A few seconds later, Tietou looked at Lin Yuanfei in astonishment, a little unbelievable, "...stopped?" On the dark sea where the sea breeze should have been howling, a few minutes ago, Wang Feng was torn so hard that people couldn't stand still. At sea, the wind stopped unexpectedly.

In the dark and deserted night, it was really as quiet as death.

In a large sea area, except for the dull sound of fishing boat engines, there is no extra sound to be heard.

It seems that they inadvertently broke into a dead zone without sound...

801 Mist

In the dark sea, there is a dead silence.In the empty world, even the sound of the wind has disappeared.In this completely silent world, Lin Yuan and Tietou looked at each other, and both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Tietou looked passionately, "There is no wind? How is it possible! Why is there no wind at sea? This is not the equator!

...Equator?!" Hearing this word, Hayashi Yuan's heart skipped a beat. He quickly looked in the direction of Torimi Island in the distance.

Fortunately, Toromi Island is still there and has not disappeared, and they have not shifted to the equatorial windless zone, and they are still in the waters of Raccoon City.According to legends in the world, the human beings in the Mushroom King-shaped Moon World will be able to break out of the earth and colonize outer space in a few hundred years.However, the more human technology develops, the greater the damage to the earth (Gaia).When human beings develop enough to collide with outer space, the magic of the earth will be extinct, the great source will be exhausted, and Gaia will die completely.Then Gaia before death, summoned U0 from other planets to stop humans.These battles between U0 and humans are the legendary land of steel.

But for Gaiye, it has long been aware of the harm humans have done to it.

But no action was taken to stop it.

This kind of behavior is probably similar to an old mother who is being eaten by her children. Even if she knows that her children are constantly eating her body, she still has no heart to kill her children? Anyway, for Gaia (the will of the world), but human beings Technology is constantly evolving and it cannot stop this process.But if during this process, some human beings stand up and want to lock up human technology and let technology go back to the old age, it will definitely be happy to see it.So in the end, Tsuchimikado Toshizo is the world's darling on Gaia's side? He Lin Yuanfei is the villain on the opposite side of the world's will? Lin Yuan is a little speechless.

Sure enough, 5-fold does not exist in this world.

Another typhoon, another coastal blockade, just to force him to go to Raccoon City.

Behind this... It's really tricky.

However, considering that Gaia still has the heroic section, the other party just engaged in some secret operations, and did not directly send Kim Pika, Qin Shihuang, Wang Hassan, Kong Ming, Enlightenment, and Solomon. The big conspiracy is obviously harmful to human beings, but Alaya, who is the collective consciousness of human beings, is as indifferent as if he is dead, and there is a Gaia behind the feelings.Lin Yuanfei K let out a long sigh, feeling that this time he really couldn't be kind.But Tietou gritted his teeth and said, "I'll remove the head now!

Obviously, Tietou also realized that something was wrong and planned to leave this sea area.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the sea began to fog up.

The hazy white mist soon diffused over the sea.

Within half a minute, Lin Yuanfei and the others couldn't even see clearly what was fifty meters away.And the fog keeps getting thicker.Lin Yuanfei glanced at him quietly, and said, "If you really turn around, you will probably be even more evil. This is to force him to face the dungeon directly! The white mist is gradually thickening. Soon Lin Yuanfei and the others are even ten meters away. Things can't be seen clearly.

The forward speed of the fishing boat also had to be stopped to avoid hitting the rocks.

A fishing boat moving slowly in the mist. You can't see the world, the coast, or the islands. Everything around you is white mist.

That feeling, like a plane plunged into the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Tie Tou stood at the bow of the boat, looking nervously at the sea in front of Ruo, wary of what Ruo might reach.And Lin Yuanyuan leaned on the fence, looking as if the real Silent Hill had disappeared, and what remained here in Raccoon City didn't know what it was. a] Lin Yuanfei pressed his hand on the handle of the knife.It has been a long time since he fought against spirit monsters.

And after the wooden knife was damaged, he also lost the ability to kill spirit monsters.

If the dungeon here in Raccoon City is a monster, it’s okay, but if it’s a spirit monster, it’s probably a bit of a problem.

The boat is slowly advancing according to the sun.

Tietou had already called out all the sleeping sailors in the cabin, and asked everyone to go to the deck to help guard.The fog came so close that even the unbelieving iron heads realized that something was wrong. In the pale fog, all they could hear was the screeching sound of the fishing boat's engine and each other's heavy breathing.Some kind of repressed uneasiness, confused in everyone's heart.Although they didn't know what was going to happen, everyone present had the same premonition that something terrifying was hovering nearby! So they didn't dare to make any sound at all, for fear that their voices would overwhelm the other end. The monster attracts.Lin Yuanfei looked at the people present, thought for a while, and prepared to wake Yuki up.

The situation here is so weird, it's better not to leave Yuki alone in the cabin.

Although it's been a long time since I've read a copy of a horror movie, Lin Yuanfei still remembers the law of death in horror movies.

However, just as he was about to leave the deck, there was a sudden cry of panic among the sailors.Everyone on the deck subconsciously looked towards the bottom of the ship.Then, they saw it.Under the pitch-black sea and in the faint white mist, one after another, faintly fluorescent faces were staring at them directly under the sea surface.In other words, it was one person after another.These people were all lying on their backs in the sea water, their bodies were completely covered by the sea water, and their whole bodies were emitting faint fluorescence like egg fireflies.

There are men and women, old and young, and all of them are expressionless looking up at the sky, at the sky, and at the people on the deck.

The straight line of sight is like corpses, densely packed, one after another, arranged like canned sardines.

Unprepared, the sailors all screamed in horror the moment they saw these underwater "corpses".Even Lin Yuanfei, who didn't retreat, couldn't help but thump in his heart when he saw the corpses under the water, a little creepy.Lin Yuanfei cursed in a low voice, feeling a chill down his back.No living person can lie on his back under the water, and the densely packed faces under the water seem to be innocent souls one after another.However, these free souls did not launch an attack on them, they just watched them with that kind of dull and indifferent eyes, as if they were watching the walking corpses.

This look made Lin Yuan very uncomfortable.

Why are these guys all floating underwater? And why are they staring at it with such weird eyes?

Are they looking at the people on board? Slowly, he raised his head.

Chapter 802 Singing

In the hazy fog, the distant scene cannot be seen clearly.Lin Yuanfei, who was standing on the edge of the deck, pressed the hilt of his sword stiffly.

Slowly and silently, he raised his head and looked at the top of his head.In the sky above his head, Yiri was a white mist, nothing could be seen, nothing.Lin Yuan once again looked at the sea under his feet.

Under the sea, those innocent and indifferent ghosts still looked at them coldly.As the fishing boat slowly moved forward, the ghosts under their feet also changed faces one after another.

But the densely packed number still hasn't changed.

It seemed that they were driving over a large number of dead souls.

"It's ghosts! These guys are water ghosts! Definitely water ghosts! They're coming to us to take their lives!" The screaming sailor tried to run into the cabin in a panic, but he was grabbed by the iron head and pressed hard against him. on the fence.

Tietou roared loudly, "Don't bark! Didn't you see that they didn't move? Watch carefully! Since they didn't provoke us, then we don't need to provoke them! Did you hear that? Panic! Don't be afraid! Even if it is The water ghost is really here to claim your life, don't you really give up your life obediently?" His words made the panicked crowd gradually calm down.Indeed, although the soul-seeking under the sea is terrifying and exciting, the chill in the air also makes one's skin crawl.

But these ghosts didn't do anything to them!

What's more, even if the water ghost comes to claim his life, it is impossible to surrender obediently and accept his fate, right? Not weak.Tie Tou's words reassured them, and they all calmed down.The sailors were all occupying the edge of the deck, holding their weapons in one hand and the fence in the other. They stared at the crowned souls under the sea, and resisted immediately if there was any change in the souls.And Lin Yuanfei, who was watching all this silently, took another look at Tietou.

Although this guy is a bit tough, he is indeed more calm and careful than ordinary people, no wonder he can become the boss of these guys.Unlike the sailors present, Lin Yuanfei not only paid attention to the group of unjust things under his feet, but also raised his head to look at the sky from time to time.In other words, he focused more on the top of his head.The group of unjust souls all stared straight at the direction of the sky, giving him a very uncomfortable feeling, as if some huge monster was entrenched above their heads, ready to pounce down at any time and tear everyone present.Lin Yuanfei hated this feeling of worry and fear.If you yell and make harsh noises in unfamiliar and dangerous environments because of impatience and irritability. That is the real way to kill yourself.In the mist, the fishing boat is slowly moving forward according to the sun.In the sea water under the fishing boat, one after another ghosts are still soaking in the water, looking up at the sky expressionlessly.

An inexplicable chill enveloped the world.He found another thing that was wrong.It was late at night, and although there was a moon in the night sky, it was still dark overall.However, shrouded in this pale mist, the whole world is nothing but white, which is very abnormal.

Even if there is fog, it is impossible for the fog in the night to be white like this, because the fog does not emit light.Can't light the darkness.

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