"No problem! But the bodyguards may not be able to guard against him, how about this, I will ask someone to take all your relatives to me to avoid this stage later, I think that no matter how bold the Seven Snakes are, they will not dare Come to me! Then let's see if there is any way to lure this old snake out!"

"Well, that's good! Then trouble Mr. Zhang!" Lin Xuan said gratefully.

"Brother Lin, what you said is just looking down on me, Zhang Qisheng. Why are you being polite between us? If Brother Lin doesn't dislike it, we might as well form a friendship, and you can just call me brother from now on!" Zhang Qisheng looked serious. Said.

Lin Xuan was somewhat surprised by Zhang Qisheng's words. After all, Zhang Qisheng was almost as old as his father, but he knew that Zhang Qisheng was a straightforward person, so he couldn't be hypocritical, and immediately smiled: "Haha, good, brother!"

A while later, Zhang Qisheng arranged for the best bodyguards around him, and drove to the Affiliated Hospital of Binhai University.

And Lin Xuan also called his mother, sister, and Yang Shuke respectively, telling them to wait in the hospital ward, and he will send someone to pick them up to live with his friend for a few days.

Of course, in order not to worry his mother and sister, he just said that his friend's environment and air here are good and suitable for health maintenance, but he had to tell the truth to Yang Shuke.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ke, I'll be fine, and my friend will also send bodyguards to protect me! As long as you are safe, the other party can't do anything to me!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Well! You must be more careful, and we will talk about the details after we meet!" Yang Shuke said.

"Okay, remember to keep it a secret from my mother and sister, and don't let them know the truth!"

"Do not worry!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xuan and Zhang Qisheng walked around his huge villa. This villa covers an area of ​​more than [-] square meters and has three floors. There are many rooms in it, except for the living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. , study room, cloakroom, etc. In addition to these conventional rooms, there is also a spacious gym, an indoor swimming pool, an underground garage, an indoor basketball court and an underground wine cellar.

The top floor also has a spacious terrace, a glass room, a gazebo, and a green landscape. Standing on the terrace, you can just watch the night view of the coastal waters in the distance, which is really beautiful.

After visiting Zhang Qisheng's mansion, Lin Xuan wanted to own such a mansion more and more, but he also wanted a high-tech sea view villa like Iron Man Tony.

Although he knows that it will take some time for him to achieve this goal, but people always have pursuits in life, don't they?

After a long time, Lin Xuan's mother, sister, and Yang Shuke were taken to Zhang Qisheng's manor.

After all the relatives were settled, Lin Xuan's heart finally fell to the ground.

But right now he has to find the Seven Snakes as soon as possible, but unfortunately the killer who assassinated him has not been able to get through to the Seven Snakes.

Lin Xuan speculated that the seven snakes should have known that the assassination failed, so they suddenly disappeared. In desperation, Lin Xuan could only ask the system for help again to find the hiding place of the seven snakes.

But what left him speechless was that he had just been promoted to the second level, and all the hero points and merit points had been used up. There was no exchange condition with the system, and the system couldn't find it for him.

"Alas——it is true that when the money is used up, you will hate less, and the hero value is the same! Right now, I can only rely on myself!" Lin Xuan sighed helplessly.

In the evening, Lin Xuan, Lin Xue, and Yang Shuke had dinner with Zhang Qisheng's parents and wife, but several women and two old people left the table after eating, leaving only Lin Xuan and Zhang Qisheng, the year-end friends , has been drinking until late at night.

One of them was practicing martial arts, and the other was able to hold a lot of alcohol because of their superpowers. They even drank a few bottles of foreign wine before they became drunk. In addition, it was getting late, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

Lin Xuan and Yang Shuke slept in the same room. When Lin Xuan returned to the room, Yang Shuke was still asleep. She was wearing a thin suspender nightgown, and her graceful and delicate body was faintly visible. She was leaning on the head of the bed alone, looking at TV show.

After seeing Lin Xuan came back, she quickly got out of bed, helped Lin Xuan to take a shower in the bathroom, and asked about the specific circumstances of Lin Xuan's assassination.

But Lin Xuan only gave a rough idea, he didn't say how powerful the Seven Snakes were, and he didn't know who was behind the scenes, so he really had nothing to say.

But he told Yang Shuke that Zhang Qisheng would send bodyguards to protect him, so Yang Shu didn't have to worry.

But it would be a lie to say that Yang Shu is not worried. The only thing she can comfort herself now is that Lin Xuan is not an ordinary person. If there are bodyguards to protect her, there should be no problem.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan left Zhang Qisheng's manor.

His company will open in two days, and he still has a lot of work to do, so he can't take care of the Seven Snakes who are spying on him for the time being.

After arriving at the company, Lin Xuan was immediately busy with the opening on the 15th. Fortunately, with the assistance and cooperation of Chen Yu, Liu Haiyang and other senior management, all the preparations went smoothly.

And for two days in a row, the Seven Snakes didn't move at all. Lin Xuan knew that this person must be plotting some other conspiracy, but now he could only wait and see what happened.

The night before the opening, Cook and Page came to Binhai again. Lin Xuan arranged for them to stay in the hotel and invited them to a Chinese meal.

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