"You fucking want to run away! Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!" Lin Xuan was furious, and slammed the muzzle of the gun on the man's face, shouting angrily.

"Hmph, you won't let me go if I run or not!" The man said expressionlessly, but there was still a trace of fear in his eyes. After all, no one wants to die, even a bloody killer.

"What I'm looking for is Seven Snakes. If you help me find him, I'll let you go!" Lin Xuan said coldly.

"But I don't know where he is? He just said that it will be done and let me call him!"

"Then you call and tell him that you have completed the task, ask him out, and I will take care of the rest!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, the man thought for a while. Even though he had already put life and death aside, human instincts made him not want to give up the hope of survival, so after hesitating for a while, he decided to take a gamble and immediately took out his phone. Called Seven Snakes.

But no one answered the other party.

"Seven Snakes didn't pick it up!" The man's face was a little ugly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"You don't need to call for now, drive to a place with me, and then ask Seven Snakes out!" Lin Xuan sternly shouted.

"Okay!" The killer knew that he couldn't escape, so he obediently followed Lin Xuan's instructions and drove the car to the southern suburb of Binhai.

On the way, Lin Xuan called Zhang Qisheng, and the moment the call was connected, Zhang Qisheng's excited voice came: "Brother Lin..."

Chapter 67 Settling loved ones

"Mr. Zhang, you are at home!"

"Here! Brother Lin, do you want to come over?" Zhang Qisheng said excitedly.

"Well, I need you to do me a favor!"

"Brother Lin, what you said is outrageous. Don't say a favor, even if it is [-] million, I, Lao Zhang, will not hesitate!"

"Okay, I'm on my way to your manor now, and I'll be there later!" Lin Xuan said with a slight smile. To be honest, he felt that Zhang Qisheng was indeed a kind and righteous person.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to prepare good wine and good food. Tonight, Brother Lin must do you a favor and have a drink with my old Zhang!"

"Ok, no problem!"

The car sped all the way, and soon came to the gate of Zhang Qisheng's manor. Before Lin Xuan got out of the car, he saw the gate open, and Zhang Qisheng greeted him with a smile on his face.

When the killer saw Zhang Qisheng, his expression changed immediately, and he secretly thought that the person he was going to kill this time was really not simple, and he even knew Zhang Qisheng.

Lin Xuan immediately asked the man to open the door and get out of the car, and then got out of the car himself.

"Hahaha, Brother Lin, you've come!" Zhang Qisheng greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang! Help me get some people to tie him up!" Lin Xuan pointed at the man with a gun in his hand and said.

Seeing this, Zhang Qisheng was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Lin Xuan in a little astonishment: "Brother Lin, what's going on?"

"This man is a killer. Tell people to keep an eye on him first. Don't let him run away. Let's go in and talk about the details!" Lin Xuan said solemnly.

"Okay!" Zhang Qisheng nodded, immediately beckoned behind him, and immediately two bodyguards ran over, escorting the killer into the manor.

And Lin Xuan also followed Zhang Qisheng into the manor, and came to his luxurious villa.

"Damn it, that Seven Snakes actually wanted to kill Brother Lin. This old snake has not been seen for many years. How could Brother Lin provoke this old guy!" After listening to Lin Xuan's narration, Zhang Qi cursed angrily.

"Mr. Zhang don't need to be angry. In fact, I didn't understand why this person wanted to kill me. I never knew him before. I think someone might pay him to kill me!"

"If it's money, it's basically impossible. The person who instigated him must be someone who has a very good relationship with him, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come out of the mountain in person!" Zhang Qisheng said thoughtfully, frowning.

"Hey—don't think about that for now, but I'm not afraid of those seven snakes. What I'm most worried about is that this person will attack my family!" Lin Xuan said with a solemn expression.

"Well, with this old snake's style, it's really possible, and this old snake is really good at it. His fingering can penetrate walls and break armor. It's amazing. Even I am not his opponent. It's really troublesome!"

"Well, so can you help me find some bodyguards!"

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