Yuan was killed on the island at the beginning, blood flowed like a river, but The number of dead people is too small compared to the total number of residents of Torami Island.

When he, Yukiyako and the others escaped, they received a "grand farewell" from the residents of Toromi Island.

But after the nuclear explosion, I haven’t heard any follow-up events on that island. It’s impossible for everyone on the entire island to die, right?

"I also read the news, and I heard that the island is full of cultists.

"Although the Japanese always worship some messy hairy gods, the residents of that island not only worship evil gods, but even kill living people to sacrifice to evil gods. After being exposed, it caused a great sensation.

"Although things should have calmed down like this. However, something happened after the nuclear explosion, which made the island a bit weird and terrifying." Tie Tou looked at the huge black shadow-eye in the distant sea, and said, "After the nuclear explosion, all the residents of the entire Torami Island mysteriously disappeared."

"The entire island turned into an empty island overnight, and even the sea area near that island. There are no living things anymore.

Tietou pointed to the dark sea in front of him, and said, "Brother Lin, haven't you noticed that since entering this sea area, it has been very quiet?"

"Maybe it doesn't feel much at night, but it's really scary when the day passes by.

"Don't talk about people, you can't even see any creatures like seagulls and fish."

"It stands to reason that there should be a lot of seabirds by the sea. The crows on Tomi Island are even more numerous. As a result, after the nuclear explosion, all these creatures were lost.

"Because the reason why Tomijima is not a nuclear explosion area, the Japanese government even sent people to investigate it.

"Let's not talk about people, even crows, cats, dogs, snakes and other animals are gone, the whole island has become a dead island, not even a single dead animal is left, it's as if all people and animals have disappeared from the world same.

Tietou-face said with a tangled face, "Since then, this area has been considered a forbidden sea, and no one dares to pass by here except for smugglers.

"As for the legend of the sea monster, I also heard it from a smuggling ship owner.

"He said that when he passed the sea near Torami Island a few days ago, he saw a huge, glowing object moving under the dark sea from a distance.

"He was so frightened that he quickly changed course and ran away. That's why he didn't hit the monster.

"But that guy usually likes to brag, so no one takes this matter seriously.

What Tietou said made Lin Yuanfei silent for a while.

Then, he tilted his head and raised a finger.

"Did you find anything?" Lin Yuan's expression was a little gloomy.

He froze for a moment, and realized something.

He hastily licked his fingers with his tongue, and then raised them up.

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